Test Cases

User Login

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status




Check if User is able to login to the application


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials. 3.Click on login.

User should be able to login to the application and use the app for carrying day to day activities





Check if the password entry is masked


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials.

Password entry should be masked when user enters his/her password





Check if user is able to view the password by clicking on view password button


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials. 3.Click on view password icon.

User should be able to view the entered password when user clicks on view password icon





Check whether the error alert gets displayed when password does not match


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter invalid password. 3.Click on login.

Error alert "Password entered does not match" should get displayed when user enters incorrect password and clicks on submit button





Check whether the error alert gets displayed when userid/name does not match


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter invalid userid/name. 3.Click on login.

Error alert "Username entered does not match" should get displayed when user enters incorrect userid/name and clicks on submit button





Check when user clicks on forgot password a message gets displayed


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid login credentials. 3.Click on forgot password

Error alert "Please contact the administration if you have forgotten your password" should get displayed when user clicks on forgot password. When we click on "OK" CTA, we are taken to the login screen.





Check whether toast message is generated after successful login


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid login credentials. 3.Click on login

User should get a toaster as "successful login" when user gets successfully logged in to the application





Check whether the loader is displayed when the syncing is carried from the server


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid login credentials. 3.Click on login

User should be able to see the loader when file sycing is carried





Check whether successful login triggers the mobile application to automatically download the MDMS data from the server


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid login credentials. 3.Click on login

After successful login application should trigger to automatically download MDMS data from the server





Check whether after successful data download into the application pop up is generated as "Data Downloaded"


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid login credentials. 3.Click on login

After successful download of data into the application user pop should get generated as "Data Downloaded"





Check whether the forgot password link is visible on the login page


1.Launch the mobile application.

User should be able to view forgot password link on the login page




Offline Login for an already logged in user

Check whether the user can login to the mobile application while being offline


1. Install the app. 2. Switch on internet and do the first time login and data download. 3. Once the data download is complete, logout off the application. 4. Switch off the internet connection on the mobile device. 5. Perform login with valid credentials.

User should be able to login to the application even when offline.



Invalid Login

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status




Check when the data is downloaded from the server it is mocked


1.Launch Application 2.Enter login credentials 3.Click on login 4.Check data on the mobile device.

After login the data downloaded from the server should be mocked



Check while the syncing of data progress bar is based on set timer


1.Launch Application 2.Enter login credentials 3.Click on login 4.Check progress bar and timer.

While syncing of the data from the server progress bar should be based on set timer



Check if the timer always starts with 0s in the beginning


1.Launch Application 2.Enter login credentials 3.Click on login 4.Check timer.

While syncing the timer should always start with 0s in the beginning



Check when the syncing of data is completed timer is 100%


1.Launch Application 2.Enter login credentials 3.Click on login 4.Check timer.

After completion of data syncing timer should display time as 100% completed



Check whether the toast is diaplaying accurate message as sync is complete


1.Launch Application 2.Enter login credentials 3.Click on login 4.Check whether toaster is displayed.

Toast should display accurate message as sync is complete after the completion of sync



Check whether the user is routed to the home screen after the sync gets complete


1.Launch Application 2.Enter login credentials 3.Click on login 4.Check whether user landing on home page after sync is completed.

User should be navigated to the home screen when sync is completed

User Registration

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status




Check whether after successful login as a registrar user is able to see home screen


Registrar credentials who is associated with only 1 project

1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials of a FLW. 3.Click on login 4.User should land on home screen.

User should be able to see the home page after successful login into the application




Multiple project assignment

For a user who is assigned to multiple projects, ensure we get the prompt to select the project.


Credentials of a registrar who is part of 2 projects.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Enter valid credentials (as per test data). 3. Click on Login. 4. Ensure that the user is prompted to select the project when login is successful. 5. Select a project.

4. Once the user logs in and selects the project, sync action should take place 5. The user should be shown the home screen.




Supervisor login

Check for a supervisor login


Credentials for a supervisor

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Enter valid credentials (as per test data). 3. Click on Login. 4. Ensure that the supervisor can see the following icons in the homescreen - My Checklist, Manage Stocks, View Reports, Sync Data, Complaints and progress bar for houses registered.

The supervisor can see the following icons in the homescreen - My CHecklist, Manage Stocks, View Reports, Sync Data, Complaints and progress bar for houses registered.



There is no supervisor role


Help functionality

Check for the help functionality post login


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials of a FLW. 3.Click on login 4.Once in the home screen, click on the help icon.

The user should be given a walkthrough of the elements and actions on the screen.




Registrar login

Check for a registrar login


Credentials for a registrar

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Enter valid credentials (as per test data). 3. Click on Login. 4. Ensure that the registrar can see the following icons in the homescreen - Beneficiaries, View Reports, Sync Data, File Complaint, Call Supervisor and progress bar for houses registered.

The registrar can see the following icons in the homescreen - Beneficiaries, View Reports, Sync Data, File Complaint, Call Supervisor and progress bar for houses registered.




Distributor login

Check for a distributor login


Credentials for a distributor

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Enter valid credentials (as per test data). 3. Click on Login. 4. Ensure that the distributor can see the following icons in the homescreen - Beneficiaries, View Reports, Sync Data, File Complaint, Call Supervisor and progress bar for houses registered.

The distributor can see the following icons in the homescreen - Beneficiaries, View Reports, Sync Data, File Complaint, Call Supervisor and progress bar for houses registered.



Download Data

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Download data

Check whether user is able to upload all the data records that user have entered into the app


1.Goto to application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on login

User should be able to upload all the entered data




Download data

Check whether data is uploaded on the server as internet gets connected to the device


1.Connect to the internet 2.Goto to application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on login

Entered data should get uploaded to the server as internet connection is done




Download data

Check whether logged in user is able to see the uploaded data records on the dashboard


1.Connect to the internet 2.Goto to application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on login

Logged in user should be able to view all the uploaded data records on the dashboard


Download data

Check if when syncing breaks it displays error message


1.Connect to the internet 2.Goto to application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on login

When syn data from server fails, the user should be shown a toast message with the appropriate error.




Download data

Check if the mobile app shows a message to the user while downloading the data from the server.


1.Connect to the internet 2.Goto to application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on login 5. Wait for the sync to complete.

4. We see that when the user logs in to the app, a toast message is displayed for the sync. 5. After sync is completed, we see that user is shown the home screen.




Download data

Check whether registrar is able to fetch the latest data and registeration forms from the server when logged in


1.Connect to the internet 2.Goto to application 3.Enter credentials (registrar) 4.Click on login

Registrar should be able to fetch the latesr data and registeration forms from the server



Download Data from Server to Mobile Application

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Download data from server to mobile application

Check whether when user logs into the application, user is able to see sync in progress overlay over the login screen(for a single project)


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials of registrar 3.Check whether user is able to see the sync in progress overlay over the login screen.

When user successfully logs into the application user should be able to see an overlay over the login screen.




Download data from server to mobile application

Check when the user is assigned to multiple projects, given that the user has successfully logged into the application the project selection screen appears


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials of registrar 3.Check whether project selection screen appears.

When user with multiple projects logged into the application, the project selection screen should appear.




Download data from server to mobile application

Check when the user selects one of the projects from the multiple projects, the system starts syncing the data only for the selected project.


1.Launch the application 2.Enter Credentials of registrar 3.Check whether the system starts syncing the data only for the selected project.

System should start syncing up the data only for the selected project when user selects one of the project from the multiple projects.



Download data from server to mobile application

Check when the user clicks on the close button on the confirmation overlay, user gets navigated to the home screen(on successful sync)


1.Launch the application 2.Enter Credentials of registrar 3.Check when the user clicks on the close button on the confirmation overlay, user navigates to the home screen.

User should be navigated to the home screen when user clicks on the close button on the confirmation overlay on the successful sync.




Download data from server to mobile application

Check when the user clicks on the retry button on the overlay the sync action starts(on unsuccessful sync)


1.Launch the application 2.Enter Credentials of registrar 3.Check when the user clicks on the retry button on the confirmation overlay, the sync action starts.

When user clicks on the retry button on the overlay the sync action should start on the unsuccessful sync.




Download data from server to mobile application

Check when the user clicks on the close button then the system starts from the login action again


1.Launch the application 2.Enter Credentials of registrar 3.Check when the user clicks on the close button then the system must start from the login action again.

When user clicks on the close button then the system must start from the login action again.




Download data from server to mobile application

Check whether the data synced is stored on mobile device


1.Launch the application 2.Enter Credentials of registrar 3.Check mobile DB.

The data synced should be stored into the mobile device.



New Beneficiary

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


New Beneficiary

Check whether the frontline worker is able to register new beneficiary


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on view beneficiary 5.Search for the beneficiary 6.Click on register button 7.Enter registeration details 8.Click on save button.

Frontline worker should be able to register new beneficiary



New Beneficiary

Check if mobile app renders registeration forms


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on Beneficiary 5.Click on Next button 6.Check whether user lands on registeration form.

Mobile application should render registeration form which is filled by FLW after login in



New Beneficiary

Check whether error message with a reminder is generated for mandatory fields


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Leave few mandatory fields empty inside the form 5.Try submitting/saving the form 6.Check whether error message is displayed or not.

An error message with a reminder should get generated to fill all mandatory fields on the form before being able to proceed to the next screen and/ or submit the form



New Beneficiary

Check whether all the mandatory fields are having "*" symbol on the text fields or text area's


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Check whether all the mandatory fields contains "*".

All the mandatory fields should have "*" symbol on the text fields or text area



New Beneficiary

Check whether the submit button is visible and clickable


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Fill the form 5.Click on Submit button

Submit button should be visible and clickable



New Beneficiary

Check whether FLW is able to view the details entered on previous screens


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Fill the form 8.Click on Previous button 9.Check whether details are present or not.

User should be able to view the details entered on previous screens of the form before submitting the form



New Beneficiary

Check whether the back button component is present on all the screens of the mobile application, and it should be visible and clickable


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Fill the form 8.Check whether Back button is present or not.

Back button component should be visible on all the screens of the mobile application



New Beneficiary

Check whether FLW is able to submit the completed forms


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Fill the form 8.Click on Submit button.

FLW should be able to submit all the completed forms with all the mandatory fields



New Beneficiary

Check whether only the submitted forms are synced to the server


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Fill the form 8.Click on submit button 9.Check server DB.

Only the Submitted form should be synced to the server



New Beneficiary

Check whether the FLW is able to add details for individual members belonging to same households


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Search for beneficiary 6.Click on add member button 7.Check whether user is able to add details for the members of same households.

FLW should be able to add details for individual members belonging to the same households



New Beneficiary

Check whether clicking on add member details opens a new form


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Search for beneficiary 6.Click on add member button 7.Check whether new form is opened on the screen.

Clicking on Add member details should open new form



New Beneficiary

Check whether Add member form is optional to fill


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Try saving the form without filling it.

Add member details forms should be optional for user to fill, form should get proceed even if the user saves it without entering the details on add member form



New Beneficiary

Check whether the heading of the household name is fetched from the previous screen


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Search for a beneficiary 6.Click on register new household button and add location details. Click on Next. 7. Add number of members in household and click on Next. 8.Check whether household name is same as on the search page.

Household name should be fetched from the previous screen of the application



New Beneficiary

Check whether the first individuals name is fetched from the name of the household field


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4. Search for the beneficiary and click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Check whether the individuals names are fetched from the household field or not.

The first individuals name should be fetched from the name of the household field



New Beneficiary

Check whether stopping one registeration mid way and no data is created


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Check whether the data is visible when user stops the registeration mid way in DB and mobile.

Data should not be visible when user fill the registeration form and stops it in the mid way in DB and local device.



New Beneficiary

Check whether user is able to create a household and add individual to that household


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Register new household. 5.Search for the household 6.Check whether user is able to add individual to the household.

User should be able to add individual to respective household.




