QA Sign-off
QA Sign Off Report
Information regarding sign-off modules and features for HCM FLW app are mentioned below:
Stories covered for testing - [1.1] Register a new beneficiary - [1.2] Search and view Registered beneficiaries from list - [1.3] Update beneficiaries details after registration - [1.4] Delete beneficiaries details after registration - [2.1] Login into the Mobile App - [2.2] In app walkthrough for registration flow - [3.1] Add delivery details against registered beneficiary - [3.2] Edit delivery details against registered beneficiary - [3.3] Delete delivery details against registered beneficiary - [3.4] Search delivery details against registered beneficiary - [4.1] Record receipt of stock - [4.2] Record issue of stock - [4.3] Perform stock reconciliation to view Stock on Hand - [6.1] Fill and submit supervision checklists - [7.1] Create project service for campaign Setup - Backend - [7.2] Manage users and roles to enable campaign setup - [7.3] MDMS configuration for campaign setup - Backend - [7.5] User management - [7.7] View progress against targets assigned- Progress bar on homepage - [8.1] Update dashboard indicators with data from Micro-plan (targets)- Support excel upload - [9.1] Download latest forms, role permissions and data from server to mobile app - [9.1.1] Offline: Download data from server to the mobile application - [9.2] Upload data collected while offline with server - Offline Sync Capability - [10.1] Enable location services on mobile app when offline - [10.2] Localization: Support for English and Portuguese
View the credentials used for testing QA and UAT below:
Role | Username | Password |
SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR | sysadmin | eGov@4321 |
SUPERUSER | super007 | eGov@1234 |
Role | Username | Password |
REGISTRAR | registrarUlongue | eGov@1234 |
DISTRIBUTOR | distributorUlongue | eGov@1234 |
WAREHOUSE_MANAGER | wmgrUlongue | eGov@1234 |
NATIONAL_SUPERVISOR | nationalSupervisor1 | eGov@1234 |
PROVINCIAL_SUPERVISOR | provincialSupervisor1 | eGov@1234 |
DISTRICT_SUPERVISOR | fieldSupervisor1 | eGov@1234 |
Role | UserName | Password |
SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR | sysadmin | eGov@1234 |
REGISTRAR | registrar | eGov@1234 |
DISTRIBUTOR | distributor | eGov@1234 |
SUPERUSER | superuser | eGov@1234 |
NATIONAL_SUPERVISOR | nationalSupervisor | eGov@1234 |
PROVINCIAL_SUPERVISOR | provincialSupervisor | eGov@1234 |
DISTRICT_SUPERVISOR | districtSupervisor | eGov@1234 |
WAREHOUSE_MANAGER | warehouseManager | eGov@1234 |
Role | username | Password |
DISTRIBUTOR | distributorDomue1 | eGov@1234 |
DISTRIBUTOR | distributorDomue2 | eGov@1234 |
DISTRIBUTOR | distributorChiocoL11 | eGov@1234 |
DISTRIBUTOR | distributorChiocoL12 | eGov@1234 |
DISTRIBUTOR | distributorChiocoL13 | eGov@1234 |
DISTRIBUTOR | distributorKazulaL11 | eGov@1234 |
DISTRIBUTOR | distributorKazulaL12 | eGov@1234 |
WAREHOUSE_MANAGER | wmgrChangara | eGov@1234 |
WAREHOUSE_MANAGER | wmgrChangara | eGov@1234 |
WAREHOUSE_MANAGER | wmgrChiocoL11 | eGov@1234 |
WAREHOUSE_MANAGER | wmgrChiocoL21 | eGov@1234 |
WAREHOUSE_MANAGER | wmgrKazulaL11 | eGov@1234 |
FIELD_SUPERVISOR | fieldSupDomue | eGov@1234 |
FIELD_SUPERVISOR | fieldSupChioco | eGov@1234 |
FIELD_SUPERVISOR | fieldSupKazula | eGov@1234 |
DISTRICT_SUPERVISOR | distSupChangara | eGov@1234 |
DISTRICT_SUPERVISOR | distSupChangara | eGov@1234 |
PROVINCIAL_SUPERVISOR | provSupTete1 | eGov@1234 |
PROVINCIAL_SUPERVISOR | provSupTete2 | eGov@1234 |
Test cases executed:
UI test cases executed:
Sub Feature/ Use Case | Test Ideas | Test Type | Test Data | Steps to be executed | Expected Result | QA Review | Dev Review | PM Review | Actual result | Dev Status | QA Status | Comments | Environment | OS | Browser | |
HLM-686-2.1 | ||||||||||||||||
HLM/686/01 | Login | Check if User is able to login to the application | Functional | 1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials. 3.Click on login. | User should be able to login to the application and use the app for carrying day to day activities | PASS | PASS | |||||||||
HLM/686/02 | Login | Check if the password entry is masked | Functional | 1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials. | Password entry should be masked when user enters his/her password | PASS | PASS | |||||||||
HLM/686/03 | Login | Check if user is able to view the password by clicking on view password button | Functional | 1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid credentials. 3.Click on view password icon. | User should be able to view the entered password when user clicks on view password icon | PASS | PASS | |||||||||
HLM/686/04 | Login | Check whether the error alert gets displayed when password does not match | Functional | 1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter invalid password. 3.Click on login. | Error alert "Password entered does not match" should get displayed when user enters incorrect password and clicks on submit button | PASS | PASS | |||||||||
HLM/686/05 | Login | Check whether the error alert gets displayed when userid/name does not match | Functional | 1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter invalid userid/name. 3.Click on login. | Error alert "Username entered does not match" should get displayed when user enters incorrect userid/name and clicks on submit button | PASS | PASS | |||||||||
HLM/686/06 | Login | Check when user clicks on forgot password a message gets displayed | Functional | 1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid login credentials. 3.Click on forgot password | Error alert "Please contact the administration if you have forgotten your password" should get displayed when user clicks on forgot password. When we click on "OK" CTA, we are taken to the login screen. | PASS | PASS | |||||||||
HLM/686/07 | Login | Check whether toast message is generated after successful login | Functional | 1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid login credentials. 3.Click on login | User should get a toaster as "successful login" when user gets successfully logged in to the application | NA | NA | |||||||||
