Registration & Distribution
Registration & Distribution
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
Register one household
1. Login into the application through given credentials. 2. Click on view beneficiary 3. Search for the beneficiary 4. Click on register button 5. Enter registration details asked in the screen 6. Click on save button. Repeat the same steps to register four more households
Registrar should be able to register a new household
1. Ponto de referencia - make no mandatory; 2. Detalhes de membros do agregado familiar - replace (+; -) by Numbers, creat validation for 1 to 20 members per household;
1. Reference point - do not make mandatory; 2. Details of household members - replace (+; -) with Numbers, create validation for 1 to 20 members per household;
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
Add members to each households registered.
1. Login into the application 2. Search the household 3. Click on open button right to the household name 3. Click on the add member button 4. Enter the details asked in the screen 5. Click on the submit button
Registrar should be able to add members to each household that has been created
1. Name is mandatory field. It is suggested to add all the details in the form. But if the other details are not available then the member can be added only by name. Fill the rest of the details for atleast one member in each household. For example, if there are 3 members in a household, as part of UAT, please fill in all the details in atleast one member, you can skip filling the other details other than names for the rest. 2. It is not mandatory to add details or add members to each household. The number of members in a household is enough for the bed nets to be distributed. As part of UAT, we ask you to add members to each household.
1. Nome do individuo - consider name and surname, because now allows to fil only one name but we need to see the surname; 2 Data de nascimento - translate the calendar to portuguese
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
In two households, deliver bed nets less than the application mentions to deliver
1. Click on beneficiaries 2. Search for beneficiary 3. Click on open (right to the household name) on the household where the bed nets are to be delivered 4. Click on "Deliver intervention" button. 5. Enter the number of bed nets to be distributed less than the number mentioned 5. Select delivery comments 6. Select the reason "Insufficuient resource" 7. Click on submit.
Registrar should be able to enter the number of bed nets delivered less than what is suggested
Repeat the steps for two households.
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
In one household, deliver bed nets more than the application mentions to deliver
1. Click on beneficiaries 2. Search for beneficiary 3. Click on open (right to the household name) on the household where the bed nets are to be delivered 4. Click on the "Deliver intervention" button. 5. Enter the number of bed nets to be distributed more as the number mentioned 5. Select delivery comments 6. Select the reason <> 7. Click on submit.
Registrar should be able to enter the number of bed nets delivered more than what suggested
1. Numero de redes distribuidas - change (+;-) by numbers; 2- comentario de envio - change by Comentarios and include validation rule to display only when numero de redes distribuidas is different from the Numero de redes para entrega
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
In two households, deliver bed nets same as the application mentions to deliver
1. Click on beneficiaries 2. Search for a beneficiary 3. Click on open (right to the household name) on the household where the bed nets are to be delivered 4. Click on the "Deliver intervention" button. 5. Enter the number of bed nets to be distributed same as the number mentioned 5. Select delivery comments 6. Select the reason "Successfull Delivery" 7. Click on submit.
Registrar should be able to enter the number of bed nets delivered same as suggested
Same as above
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
As a distributor you are required to do the distribution in village B. Change the location from village A to village B and register 2 households. This time add only the household head and no individual members in the household. Also, skip adding the landmark in the household details page and skip adding mobile number, age, gender while registering the household head. Deliver the exact number of bed nets as suggested by the app.
1. Login as registrar into the application 2. Select the location from the dropdowns mentioned in the location picker screen 3. Click on the selected location on the top right of the home screen. 4. Change the village name in the location picker screen 5. Click on submit 6. Click on view beneficiary 7. Search for the beneficiary 8. Click on register and next 9. Add the number of members 10. Click submit without adding any details in the individual screen 11. Click on open next to the beneficiary name 13. Click on deliver intervention 14. Enter the number of bed nets distributed as suggested 15. Select delivery comments as successful delivery 16. Click on the submit button
Registrar should be able to change the village. Registrar should be able to register the household without adding any indivdual members and household details. Registrar should be able to deliver and records the number of bed nets suggested
Repeat the steps from 7 to 15 twice.
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
You realise that you made a mistake while registering one member and want to correct it. Search for a household head you have registered which has individual members added. The mistake was in the mobile number- Change the mobile number you entered previously with a new mobile number.
1. Launch the application 2. Enter credentials 3. Click on the login button 4. Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5. Click on the edit button next to the member whose mobile number has to be changed 6. Enter details for the updation 7. Click on the update button
Registrar should be able to change the mobile number of any member of the household, and the change mobile number should reflect
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
Search for a household you have delivered. You entered the household head for person A. But when you visited the household again, you needed to change the household head to another person.
1. Launch the application 2. Enter credentials 3. Click on the login button 4. Search for the registered household using the household head's name and open the card. 5. Tap on edit for the household head details 6. Add members to the household. 7. For the newly-added member, tap on edit and assign the newly-created individual as the head of household. 8. Perform a search based on the newly-added individual's name
Registrar should be able to change the household head of the household
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
Search for a household you have delivered. Now, delete a member from a household that you have delivered.
1. Launch the application 2. Enter credentials 3. Tap on Login button 4. Search for the registered beneficiary 5. Tap on edit household button 6. Tap on the delete button 7. On the confirmation message, tap on 'Delete' 8. On the "Reason For Deletion" screen, select an option and tap on 'Delete'
Registrar should be able to delete the household
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
For one the deliveries recorded, you realise you entered an incorrect number of bed nets. Instead of 2, you recorded 3.
1. Launch the application 2. Enter credentials 3. Tap on Login button 4. Search for the registered beneficiary 5. Tap on update delivery details 6. Change the number in the number of bed nets distributed. 7. Click on Submit
Registrar should be able to update the delivery detail
Personally I think that the already synchronised forms should not have the option to edit later; should only work for non-synchronised forms.
Last updated
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