New Beneficiary

Check whether the number of individual in the household is applicable with the type of registeration household


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button

The number of individual in the household should be applicable with the type of registeration household only



New Beneficiary

Check whether the Address text field is present


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Click on address text field 9.Enter address in address text field

User should be able to add address inside the address text field



New Beneficiary

Check whether the name of individual text field is present


1.Launch the application 2Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Click on name of individual

User should be able to add name of individuals in the text field



New Beneficiary

Check whether the head of household checkbox is present


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Click on head of household checkbox

User should be able to select the checkbox



New Beneficiary

Check whether the date of birth of registered individual text field is present


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Click on date of birth text field

User should be able to add date of birth for the registered individuals



New Beneficiary

Check whether the date of birth follows "DD MMM YYYY" format


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Click on date of birth text field 9.Enter date of birth

Date of birth should follows "DD MMM YYYY" format only. (Eg: 01 Jan 1980, 31 May 2000 etc)



New Beneficiary

Check whether the gender drop down is present


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Click on gender drop down

User should be able to select gender from the drop down list



New Beneficiary

Check whether type of id drop down is present


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Click on type of id text field

User should be able to add type of id in the text field



New Beneficiary

Check whether system generates the id when user selects the ID Type as system generated


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Select id type as "system generated". 9.Check whether the "ID Number" field is uneditable.

System should generate the id when user selects the "ID Type" as system generated and ID Number field should be un editable.



New Beneficiary

Check whether the system is generating and assigning unique id only


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Click on type of id text field

System should always generate and assign one unique id when user does not selects any id from the drop down list



New Beneficiary

Check whether FLW is able to submit the form to save it on the mobile local device


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials (frontline) 3.Click on Login 4.Click on beneficairy 5.Click on next button 6.Click on register new household button 7.Click on Add member button 8.Enter details 9.Click on save button

FLW should be able to submit the form to save it on the local mobile device


Individual-Level Actions


Individual level actions

Check if Edit- If the user wants to edit the member’s details. It will navigate them to the individual details page and the same flow is to be followed


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login 4.Tap on beneficiary 5.Tap on the register new household button 6.Enter required individual details 7.Tap on Submit button 8.Tap on respective household card 9.Tap on edit button of individual card 10.Check whether user is able to edit member's details.

User should be able to edit member's details page when user clicks It should navigate them to the individual details page and the same flow should to be followed.


Individual level actions

Check if Delete- If the user wants to delete that particular member a pop gets generated on the screen with delete and cancel buttons


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login 4.Tap on beneficiary 5.Tap on the register new household button 6.Enter required individual details 7.Tap on Submit button 8.Tap on respective household card 9.Tap on delete button of individual card 10.Check whether user is able to view two buttons as delete and cancel.

User should be able to view delete and cancel buttons when user clicks on delete button of the individual's card.


Delete Individual

Check if the user clicks on delete option, it will proceed further for deleting the member. If the user clicks on cancel, it will take them back to the household card.


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login 4.Tap on beneficiary 5.Tap on the register new household button 6.Enter required individual details 7.Tap on Submit button 8.Tap on respective household card 9.Tap on delete button of individual card 10.Check whether user is able to delete individual's.

User should be able delete the individual when user clicks on delete button of the individual card.


Delete Individual

Check if If the member is the household head, a popup should appear stating that deletion cannot happen unless some other member is assigned the household head.


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login 4.Tap on beneficiary 5.Tap on the register new household button 6.Enter required individual details 7.Tap on Submit button 8.Tap on respective household card 9.Tap on delete button of individual card 10.Check whether user is a household head, respective pop up appears.

User should be able to see a pop up when user tries to delete a household head from the system stating that deletion cannot happen unless some other member is assigned the household head.


Delete Individual

Check if there is only one member in a household, a popup should appear stating that there should be at least one member for creating a household. The user needs to either add another member or delete the entire household.


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login 4.Tap on beneficiary 5.Tap on the register new household button 6.Enter required individual details 7.Tap on Submit button 8.Tap on respective household card 9.Tap on delete button of individual card 10.Check whether there is only one member in the household respective pop up gets generated.

User should be able to get reapective pop up on the screen when user tries to delete only one member from the household stating that there should be at least one member for creating a household. The user needs to either add another member or delete the entire household.


Reason for deletion-individual

Check if If the user selects the delete option, it lands the user to respective page, where they need to select the reason for deleting that member.


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login 4.Tap on beneficiary 5.Tap on the register new household button 6.Enter required individual details 7.Tap on Submit button 8.Tap on respective household card 9.Tap on delete button of individual card 10.Check whether user lands on the respective page when user clicks on the delete button.

User should be navigated to the reason for deletion individual page when user clicks on the delete button of the individual's page where user should select any reason for deleting the user from the system.

Registration Data Log

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Acceptance Criteria


Registeration data log

Check whether FLW is able to generate a registeration record as defined format (story HLM-735)


1.Connect to internet. 2.Launch the mobile application. 3.Enter valid credentials. 4.Click on login. 5.Click on register button. 6.Enter registeration details for the beneficiary. 7.Click on submit button.

We should see that the app generates the data in required format to be shared with registration service.


Registeration data log

Check whether user is able to persist the data into the mobile device


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Click on register button 6.Enter details for registeration 7.Click on submit button 8.Check mobile device.

User should be able to persist the data in the application


Registeration data log

Check whether the registeration data is present inside the mobile device which is not synced


1. Be offline 2. Register a new beneficiary 3. Check whether data is available on the mobile device.

Data should be present inside the mobile device which is not synced


Registeration data log

Check whether after clicking on sync data button sync service uploads the data on the server


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5. Sync the data by clicking on "Sync Data" in the home screen of the mobile application. 6. Ensure we see pop up for the data sync with success message.

When user clicks on sync data button sync service should automatically upload the data on the server


Registeration data log

Check whether the registeration is logged into the server


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5. Sync the data by clicking on "Sync Data" in the home screen of the mobile application. 6. Ensure we see pop up for the data sync with success message. 7.Validate by checking mobile app logs and service logs/service DB.

After clicking on sync button the registeration data should get successfully logged into the server (mobile app logs and service logs/service DB.)


Registeration data log

Check whether the data entered on the mobile is same as the data seen mobile logs


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5. Sync the data by clicking on "Sync Data" in the home screen of the mobile application. 6. Ensure we see pop up for the data sync with success message. 7.Validate by checking mobile app logs.

Data entered in the mobile device should be same on the mobile logs.


Registration data log

Check whether the data entered on the mobile is same as the data seen service logs


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5. Sync the data by clicking on "Sync Data" in the home screen of the mobile application. 6. Ensure we see pop up for the data sync with success message. 7.Validate by checking service logs/service database.

Data entered in the mobile device should be same on the service logs.

Persist Registration and Delivery Data

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status



Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether application works as per requirement when it is in online mode


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login to the application 4.Create new registeration 5.Check data is synced to server in logs.

Application should behave as per requirements when it is in online mode and data should be synced to the server in logs


Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether application works as per requirement when it is in offline mode


1.Launch the application 2.Login to the application 3.Create new registeration 4.Check data in mobile DB 5.Connect to internet 6.Check server logs for data sync.

Application should ask user for internet connection


Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether the Database is containing the registeration details of the registered household


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Click on register 6.Enter details for household 7.Click on submit button 8.Check registered user database.

Database should contain all the details of registered user along with their details


Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether after going online all the registeration service logs are maintained


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Click on register 6.Enter details for household 7.Click on submit button 8.Check registeration service logs.

User should be able to see all the registeration service logs when user logs into the application


Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether registeration data is logged into the server


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Click on register 6.Enter details for household 7.Click on submit button 8.Check server logs.

All the registeration data should be logged into the server when user registers the beneficiary from te application and user should be able to view the server logs


Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether user is able to read the registeration data from the server when user is online


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Search for the registered beneficiary.

User should be able to read the registeration data by searching any beneficiaries from the server whenever the user is online


Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether user is able to read the data from the server when user is in offline mode


1.Disconnect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Search for the registered beneficiary.

User should not be able to read the data from the server when user is in offline mode, for reading the data user should be connected to the internet


Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether user is able to view data required for registeration


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Click on register icon.

User should be able to view the data which is required for the registeration on the register page of the application


Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether user is able to view data required for delivery


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Click on register 6.Enter details 7.Click on next button.

User should be able to view the data which is required for the delivery on the update delivery page after entering the registeration details on the registeration page


Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether user is able to query the data for the registeration


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check for the downloaded data.

User should be able to query the data of the registeration and user should be able to view the downloaded data or the data which was created in the mobile device


Persist registeration and delivery data

Check whether user is able to query data for the delivery


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check for the downloaded data.

User should be able to query the data of the delivery and user should be able to view the downloaded data or the data which was created in the mobile device


Persist registration and delivery data

Check when the user is online into the application and server is down whether user is able to see the error logs


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check error logs.

When user is online into the application and server is down error logs should be viewed by the user


Persist registration and delivery data

Check when user enters the registeration details and does not click on sync button data is not logged on the server


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Enter registeration details.

After entering the registeration details and when user does not clicks on the sync the button then data should not get uploaded/logged on the server/database

Location Services

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Location Services

Check whether user is able to access the gps location when in airplane mode.


1.Set the device on airplane mode 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Click on register button

The registration should happen successfully.



Location Services

Check if the app is not capturing old and incorrect data when gps is not locked.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check whether the application is not locking the old and incorrect gps

App should not capture incorrect or old data when gps is not locked



Location Services

Check whether mobile DB is containing location details as per the requirements.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check whether mobile DB has all the location details within it

Mobile DB should contain all the location details which are required by the application while registering and delivery of the beneficiaries.



Location Services

Check mobile application logs for the data.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check whether mobile application logs has all the location details within it

Mobile application logs should contain all the location details which are required by the application while registering and delivery of the beneficiaries.



Location Services

Check the mobile DB for data stored.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check whether mobile DB has all the location details within it

Mobile DB should contain all the location details which are required by the application while registering and delivery of the beneficiaries.



Location Services

Check server logs for data received.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check whether the server logs has all the location details for the data recieved.

Server logs should contain all the location details for the data recieved



Location Services

Check server DB for data stored.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check whether server DB has all the location details within it

server DB should contain all the location details which are required by the application while registering and delivery of the beneficiaries.



Location Services

Check whether the API call is capturing the actual location or not.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check whether mobile application is capturing actual location automatically when user tries to fill the details.

API call should capture the present location from where the user is filling up the from details.



Location Service - Empty lat long

Check if the app is not able to capture the lat long details, it is saved as empty and the same is shared across logs, db, API calls.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials (frontline) 4.Click on Login 5.Check whether mobile application is capturing actual location automatically when user tries to fill the details.


Beneficiary Details

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Beneficiary details

Check whether FLW is able to add delivery details against the registered beneficiary


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiary 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Try adding delivery details against the registered beneficiares.

FLW should be able to add delivery details against the registered beneficiary



Beneficiary details

Check whether user is able to update delivery details of the registered beneficiaries


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on update beneficiary 6.Make required changes

FLW should be able to update the beneficiary details of the registered user



Beneficiary details

Check whether the FLW is able to track completion of target on the home screen


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Check the status bar on the home screen.

FLW should be able to track the completion of target in the home screen.



Beneficiary details

Check if the beneficiary is not registered the mobile application is offering FLW to create new beneficiary


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register button 6.Register a beneficiary

We should be able to register a new beneficiary when search does not give the results.



Beneficiary details

Check whether user is able to view the list of beneficiaries


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on view list of beneficiaries 6.Select any benficiary.

User should be able to view list of beneficiaries ans user should be able to select any beneficiary to view the details of that registered beneficiary



Beneficiary details

Check whether the user is able to do updation outside the boundaries


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Select any beneficiary 6.Update the details of that beneficiary.

User should not be able to do updations outside the given boundaries



Beneficiary details

Check whether user is able to do updation on the benficiary with reusing the same registeration flow


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Select already created beneficiary 6.Try updating the details of that beneficiary.

User should be able to do updations on the beneficiaries with reusing the same registeration flow



Beneficiary details

Check whether user is able to edit details of the beneficiaries


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Select beneficiary for edition 6.Try editing details of that beneficiary.

User should be able to edit the details of already existing beneficiaries



Beneficiary details

Check whether user is able to edit service delivery data associated with the beneficiaries


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 6.Edit service delivery data of that beneficiary 7.Click on save.

User should be able to edit service delivery data which is associated with the beneficiaries



Beneficiary details

Check whether user is able to submit the updated forms


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 6.Update the individual details for the household 6.Submit form.

User should be bale to submit the updated forms



Beneficiary details

Check whether user is able to edit the data for which the user has access to


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Edit beneficiaries.

User should be able to edit the data for which user has the access to



Beneficiary details

Check whether user is able delete service delivery details previously updated


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Select already updated delivery details beneficiary 6.Delete already edited beneficiaries.

User should be able to delete service delivery details which are previously updated

Invalid Test case


Beneficiary details

Check if the user is able to delete the household from the system


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for household 5.Delete household.

User should be able to delete the household from the system



Beneficiary details

Check if user is able to view all the list of household created with total no. of household registered and total no. of bednets delivered


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Check on whether user is able to see the count of total no. of household registered and total no. of bednets delivered.

When user logs into the application with valid credentials he/she should be able to view the number of households registered along with the number of bednets delivered in that particular administrative area.



Beneficiary details

Check if user is able to search the household head's name from the search bar with the minimum length of 2 characters with the oreder of results latest record first


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Enter the household head's name with only 2 characters in the search bar. 6.Press enter key.

System shpuld provide the results when user tries to search household head's name only by using 2 characters and user should get the search result in last record displayed first only.



Beneficiary details

Check if when user searches for the household's name which is not registered inside the beneficiaries the system does not displays the result and if not present the serach result does not match message is getting generated


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Enter the household head's name which is not registered into the system 6.Press enter key.

When user enters the household head's name which is not registered into the system user should not get results displayed on search and if user enters unmatched household head's name he/she should get the message generated on the screen as "The search result displayed do not match".



Beneficiary details

Check if the user lands on the location page when user clicks on the "register new beneficiary" button


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Fill all the location details on the page.

When user clicks on register new household user should be navigated to the location page where user should be able to fill all the loication details required.



Beneficiary details

Check whether user is able to search the household and do delivery which is registered by another registrar


1.Launch the applicaton 2.Login as registrar1 3.Click on beneficiary 4.Register new household 5.Logout 6.Login as registrar2 7.Click on beneficiaries 8.Search for registered household 9.Click on deliver 10.Check whether registrar2 is able to search and deliver.

When user logs in as registrar2 he/she should be able to search the already registered household and do the delivery for that household.



Location details

Check if the administrative area drop down list contains all the area names according to the top bar loaction picker and changing the boundary is applied only on the field not the top bar


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Select the administrative area from the drop down list.

When user selects the administrative area from the drop down list it should be similar to the location picker which is located on the top bar and when user tries changing the boundary it must only be applied on the field not on the top bar location picker.



Location details

Check if the system is automatically taking lat/long cordinates when user selects administrative area from the drop down if not system is taking blank lat/long details


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Select the administrative area from the drop down list 7.Check if system takes lat/long details automatically when user selects administrative area from the drop down list.

System should automatically take lat/long details when user selects administrative area and if not present it should be kept blank.



Household list

Check if when user searches for the household's, search results displays with the drop down arrow


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for the beneficiary which is already registered 5.Check whether the results are displayed with the drop down arrow.

System should display household's details when user searches for the household name with the dropdown arrow.



Household dropdown

Check if when the user clicks on the drop down it expands and displays the tabular data of all the members in the particular household


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Check when user clicks on the drop down it expands and display the data in the tabular format of all the members in the particular household.

When user clicks on the drop down it should expand and display the tabular data of all the members in the particular household



Household dropdown

Check if user is able to scroll vertically when members in particular household is more than 5 to see all individual details


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Check when user clicks on the drop down it expands and display the data in the tabular format of all the members in the particular household.

User should be able to see all the individual details if the count of total members are more than 5, user should be able to scroll vertically to view all the details.



Household dropdown

Check if when user clicks on the open button of the particular card, the system displays all the details of the household


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on the open button on the card 6.Check whether user is able to view the details about the household with all the members in the particular household.

When user logs into the application with already registered household and when user clicks on the open button user should be able to view all the details about the household with all the members under that household.



Household details

Check if system generates the date of registeration automatically, it is non editable, and user is able to fill all the household details


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Check whether system is generating the date of registeration automatically and user is able to fill all the household details.

When user registers a new household, system should generate the date of registeration automatically and user should not be able to edit that date and user should be able to fill all the required household details on that page.



Household details

Check if there is atleast 1 member in every household registeration


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Check whether there is atleast one member added in "no. of members living in the household".

There should be atleast one member added in "no. of members living in the household when user registers a new household and form should not be submitted when total no. of household is kept as '0' in the textfield.



Individual Details

Check if the individual details page contains household head's name by default for a household based project's service delivery.


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details. 9.Click on next button 10.Check if user is able to view household head's name by default in the "name of individual" textfield.

When user lands on the individual details page user should be able to view household head's name by default in the "name of individual" textfield which is generated by the system internally denoted by the checkbox field and also the checkbox must be non editable.



Individual Details

Check if ID number is system generated then data will be filled automatically and it is non-editable


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details. 9.Click on next button 10.Check if system has already generated the ID number, entire data is filled automatically and is non-editable.

If the system generates ID number automatically then entire data should be filled automatically and it should be non-editable.



Confirmation Page

Check when the user clicks on the submit button user lands on the confirmation page and user is able to view submit and cancel buttton


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details. 9.Click on next button 10.Enter the Individual details 11.Click on submit button 12.Check whether user lands on confirmation page with submit and cancel button.

When user enters all the required Individual details and clicks on submit button user should get a confirmation pop-up with cancel and submit button, when user clicks on cancel button user should be able to edit the individual details and when user clicks on submit button the household should get registered and household card should be opened.



Household card (for household level campaign)

Check if after registering the household by default household cards gets opened with the household name and user is able to edit the household details


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details. 9.Click on next button 10.Enter the Individual details 11.Click on submit button 12.Check whether user lands on the household card along with the household name and with the edit button.

When user clicks on the submit button user should land on the household card along with the household name should be visible and one edit button should be there, when user clicks on the edit button user should navigate to the location page.



Household card (for household level campaign)

Check if when the user clicks on the add member button user is navigated to the individual's page where user can add the individual member


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details. 9.Click on next button 10.Enter the Individual details 11.Click on submit button 12.Again click on the submit button of the confirmation page 13.Click on the "Add member" button 14.Check whether user is navigated to the individual's page where he/she can add the individual member.

When user clicks on the "Add member" button user should be navigated to the individual's page where user can add individual member from the begining.



Household card (for household level campaign)

Check if user is able to update the delivery page by clicking on deliver intervention button


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details. 9.Click on next button 10.Enter the Individual details 11.Click on submit button 12.Again click on the submit button of the confirmation page 13.Click on the "Deliver Intervention" button 14.Check whether user is navigated to the update delivery page.

When user clicks on "Deliver intervention" button user should be navigated to the update delivery page where user can update the delivery details.



Household card (for household level campaign)

Check if the intervention is delivered the another screen is displayed with the "update delivery details" button


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details. 9.Click on next button 10.Enter the Individual details 11.Click on submit button 12.Again click on the submit button of the confirmation page 13.Check if the intervention is delivered the user lands on another screen with the "update delivery" button.

When the intervention is delivered then user lands on the another screen with "update delivery" button where user can update the delivery details incase more interventions are needed to be delivered.



Household card (for individual level campaign)

Check if the Deliver Intervention button is visible at the bottom of the card, if the intervention is delivered to a member then "delivered" below their details card and button is replaced with "update delivery details"


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter Individual details.(Individual level campaign) 9.Click on next button 10.Check if user lands on the Individual level campaign household card with the required buttons.

When user registers for the individual level campaign the user should land on individual level campaign household card if the intervention is delivered then it will display delivered below the details card and button should be replaced with "Update delivery Details".



Household card (for individual level campaign)

Check if the intervention is not delivered then it displays "not delivered" below the details card and delivered intervention button on the individual card navigates user to the "Deliver Intervention" page


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter Individual details.(Individual level campaign) 9.Click on next button 10.Check if when the intervention is not delivered then "not delivered" is displayed below the card details card and "Deliver Intervention" button should be visible.

When the intervention is not delivered then "not delivered" should be displayed under the card details and "Deliver Intervention" button should be visible for user to update the delivery details and after clicking on deliver intervention button user should navigate to the update delivery page.



Household level actions

Check if when user clicks on edit household two buttons appears "edit household" and "delete household" buttons


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for the existing beneficiary 5.Click on "edit household" button 6.Check if two buttons are visible "edit household" and "delete household"

When user clicks on edit household button two buttons should appear on the screen "edit household" and "delete household".



Household level actions

Check if the edit household buttons navigates the user to the household location page followed by household details page, next button is replaced by "save" button when user clicks on the save button changes is updated in the system


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter Household details.(Household level campaign) 9.Click on "edit household" button 10.Check if two buttons are visible "edit household" and "delete household" 11.Click on edit household button 12.Check if user navigates to the household location page followed by household details page, next button is replaced by "save button".

When user clicks on edit household button user should get two buttons displayed on the screen as "edit household" and "Delete household" when user clicks on edit household user should be navigated to the household details page and next button should be replaced by save button when user clicks on save button all the updated details should be saved in the system.



Household level actions

Check when user clicks on "delete household" button entire household gets deleted


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter Household details.(Household level campaign) 9.Click on "edit household" button 10.Check if two buttons are visible "edit household" and "delete household" 11.Click on delete household 12.Check whether entire household gets deleted from the system.

When user clicks on the "delete household" button entire household should be deleted from the system.



Delete household

Check if when user clicks on delete household button a pop is generated with two buttons with delete and cancel


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter Household details.(Household level campaign) 9.Click on "edit household" button 10.Check if two buttons are visible "edit household" and "delete household" 11.Click on delete household 12.Check whether two buttons should be generated as delete or cancel.

When user clicks on "Delete Household" button user should be able to see two buttons as delete and cancel on the screen when user clicks on "Delete" button the beneficiary will get deleted from the system and when user clicks on "Cancel" button cancel button will callapse the pop up.



Reason for Deletion(Household)

Check if when the user clicks on "Delete" button the user is navigated to the screen where user needs to add the reason for the deletion


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details.(Household level campaign) 9.Click on "edit household" button 10.Check if two buttons are visible "edit household" and "delete household" 11.Click on delete household 12.Check whether when user clicks on delete button user navigates to screen where user needs to add reason for deletion.

when user clicks on "delete" button user should be navigated to the screen where in user needs to add the reason for deletion which will be configured in MDMS.



Individual level actions

Check if when user clicks on the edit button of individual's card a pop up screen appears with 3 actions as "assign as household head", "edit individual details", "delete individual"


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter Individual details.(Individual level campaign) 9.Click on "edit household" button 10.Check if three buttons gets appeared on the screen.

When user clicks on the "edit household" button on the individual page user should be able to see 3 buttons on the screen as "assign as household head", "edit individual details", "delete individual".



Individual level actions

Check if when user clicks on "assign as household head" user is able to assign member as household head, when user clicks on "edit" user is able to edit members details and when user clicks on "delete" button user is able to delete particular member


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter Individual details.(Individual level campaign) 9.Click on "edit " button 10.Check if three buttons gets appeared on the screen and valid actions are performed by clciking on particualr buttons.

When user clciks on the edit button of individual card user should be able to see 3 buttons on the screen as "assign as household head", "edit individual details", "delete individual" when user clicks on "assign as household head" user should be able assign memeber as a head of household, when user clicks on edit button user should be able to edit the details of members and when user clicks on delete button user should be able to delete the member from the system.



Delete Individual

Check if when user clicks on delete button which will open this popup asking whether the user wants to delete that member


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter Individual details.(Individual level campaign) 9.Click on "edit" button 10.Click on delete button which is displayed on the pop up.

When user clciks on the edit button of the individual user will get a pop up with three buttons and when user tries to click on delete button user again gets a pop up with delete and cancel button on it If the user clicks on delete option, it will proceed further for deleting the memberIf the user clicks on cancel, it will take them back to the household card.



Delete Individual

Check if the member is the household head, a popup appears stating that deletion cannot happen unless some other member is assigned the household head.


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter Individual details.(Individual level campaign) 9.Click on "edit" button 10.Click on delete button which is displayed on the pop up, check if the member is the household head pop up should appear stating deletion can't happen.

When user tries to perform delete action if the member which user wants to delete is household head a pop up should appear stating deletion can not take place unless some other member is assigned the household head.



Delete Individual

Check if there is only one member in a household, a popup appears stating that there should be at least one member for creating a household. The user needs to either add another member or delete the entire household.


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter Individual details.(Individual level campaign) 9.Click on "edit" button 10.Click on delete button which is displayed on the pop up, check if there is only one member in a household then a pop up should appear stating there should be atleast one member for creating a household.

When user tries to delete a member and if there is only one member in a household, a popup appears stating that there should be at least one member for creating a household. The user needs to either add another member or delete the entire household.



Deliver Intervention

Check if the delivery intervention consist of summary of the household is displayed for preview,At the top, the date of registration is displayed, followed by the household head’s details and the number of members of that household.


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details.(household level campaign) 9.Click on "Deliver intervention" button 10.Check whether user navigates to the Deliver Intervention page only.

User should be navigated to the delivery intervention page which should consist of summary of the household is displayed for preview,At the top, the date of registration is displayed, followed by the household head’s details and the number of members of that household.



Deliver Intervention

Check whether the "Quantity Distributed" field is mandatory where the user can decide how many bednets need to be delivered to that household against the value generated by the system. The user can increase or decrease the count through the ‘+’ or ‘-’ buttons respectively.


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details.(household level campaign) 9.Click on "Deliver intervention" button 10.Check whether user is able to increase or decrease the count through the '+' or '-' buttons.

User should be able to increase or decrease the count of the bednets from the '+' or '-' respectively.



Deliver Intervention

Check if when user is not able to deliver due to any certain reason the user can mention them in the ‘Reason if not delivered’ field


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details.(household level campaign) 9.Click on "Deliver intervention" button 10.Check whether user is able to add resons if delivery is not done.

If the service is not delivered due to any certain reason, the user should be able to mention them in the ‘Reason if not delivered’ field, which is a dropdown field with some common reasons that may take place. The reasons must be configured in the MDMS. After reviewing the details, the user can click on the submit button which will save details of the household in the system.



Confirmation Page

Check if after submitting the details user gets a pop up with 'submit' and 'cancel' button


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details.(household level campaign) 9.Click on "Deliver intervention" button 10.Enter respective details 11.Click on the submit button 12.Check if user is getting a pop up with submit and cancel button.

When user tries to submit the intervention delivery from user should get a pop up with submit and cancel button for the confirmation.



Data Recorded Successfully

Check when the user clicks on submit, if all the fields are entered correctly, this page appears providing confirmation to the user that their data has been recorded successfully.


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details.(household level campaign) 9.Click on "Deliver intervention" button 10.Enter respective details 11.Click on the submit button 12.Check if user is getting a confirmation box with submit and cancel button.

When user clicks on submit button user lands on this page where in user this page appears providing confirmation to the user that their data has been recorded successfully.



Data Recorded Successfully

Check if Below the message, there is a ‘Back to Home’ button which navigates the user to the home page. For household level campaigns, the user will be navigated to the list of households page. For individual level campaigns, the user will land on the household card page.


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details.(household level campaign) 9.Click on "Deliver intervention" button 10.Enter respective details 11.Click on the submit button 12.Check if user is able to view "back to home" button below the message.

User should be able to navigate to the home page. For household level campaigns, the user will be navigated to the list of households page. For individual level campaigns, the user will land on the household card page.



Data Submission failed

Check if user enters the invalid data user gets appropriate error messages for teh fields.


1.Launch the application 2.Login as distributor 3.Click on beneficiaries 4.Search for beneficiary 5.Click on register new household button 6.Enter location details 7.Click on next 8.Enter household details.(household level campaign) 9.Click on "Deliver intervention" button 10.Enter respective details 11.Click on the submit button 12.Check if user is getting error message when user enters invalid data in the form.

We should see relevant error messages for each of the fields with invalid data.


Upload Data

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Upload Data

Check whether data is getting uploaded on the server when the server is down


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login button 5.Click on upload data.

User should not be able to upload the data on the server when the server is down



Upload Data

Check whether data is not uploaded when internet is not available


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login button 5.Click on upload data.

Data should not be uploaded when internet is not available



Upload Data

Check whether user is able to view the uploaded data on the dashboard


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login button 5.Create data 6.Sync the created data 7.Check whether the record is visible on the user's dashboard.

User should be able to view the uploaded data on the dashboard 5.Create the data from the user's account 6.Sync the created data to the server 7.User should be able to view the data on his/her dashboard



Upload Data

Check whether user is able to sync data created


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login button 5.Create data 5.Sync the data created.

User should be able to sync data created when user clicks on the sync button



Upload Data

Check whether the data created is present in the mobile device


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login button 5.Click on upload data 6.Check for the data in mobile device.

Data created should be present in the mobile device once the data is created by the user



Upload Data

Check whether one of the user sync's data, only the data associated with that user is synced


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login button 5.Click on sync icon 6.Check data.

When one of the user sync's data, only the data associated with that user should be synced into the application



Upload Data

Check whether the user logged in does not have the access to view other user's data


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials for User A 4.Click on Login button 5.Click on upload data button 6.See the data which is uploaded in the mobile device 7.Logout from User A account 8.Enter credentials for User B 9.Click on login button 10.Check whether user B is able to see data of user A inside his/her account.

The user logged in should not have the access to view other user's data 10.User B should not be able to see user A account's data inside his/her account.



Upload Data

Check whether the data sync is atomic


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login 5.Click on Sync data button.

The data sync should be atomic always no partial syncing should be done



Upload Data

Check whether data syncing is done when server is down


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login button 5.Create data 6.Sync data 7.See data 8.Check data got updated on the mobile device or not.

Data syncing should stop when server is down and it should get resumed when server restarts



Upload Data

Check whether user is able to sync and then update the same record


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login button 5.Create data 6.Sync data 7.See data 8.Update data and sync data 10.Check data got updated on the mobile device or not.

User should be able to sync and update the same record, whenever needed



Upload Data

Check when user triggers sync action again, the data in the updated record is taking precedence over previously synced data on server


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login 5.Select the any previously updated record 6.Trigger on sync action 7.Check whether data is taking precedence over previous data.

When user triggers sync action again, the data in the updated record should take precedence over the previously synced data on server



Upload Data

Check when the user triggers the sync action the record deleted from the mobile device is reflected on the server


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login 5.Trigger on the sync button 6.Delete the record from the device 7.Check whether the record is deleted or not in mobile DB 8.Also check on server DB for respective record.

When user triggers the sync action the record deleted from the mobile device should reflect on the server as well 7.Check the record inside the mobile DB 8.Check the record on server DB as well



Upload Data

Check when user clicks on sync button all the unsynced data in the local device is uploaded on the server


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login 5.Goto home page 6.Click on Sync button.

When user clicks on sync button all the unsynced data from the local device should get uploaded on the server



Upload Data

Check whether the data uploaded from the local device is same as the data uploaded on the server


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login 5.Goto home page 6.Click on Sync button.

The data uploaded from the local device should be same as the data uploaded on the server



Upload Data

Check whether there is any data loss during the sync from the mobile device


1.Connect to internet 2.Goto the application 3.Enter credentials 4.Click on Login 5.Goto home page 6.Click on Sync button 7.Check the data uploaded.

There should not be any data loss during the sync from the mobile device



Upload Data

Check whether the data is lost when the user uninstalls the application


1.Connect to internet 2.Goto the application 3.Select the application 4.Uninstall the application 5.Again install the application 6.Check for the previous data.

When user uninstall the application the data should be lost



Upload Data

Check whether the data gets lost when app gets corrupted


1.Connect to internet 2.Goto the application 3.Select the application 4.Uninstall the application.

The data should get lost when the app gets corrupted



Benchmark number of records that can be stored in mobile DB.

Check the number of records that can be stored on the mobile app.


1. Create registration, and service delivery details on the mobile application. 2. Perform the steps to get a benchmark on the number of records that can be stored on the mobile device before we get memory issues / write failures to DB.(Take into account that per registration assuming a household has 5 individuals, it would take a minimum of 8 minutes for a FLW to enter all details. So in essence, a FLW can do a max of 7 registration and delivery per hour)

We should see that the mobile app handles the data input by the FLW. We need to capture the amount at which the failure happens



Benchmark the API response time in case of sync that happens on offline captured details

Check the response time and throughput of the API when the mobile device starts to sync the offline captured data.


1. Create registration, and service delivery details on the mobile application. 2. Perform the steps to get a benchmark on API response time and throughput.(Take into account that per registration assuming a household has 5 individuals, it would take a minimum of 8 minutes for a FLW to enter all details. So in essence, a FLW can do a max of 7 registration and delivery per hour)

We should see that the API response times and throughput are in accordance to acceptable levels.




Check if user is able to see sync icon on the home screen of the application along with the text ‘Sync Data’. Below the text, it will show the amount of unsynced data with a message ‘Data Unsynced’ in red color.


1.Connect to the internet 2.Check whether sync button is visible to the user on the home screen.

User should be able to view sync button along with the text 'sync data' and Below the text, it should show the amount of unsynced data with a message ‘Data Unsynced’ in red color.




Check when user clicks on sync button a screen appears showing that the data is being synced along with the text “Sync in Progress”. The user cannot perform any other action unless the sync is complete or there is some error


1.Connect to the internet 2.Login to the application 3.Click on the sync button 4.Check whether user is able to view the text "Sync in progress"

User should be able to click on sync button and should be able to view a text "sync in progress" and user should not be able to perform any other action while syncing of data is done.



Sync status

Check whether after the sync is completed , it will show a popup that the data is successfully synced, with a button on the bottom ‘Close’. When the user clicks on this button, it will navigate them to the home page


1.Connect to the internet 2.Login to the application 3.Click on the sync button 4.Check whether after the sync is completed user is able to view a popup that the data is successfully synced with the required button.

User should be able to view the popup that the data is successfully synced with a button on the bottom ‘Close’. When the user clicks on this button, it will navigate them to the home page.



Sync Count

Check if the mobile application is displaying the correct counts for the sync data.


1. Install the application. Connect to the internet. 2. Login with valid credentials of a distributor. 3. Verify if first time sync happens after project selection or not. Validate the home screen. 4. Create a household and do not perform the service delivery. 5. In the home screen of the app, validate the alert text for sync. 6. Perform the service delivery, validate the alert text for sync.

3. First time sync is successful and master data, project related data (project and project resources) should be downloaded to the mobile device. In the home screen, we should not see any alert text for unsynced data. 4. Able to create the household data successfully. 5. We should see an alert with text "There are 4 records yet to be synced" in the home screen. 6. We should be able to add service delivery details. In the home screen, we should see the alert with text "There are 5 records yet to be synced".



Sync unsuccessful

Check if the mobile application is displaying the error message if the sync fails.


1. Install the application. Connect to the internet. 2. Login with valid credentials of a distributor. 3. Verify if first time sync happens. 4. Create a household and perform the service delivery. 5. In the home screen of the app, validate the alert text for sync. 6. Disconnect internet connection and perform a sync. Validate the error message. 7. Acknowledge the message. Switch on the internet. and perform the sync. Validate the message shown for the sync.

3. First time sync is successful and master data, project related data (project and project resources) should be downloaded to the mobile device. In the home screen, we should not see any alert text for unsynced data. 4. Able to create the household and perform service delivery. 5. We should see an alert with text "There are 5 records yet to be synced" in the home screen. 6. We should see an error mesage "Sync Failed" 7. The sync should be successful.


Search and View Beneficiaries

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Search and view beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to search registered beneficiaries from list


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Click on beneficiaries. 5. Search for beneficiary

User should be able to search beneficiary



Search and view beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to view registered beneficiaries after searching


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login 4.Search beneficiaries.

User should be able to view beneficiaries



Search and view deleted beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to search and view deleted beneficiaries


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the deleted beneficiaries 5.Check whether user is able to view the deleted beneficiary or not?

User should not be able to search and view deleted beneficiaries in the application



Search and view beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to search beneficiary when the app is offline and search results must be based on locally available data only


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search beneficiaries.

User should not be able to search and view the beneficiaries when the server is down and search results must be based on locally available data only



Search and view beneficiaries

Check whether user is able edit the beneficiaries


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login 4.Search beneficiaries 5.Edit beneficiaries.

User should be able to edit the beneficiaries whenever required



Search and view beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to delete beneficiaries


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials of distributor role 3.Click on Login 4.Search beneficiaries 5.Delete beneficiaries.

User should be able to delete beneficiaries



Search and view beneficiaries

Check whether user is getting confirmation box before deleting


1.Goto the application 2.Enter credentials of distributor role 3.Click on Login 4.Search beneficiaries 5.Delete beneficiaries and select and appropriate reason. 6.Click on Delete button.

User should be able to view confirmation box with delete and cancel button when he tries to delete the beneficiaries



Search and view beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to view record using first name as well as last name on view page


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login 4.Search beneficiaries(first/last name).

User should be able to search records with first and last name on view page



Search and view beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to search with any parameter having no limits on the character count in the search text field


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login 4.Enter beneficiary with any parameter(name).

User should be able to view results when user searches with any parameter having no chracter limits



Search and view beneficiaries

Check if the results are not provided in specific time bound-the api times out and user is asked to search again


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login 4.Search for the baneficairies 5.Check if the results are displayed within the api time bound or not 6.User should be asked to "search again".

User should be able to view the results within the api time bound and if the user is not getting the results within the respective time bound then user should be asked to search again



Search and view beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to view beneficiaries list when user searches for the beneficiary.


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login 4.Goto beneficiaries page 5.Search for the beneficiary 6.Check whether the beneficiaries list is displayed or not after user perform the search action.

User should be able to see beneficiary list on the view beneficiaries page after searching for the beneficiaries.



Search and view beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to scroll and select a beneficiary registeration card to view the details


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login 4.Goto beneficiaries page 5.Scroll down 6.Select any beneficiary 7.Check whether beneficiary details are visible.

User should be able to scroll on beneficiary page and select any of the beneficiary to view the details of that beneficiary



Online search

Check whether user is able to do online search for the beneficiaries


1.Connect to the internet 2.Launch the application 3.Eneter credentials 4.Search the beneficiary from the search bar

User should be able to search for the beneficiary when user is online into the application.



Search and view beneficiaries

Check whethere we are able to get search results wih only 2 characters of the household head's name.


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login 4. Register a new hosuehold. 5. Search for the same household by entering only 2 characters

We should see the newly created household in the search results.


Update Beneficiaries

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Update Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to search registered household using the household head's name


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the registered household using the household head's name.

User should be able to search for the already registered household using the household's head's name into the application.



Update Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to edit household details and household location


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5.Click on edit household button 6.Check whether user is able to edit household details and location.

User should be able to edit household details and household location.



Update Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to edit individual details as well


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5.Click on edit household button of the individual card 6.Check whether user is able to edit individual details.

User should be able to edit individual details also when user clicks on the edit button on the individual card.



Update Beneficiaries

Check when the user clicks on the edit household details button user navigates to the household location screen where "next" button is replaced by the "submit" button.


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5.Click on edit household button. 6.Check whether the "next" button is replaced by "submit" button.

when user should be able to view "submit" button on the screen in place of "next" button.



Update Beneficiaries

Check whether user gets a confirmation box when user clicks on submit button


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5.Click on edit household button 6.Enter details need to be updated 7.Click on submit button 8.Check whether user gets a confirmation bix on the screen or not.

User should get a confirmation box when user clicks on the submit button after editing the details on the screen.



Update Beneficiaries

Check when user clicks on cancel button data for confirmation data is still intact


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5.Click on edit household button 6.Enter details need to be updated 7.Click on cancel button on the pop up 8.Check whether data is still intact when user clicks on cancel button.

After clicking on cancel button on the confirmation box data should be still present as it is.



Update Beneficiaries

Check when user clicks on submit button the updated form gets submitted successfully


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5.Click on edit household button. 6.Enter details for the updation 7.Click on submit button 8.Check whether user is able to successfully submit the forms.

User should be able to submit the updated form successfully.



Update Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to submit the form even when the device is offline.


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5.Click on edit household button 6.Enter details for the updation 7.Click on submit button.

User should not be able to submit the form when the device is offline.



Update Beneficiaries

Check whether after offline update the data gets updated in mobile DB


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5.Click on edit household button 6.Enter details for the updation 7.Click on submit button 8.Check mobile DB server.

After updations the updated data should be stored in mobile database.



Update Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to see "+" symbol when there are more than 5 individuals


1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Click on Login button 4.Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5.Click on edit household button 6.Check whether "+" symbol is visible when there are more than 5 individuals.

User should be able to see "+" symbol when there are more than 5 individuals.



Update Beneficiaries

Check whether I can change the head of household


1. Launch the application 2. Enter credentials 3. Click on Login button 4. Search for the registered household using the household head's name and open the card. 5. Tap on edit for the household head details. 6. Add members to the household. 7. For the newly added member, tap on edit and assign the newly created individual as head of household. 8. Again perform a search based on the newly added individual's name.

5. We should not see the option "Assign as household head". We should see only "Edit individual details" and "Delete Individual" options. 6. We should be able to add members to the household and the member count should get incremented automatically in the Household screen. 7. We should be able to assing the newly created individual as the head of the household. Also in the Household screen, we should see that household head name has the name of the newly created individual. 8. We should be able to search for the newly created individual(since he is the head of the household).


Delete Beneficiaries

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Delete Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to delete registered beneficiary


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button.

User should be able to delete the registered beneficiary when needed.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to get the prompt of confirmation before deleting the beneficiary


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button 7.Check whether user is getting a confirmation box before deleting the beneficiary.

User should be able to get an confirmation box before deleting the beneficiary from the system.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check when user taps on cancel button of the confirmation box the data is still intact


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the cancel button on the confirmation box 7.Check whether the data is still intact when user taps on cancel buton.

After taping on cancel button on the confirmation box data should be still present as it is.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check when user selects the delete option in the prompt the screen asking for reason for deletion appears in both the cases for individual and household


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button on the confirmation box 7.Check whether the user is able to get a screen asking for reason for deletion appears.

After taping on the delete button in the confirmation box the user should get a screen for the reason of deletion for both individual and household.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to go back to the previous screen at any point in the flow by taping on back button


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button on the confirmation box 7.Tap on back button 8.Check whether the user is able to get to a previous screen when user taps on the back button at any point of flow.

User should be able to get back to the previous screen at any point of flow by taping on the back button which is on the top left corner of the screen.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check whether after deleting the record, when user syncs the data with the server the deletion on the mobile device is reflected on the server


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button on the confirmation box 7.Check whether after deleting the record, when user syncs the data with the server the deletion on the mobile device is reflected on the server.

After deleting the record, when user syncs the data with the server the deletion on the mobile device is reflected on the server.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check whether user is redirected to the household card when user taps on cancel button


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete household button. on the confirmation box 7. On the confirmation box, tap on cancel button 8.Check whether the user is able to redirect to particular household card when user taps on back button on mobile phone.

User should be able to redirect to the household card page when user taps on the back button.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check when user selects one of the reason for the deletion and taps on delete button the action gets completed


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button 7. On the confirmation message, tap on "Delete". 8. On the "Reason For Deletion" screen, select an option and tap on "Delete".

User should be able to complete the action when user taps on delete button.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check for household campaign when user taps on edit household button user get two options as "edit household details" and "delete household"


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button

User should be able to see two options are "edit household" and "delete household details" when user taps on edit button for household campaign.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check for Individual campaign when user taps on edit individual button user get three options as "edit individual details","delete individual" and "assign as household head"


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary and open the card. 5.Tap on edit for the household head. 6. Tap on edit for the individual who is not head of household.

5. User should be able to see 2 options as "edit individual details","delete individual" 6. User should be able to see 3 options as "edit individual details","delete individual" and "assign as household head" when user taps on edit button for individual.


Edit Delivery Details

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Delete Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to delete registered beneficiary


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button.

User should be able to delete the registered beneficiary when needed.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to get the prompt of confirmation before deleting the beneficiary


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button 7.Check whether user is getting a confirmation box before deleting the beneficiary.

User should be able to get an confirmation box before deleting the beneficiary from the system.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check when user taps on cancel button of the confirmation box the data is still intact


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the cancel button on the confirmation box 7.Check whether the data is still intact when user taps on cancel buton.

After taping on cancel button on the confirmation box data should be still present as it is.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check when user selects the delete option in the prompt the screen asking for reason for deletion appears in both the cases for individual and household


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button on the confirmation box 7.Check whether the user is able to get a screen asking for reason for deletion appears.

After taping on the delete button in the confirmation box the user should get a screen for the reason of deletion for both individual and household.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check whether user is able to go back to the previous screen at any point in the flow by taping on back button


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button on the confirmation box 7.Tap on back button 8.Check whether the user is able to get to a previous screen when user taps on the back button at any point of flow.

User should be able to get back to the previous screen at any point of flow by taping on the back button which is on the top left corner of the screen.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check whether after deleting the record, when user syncs the data with the server the deletion on the mobile device is reflected on the server


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button on the confirmation box 7.Check whether after deleting the record, when user syncs the data with the server the deletion on the mobile device is reflected on the server.

After deleting the record, when user syncs the data with the server the deletion on the mobile device is reflected on the server.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check whether user is redirected to the household card when user taps on cancel button


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete household button. on the confirmation box 7. On the confirmation box, tap on cancel button 8.Check whether the user is able to redirect to particular household card when user taps on back button on mobile phone.

User should be able to redirect to the household card page when user taps on the back button.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check when user selects one of the reason for the deletion and taps on delete button the action gets completed


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button 6.Tap on the delete button 7. On the confirmation message, tap on "Delete". 8. On the "Reason For Deletion" screen, select an option and tap on "Delete".

User should be able to complete the action when user taps on delete button.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check for household campaign when user taps on edit household button user get two options as "edit household details" and "delete household"


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary 5.Tap on edit household button

User should be able to see two options are "edit household" and "delete household details" when user taps on edit button for household campaign.



Delete Beneficiaries

Check for Individual campaign when user taps on edit individual button user get three options as "edit individual details","delete individual" and "assign as household head"


Credentials of distributor

1.Launch the application 2.Enter credentials 3.Tap on Login button 4.Search for the registered beneficiary and open the card. 5.Tap on edit for the household head. 6. Tap on edit for the individual who is not head of household.

5. User should be able to see 2 options as "edit individual details","delete individual" 6. User should be able to see 3 options as "edit individual details","delete individual" and "assign as household head" when user taps on edit button for individual.


Delete Delivery Details Against Registered Beneficiary

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Delete Delivery details against registered beneficiary

Check whether the front end user is not able to delete the service delivery details (for Household based campaigns)


Front end user details who is able to access the application

1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials of distributor 3.Click on login 4.User should land on home screen 5.Register a new household member 6.Tap on view beneficiary button 7.Search beneficiary 8. Do the service delivery in the app, click on deliver intervention button 9.Click on edit household button 10.Check whether user is not able to delete the service delivery details, user should not get the delete option for the deletion.

User should not be able to delete the service delivery details when he clicks on edit household button.



Delete Delivery details against registered beneficiary

Check whether the front end user is not able to delete the service delivery details (for Individual based campaigns)


Front end user details who is able to access the application

1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials of distributor 3.Click on login 4.User should land on home screen 5.Register a new individual member 6.Tap on view beneficiary button 7.Search beneficiary 8. Do the service delivery in the app, click on deliver intervention button 9.Click on edit individual button 10.Check whether user is not able to delete the service delivery details, user should not get the delete option for the deletion.

User should not be able to delete the service delivery details when he clicks on edit individual button.



Delete Delivery details against registered beneficiary

Check when the backend user deletes the delivery details for the household, then the record is deleted against the household in the application (for Household based campaigns)


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials of an admin 3.Click on login 4.User should land on home screen 5. Register a household member 6. Do the service delivery in the app 7. Perform the syncing from the app 8. Check DB 9. Delete the service delivery data as an admin via the project task delete api 10. Check if there is no negative impact to the field worker and usage of the app after sync post deletion.

User should be able to view the updated record of household once the user logs into the application after deleting the record from the backend.



Delete Delivery details against registered beneficiary

Check when the backend user deletes the delivery details for the household, then the record is deleted against the individual in the application (for Individual based campaigns)


1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials of an admin 3.Click on login 4.User should land on home screen 5. Register a individual member 6. Do the service delivery in the app 7. Perform the syncing from the app 8. Check DB 9. Delete the service delivery data as an admin via the project task delete api 10. Check if there is no negative impact to the field worker and usage of the app after sync post deletion.

User should be able to view the updated record of an individual once the user logs into the application after deleting the record from the backend.


Record Reciept of Stock

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Status
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status


Record reciept of stock

Check if warehouse manager is able to record reciept of stock


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on record stock reciept 6.Enter warehouse details 7.Tap on next 8.Enter Stock reciept details 9.Tap on submit button 10.Check whether user is landed on record created successfully page.

Warehouse manager should be able to record a reciept of stock and should be able to successfully submit the reciept



Record reciept of stock

Check if the warehouse manager is able to record issue of stock


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on record stock issued 6.Enter warehouse details 7.Tap on next 8.Enter Stock issued details 9.Tap on submit button 10.Check whether user is landed on record created successfully page.

Warehouse manager should be able to record a issue of stock and should be able to successfully submit the reciept



Record reciept of stock

Check if the warehouse manager gets an error when they try to record issue of stock which is actually more than the actual stock present.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on record stock reciept 6.Enter "no of bednets recieved" as 60 7.Tap on submit 8.Tap on record stock issued 9.Enter "no of bednets sent" as 50 10.Tap on submit button 10.Check whether user is getting an error message.

When warehouse manager try to record issue of stock which is actually more than the actual stock present user should get an error message displayed on the screen



Record reciept of stock

Check when user taps on manage stock button user is landing on the manage stocks page.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Check whether user is landed on manage stocks screen.

When manager taps on manage stock button in home screen, manager should land on manage stocks screen and he is able to see the different options - record stock receipt, record stock issued, stock returned, stock damaged and stock loss.



Record reciept of stock

Check when user taps on record reciept of stock user is routed to fill the form defined for capturing inflow of stock


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on record stock reciept 6.User should route to fill form defined.

When user taps on record stock reciept user should route to fill the form defined for capturing the inflow of stock



Record reciept of stock

Check if admin is able to record reciept of stock


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as admin 8.Enter Stock reciept details 9.Tap on submit button 10.Check whether user is landed on record created successfully page.

Admin should be able to record a reciept of stock and should be able to successfully submit the reciept



Record a return of stock

Check whether the warehouse manager is able to record a return of stock


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as an admin 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on stock returned 6.Check whether warehouse manager is able to record a return of stock.

Warehouse manager should be able to record a return of stock.



Record a return of stock

Check whether the admin is able to record a return of stock


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on stock returned 6.Check whether admin is able to record a return of stock.

Admin should be able to record a return of stock successfully.



Record reciept of stock

Check if the drop down list contains all the warehouse names which are assigned to the user's boundary


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager/admin 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on record stock reciept 6.Tap on the warehouse name drop down list 7.Check whether the drop down contains all the warehouse names which are assigned to the user's boundary.

User should be able to see all the names of the warehouses in the drop down list which are assigned to the user's boundary.



recieved stock details

Check whether recieved stock details drop down consists of the "Distribution team" as the first value followed by the warehouse names irrespective of the boundaries.


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager/admin 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on record stock reciept 6.Enter details on the warehouse details page 7.Click on next button 8.Check whether the drop down contains all the "Distribution team" as the first value followed by warehouse names irrespective of the boundaries.

User should be able to see the "Distribution team" as the first value followed by warehouse names irrespective of the boundaries.



Damaged stock details

Check whether user is able to select the damaged during from the drop down list which consist of two options as in transit and in storage


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager/admin 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on damage stock 6.Enter details on the warehouse details page 7.Click on next button 8.Check whether the drop down contains all the damage during options.

User should be able to select damage during options that is in transit and in storage from the drop down



Damaged stock details

Check if the reason of damaged during is "In transit" then the next field "recieved from" the user selects from the dropdown


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager/admin 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on damage stock 6.Enter details on the warehouse details page 7.Click on next button 8.Check if the reason of damaged during is "In transit" then the next feld "recieved from" the user must select from the drop down.

If the reason of damaged during is "In transit" then the next field "recieved from" the user must select from the drop down.



Damaged stock details

Check if the reason of damaged during is "In storage" then the next field "recieved from" is disbaled


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager/admin 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on damage stock 6.Enter details on the warehouse details page 7.Click on next button 8.Check if the reason of damaged during is "In storage" then the next feld "recieved from" should be disabled.

If the reason of damaged during is "In storage" then the next field "recieved from" should be disabled.



Lost stock details

Check whether user is able to select the recieved from the drop down list


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager/admin 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on stock loss 6.Enter details on the warehouse details page 7.Click on next button 8.Check whether the drop down contains all the warehouse names along with the distribution team.

User should be able to select the warehouse names on the recieved from drop down list.



Record reciept of stock

Check if the error message is populated on the warehouse details screen whenever the user is not assigned to any warehouse in a certain boundary


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager/admin 4.Tap on manage stock 5.Tap on record stock reciept 6.Check whether the user is getting a error pop up when user is not assigned to any warehouse in a certain boundary.

User should get an error pop up message as ''No facilities assigned. Please change the boundary or contact the system administrator to assign a facility” when user is not assigned to any warehouses.



Manage stocks screen UI

Validate the UI elements in the Manage Stocks screen


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Login as a warehouse manager/admin 4.Tap on manage stock 5. Validate the UI for the text content.

5. Within the manage stocks screen, we should see 5 options. Record Stock Receipt with text "Create records for stock received at the warehouse" with an associated arrow and icon Record Stock Issued with text "Create record for stock sent out from the warehouse" with an associated arrow and icon Stock Returned with text "Create record for stock returned to the warehouse" with an associated arrow and icon Stock Damaged with text "Record the list of resources damaged during campaign operations" with an associated arrow and icon Stock Loss with text "Record the list of resources lost during campaign operations" with an associated arrow and icon


Stock Reconciliation

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Status
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Stock reconciliation

Check whether manager is able to view what stock they have in hand and review historical movements


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Click on manage stock 3.Tap on stock reconciliation in home screen 4.Check whether manager is able view stock reconciliation screen.

When manager clicks on stock reconciliation he should be able to view details of what stocks they have on hand and review historical movements



Stock reconciliation

Check if stock reconcialation is done by the system based on the details captured while recording reciepts (inflow) and issues (outflow)


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Click on manage stock 3.Tap on stock reconciliation in home screen 4.Check whether details are captured by the system internally for receipt(inflow) and issues(outflow) on the mobile device.

When manager logs into the application and goes to stock reconciliation page manager should be able to view the data which is internally captured from the receipt(inflow) and issues(outflow) forms



Stock reconciliation

Check whether manager is able to manually add the physical count to the reconciliation form and submit the physical count.


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Click on manage stock 3.Tap on stock reconciliation in home screen 4.Check whether details are captured by the system internally for receipt(inflow) and issues(outflow) on the mobile device 5.Enter the physical count 6.Click on the submit button.

Manager should be able to add physical count and should be able to submit the form successfully



Stock reconciliation

Check whether user fills no of bednets recieved in stock reciept details the same number is seen in reconciliation screen in incoming stock


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Click on manage stock 3.Click on record reciept details 4.Enter a number in "no. of bednets recieved" 5.Tap on stock reconciliation in home screen 6.Check whether the same number is seen in "incoming stock"

User should be able to see same number which is entered in no. of bednets recieved and incoming stock in stock reconciliation



Stock reconciliation

Check whether user fills no of bednets sent in stock issued details the same number is seen in reconciliation screen in outgoing stock


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Click on manage stock 3.Click on stock issued details 4.Enter a number in "no. of bednets sent" 5.Tap on stock reconciliation in home screen 6.Check whether the same number is seen in "outgoing stock"

User should be able to see same number which is entered in no.of bednets sent and outgoing stock in stock reconciliation



Stock reconciliation

Check whether system is generating correct count of stock on hand i.e "total inflow - total outflow = stock on hand"


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation in home screen 3.Check whether system generates the correct stock on hand count.

Correct "stock on hand" count should be generated by the system to the user



Stock reconciliation

Check whether system is generating correct count of stock on hand when there is a count of returned stock too i.e "total inflow - total outflow + returned stock = stock on hand"


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation in home screen 3.Check whether system generates the correct stock on hand count.

When there is a count of returned stock too then the stock on hand will be calculated in different manner i.e "total inflow-total outflow + returned stock = stock on hand", system should calculate and generate correct stock on hand count on the user's screen



Stock reconciliation

Check whether initial state should have no alert in home screen for unsynced data


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Check whether initial state have no alert in home screen for unsynced data

When user logs into the application there should not have no alert in home screen for unsynced data.



Stock reconciliation

Check whether the stockn reconciliation is added in stock reconciliation the count of unsynced data gets increase in home screen


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation 3.Fill the required details 4.Click on submit button 5.Check whether the count of unsynced data gets increased on the home screen.

After adding up the new details in stock reconciliation the count of unsynced data should get increased on the home screen automatically.



Stock reconciliation

Check whether the info is present on the stock reconciliation screen


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation 3.Check whether the info "Stock on hand = (Stock received + stock returned) - (stock issued + stock lost + stock damaged)" is present on the home screen.

When user lands on the stock reconciliation screen user should be able to see "Stock on hand = (Stock received + stock returned) - (stock issued + stock lost + stock damaged)" this as a message on the screen.



Stock reconciliation

Check whether after submitting the stock reconciliation details user gets a display of success screen and when user clicks on the back button user navigates to the home screen


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation 3.Enter the details on the stock reconciliation screen 4.Click on submit button 5.User should get a success screen after submitting the form and user should navigate to the home screen when user clicks on back button.

User should get an success screen on the screen when user tries to submit the details of the stock reconciliation page and when user clicks on back button user should navigate to the home screen.



Stock reconciliation

Check whether the stock reconciliation details are present in DB


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation 3.Enter the details on the stock reconciliation screen 4.Click on submit button 5.Check whether the newly updated details are present in DB

User should be able too see the updated data inside the data base.



Stock reconciliation

Check whether the "Date of Reconciliation" is auto populated and non editable


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation 3.Enter the details on the stock reconciliation screen 4.Click on submit button 5.Check whether the date of reconciliation is auto populated and non editable.

User should be able to see thye auto populated current date and the date should be non editable.



Stock reconciliation

Check whether After submitting the stock reconciliation form, the user should see a success message. In the success message when the user click on "Back to home", navigates user to the home screen


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation 3.Enter the details on the stock reconciliation screen 4.Click on back button 5.Check whether After submitting the stock reconciliation form, the user should see a success message. In the success message when the user click on "Back to home", he must be shown the home screen

After submitting the stock recon form, the user should see a success message. In the success message when the user click on "Back to home", he must be shown the home screen



Online stock reconciliation

Check whether user is able to submit stock reconciliation details online


1.Connect to internet 2.Launch the application 3.Tap on stock reconciliation button 4.Enter details on the screen 5.Click on submit button 6.Check whether user is able to submit the details of the stock reconciliation screen.

User should be able to submit the details of stock reconciliation in online mode.



Stock reconciliation

Check whether user gets an confirmation screen when user clicks on submit button of the stock reconciliation page


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation 3.Enter the details on the stock reconciliation screen 4.Click on submit button 5.Check whether user gets an confirmation screen when user clicks on submit button of the stock reconciliation page

User should get an confirmation box when user clicks on the submit button.



Stock reconciliation

Check when user clicks on "ok" button details get submitted successfully on the confirmation box


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation 3.Enter the details on the stock reconciliation screen 4.Click on submit button 5.Check when user clicks on "ok" button the data should get submitted successfully.

Data should get submitted successfully when user clicks on the "OK" button of the confirmation box.



Stock reconciliation

Check when user clicks on "cancel" button details does not get submitted successfully


1.Login as a warehouse manager 2.Tap on stock reconciliation 3.Enter the details on the stock reconciliation screen 4.Click on submit button 5.Check when user clicks on "cancel" button the data should not get submitted.

Data should not get submitted successfully when user clicks on the "CANCEL" button of the confirmation box.


Offline Mobile Dashboard

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Offline mobile dashboard

Check whether user is able to view reports reflecting work's progress


1.Login as a user 2.Click on view reports 3.Check if user is able to see reports.

When user logs into the application user should be able to view reports reflecting work progress



Offline mobile dashboard

Check whether offline reports are generated based on the data present and accessible to the logged in user inside the mobile device when user is in offline mode


1.Login as a user 2.Click on view reports 3.Check if reports are available inside the mobile device and mobile DB.

When user logs into the application reports should be visible on the user's dashboard based on the data present and accessible to the logged in user when user is in offline mode



Offline mobile dashboard

Check if user is able to view registeration progress on daily basis the reports must be based on offline data present in user's account


1.Login as a user 2.Click on view reports 3.Check if reports are available inside the mobile device based on the offline data present.

User should be able to see the reports based on the offline data present inside the mobile device



Offline mobile dashboard

Check if user is able to view the reports in the form of table and a bar graph


1.Login as a user 2.Click on view reports 3.Check if reports are visible in the form of table and bar graphs to the user.

User should be able to see reports in the form of data table and bar graphs



Offline mobile dashboard

Check whether user is able to see stock reconciliation report day by day view tables that track inflow and outflow entries into the system


1.Login as a user 2.Click on view reports 3.Click on stock reconciliation 4.Check if all the data is present in the stock reconciliation based on the data present in the offline mode of the logged in user.

User should be able to view stock reconciliation report with all the required data generated in offline mode



Offline mobile dashboard

Check if user is able to view performance of team reporting to him/her on the leaderboard screen


1.Login as a user 2.Click on view reports 3.Goto leaderboard tab.

User should be able to view the leaderboard with the performance of team reporting him/her



Offline mobile dashboard

Check whether data populated is based on the aggregated data downloaded from the server after sync


1.Connect to internet 2.Login as a user 3.Click on view reports 4.Goto leaderboard tab 5.Check whether data populated is based on the aggregated data downloaded from the server after sync.

Leaderboard should contain the aggregated data based on the data downloaded from the server after sync



Offline mobile dashboard

Check whether user is able to view status bar of total household registered


1.Connect to internet 2.Login as a user 3.Click on view reports 4.Goto leaderboard tab 5.Check whether the status bar is visible as per the current status of the household registered into the appliction.

User should be able to view status bar on the leaderboard page with the current status of total household registered into the application


Online Desktop Dashboard, Monitoring Campaign KPI

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Online desktop dashboard,monitoring campaign KPI

Check whether user is able to view only aggregated data which does not display data with PII or PHI information


1.Connect to internet 2.Login to the application 3.Check whether data is visible to the user which does not contain PII or PHI information.

User should be able to view the data on the user's dashboard which does not contain PII and PHI information



Online desktop dashboard,monitoring campaign KPI

Check whether all user's are able to access the dashboards and view the data based on admin boundaries


1.Connect to internet 2.Login to the application with any user role 3.Check whether data is visible to every user when logged into the application(with any role).

User with any role should be able to view the data which is based on the admin boundaries



Online desktop dashboard,monitoring campaign KPI

Check whether the data is visible for the admin hierarchy the user is assigned at and a level below


1.Connect to internet 2.Login to the application with any user role 3.Check whether the data is visible for the admin hierarchy the user is assigned at and a level below.

The data should be visible for the admin hierarchy the user is assigned at and a level below



Online desktop dashboard,monitoring campaign KPI

Check whether user is able to drill down into the tabular view to access the lowest admin boundary under his/her jurisdictions


1.Connect to internet 2.Login to the application with any user role 3. drill down into the tabular view to access the lowest admin boundary under his/her jurisdictions.

User should be able to drill down into the tabular view to access the lowest admin boundary under his/her jurisdictions


Leaderboard to Enable Supervisor and FLW Monitor Team Performance

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Leaderboard to enable supervisor and FLW monitor team performance

Check if the supervisor is able to see how the teams under him reporting are performing well or not and whether he/she is able to access team members


1.Connect to internet 2.Login to the application as supervisor 3.Goto View reports 4.Click on leaderboard 5.Check for the performance.

Supervisor should be able to view his team members performance as and when required and even check whether supervisor is able to access team members



Leaderboard to enable supervisor and FLW monitor team performance

Check whether leaderboard is also visible to FLW teams so that they can view the performance against their peers reporting to the same suoervisor


1.Connect to internet 2.Login to the application as FLW 3.Goto View reports 4.Click on leaderboard 5.Check for the performance.

FLW should be able to view the leaderboards as well to check the performance of the peers working under same supervisor as and when needed



Leaderboard to enable supervisor and FLW monitor team performance

Check if the leaderboard is not showing any line listed information and only the aggregated data that is fetched from the server based on the last sync


1.Connect to internet 2.Login to the application as FLW 3.Goto View reports 4.Click on leaderboard 5.Check for the performances is populated according to the last sync which was made from the server.

Leaderboard should not show any line listed information and only the aggregated data that is fetched from the server based on the last sync should be visible to both the supervisor and FLW



Leaderboard to enable supervisor and FLW monitor team performance

Check if the leaderboard screen is showing the last date of screen to the viewers so that the data accuracy of data reflecting can be informed to the viewer


1.Connect to internet 2.Login to the application as FLW 3.Goto View reports 4.Click on leaderboard 5.Check whether the last date is visible on the leaderbors or not

Date should be visible on the leaderboard so that the data accuracy of data reflecting can be informed to the viewer



Leaderboard to enable supervisor and FLW monitor team performance

Check whether the progress bar on the leaderboard is showing the correct staus of total number of household registered


1.Connect to internet 2.Login to the application as FLW 3.Goto View reports 4.Click on leaderboard 5.Check whether the progress bar is showing correct status.

Progress bar should show correct status of the total number of household registered till the current date when the data syncing is done from the server


Validate the Presence of "My Checklist" Option in the Home Screen

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Validate presence of "My Checklist" option in the home screen for a supervisor irrespective of the presence of a checklist for the supervisor.

For a supervisor, we need to see the "My Checklist" option in the home screen.


Login credentials of a supervisor

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of a supervisor. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen.

Once the first time sync is complete, we should see the "My Checklist" option in the home screen.



Validate the absence of "My Checklist" option in the home screen for a registrar/distributor

For a registrar/distributor, we should not see the "My Checklist" option in the home screen.


Login credentials of a registrar/distributor

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of a supervisor. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen.

Once the first time sync is complete, we should not see the "My Checklist" option in the home screen.



Validate that we see only those checklist which are assigned to the logged in user.

We need to see only those checklist which are assigned to the currently logged in user.


1) Prior to testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. Make sure to include few mandatory and few non mandatory questions. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen.

In the "My Checklists" screen, we should see the checklist that are only assigned to the specific user.



Validate the sync of the newly created checklist to the mobile device.

We will test the functionality of syncing the newly created checklist to the mobile device.


1) While testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen. Note down the checklist that are assigned to the user. 5. In the backend, create a new checklist for the user role. 6. Perform a sync on the mobile device.

Once the sync is completed successfully, I should see the newly created checklist in the "My Checklists" screen.



Validate the sync of the removal of a checklist from the "My Checklist" screen.

We will test the functionality of syncing the details of the existing checklist to the mobile device.


1) Prior to testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. Make sure to include few mandatory and few non mandatory questions. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen. Note down the checklist that are assigned to the user. 5. In the backend, delete checklist for the user role. 6. Perform a sync on the mobile device.

Once the sync is completed successfully, I should not see the deleted checklist in the "My Checklists" screen.



Validate the sync of the update to a checklist from the "My Checklist" screen.

We will test the functionality of syncing the details of the existing checklist to the mobile device.


1) Prior to testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. Make sure to include few mandatory and few non mandatory questions. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen. Note down the checklist that are assigned to the user. 5. In the backend, update the checklist by adding one more question to the checklist for the user role. 6. Perform a sync on the mobile device.

Once the sync is completed successfully, I should see the newly added question in the checklist.



Validate the submission a filled in checklist

We will test the functionality of submission of a filled in checklist


1) Prior to testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. Make sure to include few mandatory and few non mandatory questions. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen. 5. Select a checklist to answer. Fill in the responses for the checklist. 6. Tap on submit. Tap on submit again on the message. 7. Ensure that the checklist responses are stored correctly in the mobile DB.

6. We should get a success message for the submit of the checklist response. 7. The response we submitted for the checklist should be persisted on the mobile DB.



Validate the submission a filled in checklist when the mobiel is offline

We will test the functionality of submission of a filled in checklist when the user is offline


1) Prior to testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. Make sure to include few mandatory and few non mandatory questions. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen. 5. Make the device offline. Select a checklist to answer. Fill in the responses for the checklist. 6. Tap on submit. Tap on submit again on the message. 7. Ensure that the checklist responses are stored correctly in the mobile DB.

6. We should get a success message for the submit of the checklist response. 7. The response we submitted for the checklist should be persisted on the mobile DB.



Ensure count of sync data for checklist response is upto date.

We will test the functionality to display the number of un-synced checklist response data.


1) Prior to testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. Make sure to include few mandatory and few non mandatory questions. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Do a fresh installation of the app. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Observe the home screen. 5. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen. Make the device offline. Select a checklist to answer. Fill in the responses for the checklist. 6. Tap on submit. Tap on submit again on the message. 7. Ensure that in the home screen, we see a text for the unsynced data.

4. We should not see any message for the unsynced data. 7. In the home screen, we should see the following text "There are 1 records yet to be synced"



Verify that if we select "No" as the answer for a checklist question, I am shown an alert and a reason box. (This should be tested in both cases when mobile is online while submitting the checklist answers as well when the mobile is offline while submitting the checklist answers)

We will test the functionality when the user selects "No" as the answer for a checklist question


1) Prior to testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. Make sure to include few mandatory and few non mandatory questions. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen. 5. Make the device offline. Select a checklist to answer. Fill in the responses for the checklist. For one of the question in the checklist select "No" as the answer. 6. Fill in the answer for all question and tap on submit. (Do not fill in the reason for the question whcih was asnwered as "No") 7. Fill in a valid reason text for the question which was answered as "No" and tap on submit. Tap on submit again on the message. 8. Ensure that the checklist responses are stored correctly in the mobile DB.

5. When we select "No" as the answer for a question in the checklist, we should see a text box with heading "Reason" displayed below the question. Also, we see an alert asking us to fill the checklist answer. 6. The app should still remain in the checklist screen and the reason box and alert text should still be present. We should see a toast message asking us to fill in answer for all the questions in the checklist. 7. The checklist answer should be submitted. 8. The checklist answers should be persisted on the local mobile device DB.



Verify that we can submit answers for a checklist if we have not answered for a non mandatory question.(This should be tested in both cases when mobile is online while submitting the checklist answers as well when the mobile is offline while submitting the checklist answers)

We will test the functionality to submit the checklist even if we have not answered an optional question.


1) Prior to testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. Make sure to include few mandatory and few non mandatory questions. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen. 5. Make the device offline. Select a checklist to answer. Fill in the responses for the checklist. For question that is marked as non mandatory, do not fill any answer. 6. Fill in the answer for all question and tap on submit. (if you are selecting "No" as an answer for a question, please fill in the reason as well) 7. Tap on submit. Tap on submit again on the message. 8. Ensure that the checklist responses are stored correctly in the mobile DB.

5. Even if I do not fill an answer for a question that is marked as non mandatory, I should not see the reason text box and alert below the question. 6. I should be able to answer all the questions. 7. The checklist answer should be submitted. 8. The checklist answers should be persisted on the local mobile device DB.



Verify that we get an alert toast message if we do not answer any of the questions in the checklist.(This should be tested in both cases when mobile is online while submitting the checklist answers as well when the mobile is offline while submitting the checklist answers)

We will test the functionality that shows the error message when the user does not fill an answer for any of the checklist questions and submits the checklist.


1) Prior to testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. Make sure to include few mandatory and few non mandatory questions. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen. 5. Make the device offline. Select a checklist to answer. 6. Do not fill any answer to all questions in the checklist. 7. Tap on submit.

7. We should get a toast message asking us to fill answers for the checklist questions.



Verify that the user can select "No" and fill in a reasona and submit the checklist answers. (This should be tested in both cases when mobile is online while submitting the checklist answers as well when the mobile is offline while submitting the checklist answers)

We will test the functionality of submitting the reason for a question which is answered as "No" provided we fill the reason textbox.


1) Prior to testing this scenario, we need to create a checklist and assign it to the role of the user with which we are going to login. Make sure to include few mandatory and few non mandatory questions. 2) Valid credentials of the user to whom the checklist was assigned in step 1.

1. Connect to the internet and launch the application. 2. Login with valid credentials of the user as per pre-requisite step 2. 3. Wait for the first time sync to happen. 4. Tap on "My Checklist" option in the home screen. 5. Make the device offline. Select a checklist to answer. 6. Fill in the answer for all question. For one of the question, select "No" as answer and fill in the reason as well) 7. Tap on submit.Tap on submit again on the message. 8. Ensure that the checklist responses are stored correctly in the mobile DB.

6. We should be able to submit reason text for the question which is answered as "No". 7. The checklist answer should be submitted. 8. The checklist answer should be persisted on the local mobile device DB.


Roles specific to HCM

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Presence of roles specific to HCM

Check if the roles specific to HCM are present in the roles.json


1) Validate that the roles.json file in the health campaign MDMS data has the riles.

In the roles.json for the health campaign MDMS data, we have roles defined for each of System Administrator, Registrar and Supervisor.



Actions for HCM

Check if the actions specific to HCM are present in the actions-test.json


1) Validate that in actions-test.json, I have entries for the following 1. Define Campaign Type (Project type) 2. Create Campaign(s) (Projects) 3. Create Products 4. Create Product Variants 5. Assign Products Variants as campaign resources 6. Create Roles and map to actions 7. Create users- map to role and boundary (boundary mapping to be confirmed) 8. Define boundaries 9. Map users to campaigns 10. Define MDMS configurations (Including project type) 11. Create localization 12. Create New Household 13. Create New Individual 14. Map Individuals to households 15. Assign Household/individual as a beneficiary of a campaign 16. Update Service Delivery against beneficiary (household/ individual) 17. Read, update and delete for household, individual

We see specific actions for the HCM project in actions-test.json. The actions include. 1. Define Campaign Type (Project type) 2. Create Campaign(s) (Projects) 3. Create Products 4. Create Product Variants 5. Assign Products Variants as campaign resources 6. Create Roles and map to actions 7. Create users- map to role and boundary (boundary mapping to be confirmed) 8. Define boundaries 9. Map users to campaigns 10. Define MDMS configurations (Including project type) 11. Create localization 12. Create New Household 13. Create New Individual 14. Map Individuals to households 15. Assign Household/individual as a beneficiary of a campaign 16. Update Service Delivery against beneficiary (household/ individual) 17. Read, update and delete for household, individual



System Administrator - Role action mapping for HCM

Check if the role action mapping speciifc to HCM for a system administrator are defined correctly.


1) Validate that in roleactions.json, for the rolecode of a system administrator, I have entries for the following 1. Define Campaign Type (Project type) 2. Create Campaign(s) (Projects) 3. Create Products 4. Create Product Variants 5. Assign Products Variants as campaign resources 6. Create Roles and map to actions 7. Create users- map to role and boundary (boundary mapping to be confirmed) 8. Define boundaries 9. Map users to campaigns 10. Define MDMS configurations (Including project type)

In roleactions.json, for the rolecode of a system administrator, I have entries for the following 1. Define Campaign Type (Project type) 2. Create Campaign(s) (Projects) 3. Create Products 4. Create Product Variants 5. Assign Products Variants as campaign resources 6. Create Roles and map to actions 7. Create users- map to role and boundary (boundary mapping to be confirmed) 8. Define boundaries 9. Map users to campaigns 10. Define MDMS configurations (Including project type)



Registrar - Role action mapping for HCM

Check if the role action mapping speciifc to HCM for a registrar are defined correctly.


1) Validate that in roleactions.json, for the rolecode of a registrar, I have entries for the following 1. Create New Household 2. Create New Individual 3. Map Individuals to households 4. Assign Household/individual as a beneficiary of a campaign 5. View offline reports

In roleactions.json, for the rolecode of a registrar, I have entries for the following 1. Create New Household 2. Create New Individual 3. Map Individuals to households 4. Assign Household/individual as a beneficiary of a campaign 5. View offline reports



Distributor - Role action mapping for HCM

Check if the role action mapping speciifc to HCM for a distributor are defined correctly.


1) Validate that in roleactions.json, for the rolecode of a distributor, I have entries for the following 1. Create New Household 2. Create New Individual 3. Map Individuals to households 4. Assign Household/individual as a beneficiary of a campaign 5. Update Service Delivery against beneficiary (household/ individual) 6. Read, update and delete for all actions mentioned above 7. View offline reports

In roleactions.json, for the rolecode of a distributor, I have entries for the following 1. Create New Household 2. Create New Individual 3. Map Individuals to households 4. Assign Household/individual as a beneficiary of a campaign 5. Update Service Delivery against beneficiary (household/ individual) 6. Read, update and delete for all actions mentioned above 7. View offline reports



Actions on mobile for a registrar

Check if the registrar is able to perform actions that are assigned to the role on the mobile application.


Valid registrar login credentials

1) Validate that for a registrar, I am able to perform the following actions on the mobile application 1. Create New Household 2. Create New Individual 3. Map Individuals to households 4. Assign Household/individual as a beneficiary of a campaign 5. View offline reports

For a registrar, I am able to perform the following actions on the mobile application 1. Create New Household 2. Create New Individual 3. Map Individuals to households 4. Assign Household/individual as a beneficiary of a campaign 5. View offline reports



Actions on mobile for a distributor

Check if the distributor is able to perform actions that are assigned to the role on the mobile application.


Valid dictributor login credentials

1) Validate that for a distributor, I am able to perform the following actions on the mobile application 1. Create New Household 2. Create New Individual 3. Map Individuals to households 4. Assign Household/individual as a beneficiary of a campaign 5. Update Service Delivery against beneficiary (household/ individual) 6. Read, update and delete for all actions mentioned above 7. View offline reports

For a distributor, I am able to perform the following actions on the mobile application 1. Create New Household 2. Create New Individual 3. Map Individuals to households 4. Assign Household/individual as a beneficiary of a campaign 5. Update Service Delivery against beneficiary (household/ individual) 6. Read, update and delete for all actions mentioned above 7. View offline reports



Actions on mobile for a registrar

Check if the registrar is able to view offline reports on the mobile application.


Valid Registrar login credentials

1) Validate that for a registrar, I am able to view offline reports

For a registrar, I am able to view offline reports



Actions on mobile for a distributor

Check if the distributor is able to view offline reports on the mobile application.


Valid distributor login credentials

1) Validate that for a distributor, I am able to view offline reports

For a distributor, I am able to view offline reports


MDMS Configurations

Test Id
Sub Feature/ Use Case
Test Ideas
Test Type
Test Data
Steps to be executed
Expected Result
QA Review
Dev Review
PM Review
Actual result
Dev Status
QA Status


Administration and boundary hierarchy MDMS configurations.

Ensure that the administrative and boundary hierarchy data is defined in the MDMS for HCM.


1) Navigate to the github repo of health campaign MDMS - https://github.com/egovernments/health-campaign-mdms. 2) Ensure that the administrative and boundary hierarchy data are defined for the HCM project in the path https://github.com/egovernments/health-campaign-mdms/tree/default-health/data/default/health

We should see that the administartive and boundary related data for the HCM product are defnined in the HCM MDMS configurations.



Project Type MDMS configurations.

Ensure that the project type configurations for HCM MDMS are defined.


1) Navigate to the github repo of health campaign MDMS - https://github.com/egovernments/health-campaign-mdms. 2) Ensure that the project type configuration data are defined for the HCM project in the path https://github.com/egovernments/health-campaign-mdms/tree/default-health/data/default/health

We should be able to see a JSON file that hold the configurations for the project type. The fields include id - String name - String code - String group - String beneficiaryType - Enumerated String eligibilityCriteria - Enumarated String taskProcedure - Array of String resources - Array of product



Project Task MDMS configurations.

Ensure that the project task configurations for HCM MDMS are defined.


1) Navigate to the github repo of health campaign MDMS - https://github.com/egovernments/health-campaign-mdms. 2) Ensure that the project task configuration data are defined for the HCM project in the path https://github.com/egovernments/health-campaign-mdms/tree/default-health/data/default/health

We should be able to see a JSON file that hold the configurations for the project task. The fields include beneficiaryTypes - Array of String taskStrategies - Array of String projectStatuses - Array of String taskStatuses - Array of String identifierTypes - Array of String projectGroups - Array of String



Service Registry MDMS configurations.

Ensure that the service registry configurations for HCM MDMS are defined.


1) Navigate to the github repo of health campaign MDMS - https://github.com/egovernments/health-campaign-mdms. 2) Ensure that the service registry configuration data are defined for the HCM project in the path https://github.com/egovernments/health-campaign-mdms/tree/default-health/data/default/health

We should be able to see a JSON file that hold the configurations for the service registry. The fields include the different URL end points for USER, PROJECT, HOUSEHOLD, INDIVIDUAL, MDMS, LOCALIZATION, HOUSEHOLD-MEMBER, PROJECT-BENEFICIARY, PROJECT-TASK, STOCK etc


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