HLM/686/08 | Login | Check whether the loader is displayed when the syncing is carried from the server | Functional | 1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid login credentials. 3.Click on login | User should be able to see the loader when file sycing is carried | PASS | PASS | |||||||||
HLM/686/09 | Login | Check whether successful login triggers the mobile application to automatically download the MDMS data from the server | Functional | 1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid login credentials. 3.Click on login | After successful login application should trigger to automatically download MDMS data from the server | PASS | PASS | |||||||||
HLM/686/10 | Login | Check whether after successful data download into the application pop up is generated as "Data Downloaded" | Functional | 1.Launch the mobile application. 2.Enter valid login credentials. 3.Click on login | After successful download of data into the application user pop should get generated as "Data Downloaded" | NA | NA | |||||||||
HLM/686/11 | Login | Check whether the forgot password link is visible on the login page | UI | 1.Launch the mobile application. | User should be able to view forgot password link on the login page | PASS | PASS | |||||||||
HLM/686/12 | Offline Login for an already logged in user | Check whether the user can login to the mobile application while being offline | Functional | 1. Install the app. 2. Switch on internet and do the first time login and data download. 3. Once the data download is complete, logout off the application. 4. Switch off the internet connection on the mobile device. 5. Perform login with valid credentials. | User should be able to login to the application even when offline. | PASS | PASS |
API test cases executed
Test Id | Sub Feature/ Use Case | API Targeted | API Method | Test Ideas | Pre Condition | Steps to be executed | Expected Result | Curl Request | QA Review | Dev Review | Actual result | Comments | Status |
HLM/688/API/001 | Create a project task with valid data | Project Task | Create | API request to create project task with valid data | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with valid data using the auth token fo a distributor | We should be able to create a project task. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "clientReferenceId": "d642d1c1-2e75-43f1-9bfe-dc3eb1354794", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery in progress" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": { "apiId": null, "ver": null, "ts": 1679298652489, "resMsgId": null, "msgId": null, "status": "successful" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-20-003047", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "d642d1c1-2e75-43f1-9bfe-dc3eb1354794", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": null, "resources": [ { "id": "234496bd-c991-40d2-b0ca-7c28790cfe70", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-03-20-003047", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery in progress", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679298652473, "lastModifiedTime": 1679298652473 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "08741303-2ec7-408a-9b09-9c6044ae15ae", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 1, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679298652473, "lastModifiedTime": 1679298652473 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/002 | Create a project task with valid data | Project Task | Create | API request to create project task with valid data | Auth token of a registrar | Send a postman request to create a project task with valid data using the auth token fo a registrar | We should get an error message saying that the action is not available to the user. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "clientReferenceId": "fb7ea585-aaac-4703-a417-e8fc74e0f1d4", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "462273f2-3132-46da-8786-9a6a03f8c041", "taskClientReferenceId": "462273f2-3132-46da-8786-9a6a03f8c041", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "clientReferenceId": "462273f2-3132-46da-8786-9a6a03f8c041", "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "COMPLETED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": { "apiId": null, "ver": null, "ts": 1679384185768, "resMsgId": null, "msgId": null, "status": "successful" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-21-003076", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "fb7ea585-aaac-4703-a417-e8fc74e0f1d4", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "resources": [ { "id": "5a3b0555-15b8-48f8-ba73-0898d0b78596", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "462273f2-3132-46da-8786-9a6a03f8c041", "taskId": "PT-2023-03-21-003076", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679384185754, "lastModifiedTime": 1679384185754 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "e4c32953-2a66-45db-a360-a27642d4fb8c", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "462273f2-3132-46da-8786-9a6a03f8c041", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 1, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679384185754, "lastModifiedTime": 1679384185754 }, "status": "COMPLETED" } } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/003 | Update a project task with valid data | Project Task | Update | API request to update project task with valid data | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task with valid data using the auth token fo a distributor | We should be able to update the project task. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": null, "resources": [ { "id": "df73be0f-dbf5-43d7-aab4-91e014c5a647", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "taskClientReferenceId": null, "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "t", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1676280722118, "lastModifiedTime": 1676280722118 } }, { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2023-01-04-000013", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery has been scheduled." } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": null, "createdDate": null, "address": { "id": "da9fddf6-f524-43f5-827a-fcfae2eedace", "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 66.0, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": null, "label": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "materializedPath": null } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 2, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1676280722117, "lastModifiedTime": 1676280722117 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": { "apiId": null, "ver": null, "ts": 1679298826837, "resMsgId": null, "msgId": null, "status": "successful" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": null, "resources": [ { "id": "df73be0f-dbf5-43d7-aab4-91e014c5a647", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "t", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1676280722118, "lastModifiedTime": 1679298826829 } }, { "id": "1c717542-bbbb-410e-a9e9-75c2aaa9b2cd", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2023-01-04-000013", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery has been scheduled.", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679298826828, "lastModifiedTime": 1679298826828 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, 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HLM/688/API/006 | Delete a project task with valid data | Project Task | Delete | API request to delete project task with valid data | Auth token of a registrar | Send a postman request to delete a project task with valid data using the auth token fo a registrar | We should get an error message saying that the action is not available to the user. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-21-003077", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "e62ab80f-6e53-4fdc-9539-e0ac11da6840", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "resources": [ { "id": "f11b327b-3b8f-4abc-ab77-30bf75d92b78", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "1bdd14cc-9817-4aea-b128-99262e3fb3dd", "taskId": "PT-2023-03-21-003077", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679384494029, "lastModifiedTime": 1679384494029 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "13ee9dec-7b84-4486-8f9c-0951779e7d86", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "1bdd14cc-9817-4aea-b128-99262e3fb3dd", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 1, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679384494028, "lastModifiedTime": 1679384494028 }, "status": "COMPLETED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": { "apiId": null, "ver": null, "ts": 1679384641133, "resMsgId": null, "msgId": null, "status": "successful" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-21-003077", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "e62ab80f-6e53-4fdc-9539-e0ac11da6840", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "resources": [ { "id": "f11b327b-3b8f-4abc-ab77-30bf75d92b78", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "1bdd14cc-9817-4aea-b128-99262e3fb3dd", "taskId": "PT-2023-03-21-003077", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679384494029, "lastModifiedTime": 1679384494029 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "13ee9dec-7b84-4486-8f9c-0951779e7d86", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "1bdd14cc-9817-4aea-b128-99262e3fb3dd", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 1, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679384494028, "lastModifiedTime": 1679384494028 }, "status": "COMPLETED" } } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/007 | Search a project task with valid data | Project Task | Search | API request to search project task with valid data | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to search a project task with valid data using the auth token fo a distributor | We should be able to search the project task. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": [ "PT-2023-02-13-000019" ], "clientReferenceId": [ "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb" ], "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "localityCode": "test_218f32cdca88", "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": { "apiId": null, "ver": null, "ts": 1679298872193, "resMsgId": null, "msgId": null, "status": "successful" }, "Tasks": [ { "id": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": null, "resources": [ { "id": "3aa9e4f3-1fd6-40a7-828d-6e54e32d2894", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2023-01-04-000013", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "t", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1676281077731, "lastModifiedTime": 1676281077731 } }, { "id": "df73be0f-dbf5-43d7-aab4-91e014c5a647", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "t", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1676280722118, "lastModifiedTime": 1679298826829 } }, { "id": "1c717542-bbbb-410e-a9e9-75c2aaa9b2cd", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2023-01-04-000013", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "t", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679298826828, "lastModifiedTime": 1679298826828 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": null, "createdDate": null, "address": { "id": "da9fddf6-f524-43f5-827a-fcfae2eedace", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 66.0, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": null, "label": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "materializedPath": null } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 3, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1676280722117, "lastModifiedTime": 1679298826830 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/008 | Search a project task with valid data | Project Task | Search | API request to search project task with valid data | Auth token of a registrar | Send a postman request to search a project task with valid data using the auth token fo a registrar | We should get an error message saying that the action is not available to the user. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "clientReferenceId": [ "8383af6f-23c8-4966-b044-dd794201055c" ] } }' | { "ResponseInfo": { "apiId": null, "ver": null, "ts": 1679384545927, "resMsgId": null, "msgId": null, "status": "successful" }, "Tasks": [ { "id": "PT-2023-02-23-000035", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "8383af6f-23c8-4966-b044-dd794201055c", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "b2cb0882-b9f8-4d10-973f-793d9dacb417", "resources": [ { "id": "28dd5d56-468b-4389-ab5c-30f980235336", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-02-23-000035", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "t", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1677135507560, "lastModifiedTime": 1678950773817 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": null, "createdDate": null, "address": { "id": "3b266239-013c-4d75-86fb-581de9b79d53", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 66.0, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb22", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": null, "label": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "materializedPath": null } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 2, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1677135507555, "lastModifiedTime": 1678950773819 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/009 | Create a project task with invalid data | Project Task | Create | API request to create project task with invalid data | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with invalid data using the auth token fo a distributor | We should get an error message with respect to the invalid data being sent in the request body. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "d", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "clientReferenceId": "6594ae45-d9ec-4ce8-90ed-fc8bf1f0c42d", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "COMPLETED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "IDGEN_ERROR", "message": "No ids returned from idgen Service", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/010 | Update a project task with invalid data | Project Task | Update | API request to update project task with invalid data | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task with invalid data using the auth token fo a distributor | We should get an error message with respect to the invalid data being sent in the request body. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "tenantId": "de", "clientReferenceId": "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": null, "resources": [ { "id": "df73be0f-dbf5-43d7-aab4-91e014c5a647", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "taskClientReferenceId": null, "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "t", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1676280722118, "lastModifiedTime": 1676280722118 } }, { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2023-01-04-000013", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": null, "createdDate": null, "address": { "id": "da9fddf6-f524-43f5-827a-fcfae2eedace", "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 66.0, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": null, "label": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "materializedPath": null } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 2, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1676280722117, "lastModifiedTime": 1676280722117 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "CustomException", "message": "Not authorized to access this resource", "description": "Not authorized to access this resource", "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/011 | Delete a project task with invalid data | Project Task | Delete | API request to delete project task with invalid data | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to delete a project task with invalid data using the auth token fo a distributor | We should get an error message with respect to the invalid data being sent in the request body. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-21-003073", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "851c93d4-306a-4763-9ded-ff36d2580c35", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "resources": [ { "id": "35d26455-57a5-40a4-94df-7a678221ec4c", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "a67d2f74-7ca1-41c5-a3a6-ba790b6ccc49", "taskId": "PT-2023-03-21-003073", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery has been scheduled.", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679383065159, "lastModifiedTime": 1679383065159 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "b6f2dd51-2e3f-4b1a-aaf4-30588918738e", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "a67d2f74-7ca1-41c5-a3a6-ba790b6ccc49", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 1, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679383065159, "lastModifiedTime": 1679383065159 }, "status": "SCHEDULED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "NotNull.taskRequest.task.address.type", "message": "must not be null", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/012 | NULL check for project task creation API | Project Task | Create | API request to create a project task and perform NULL check for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a null data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept null values. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": null, "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "clientReferenceId": "2532349b-c8cd-4688-9ca1-5b559f4b5345", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery has been scheduled." } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "SCHEDULED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "NotNull.taskRequest.task.tenantId", "message": "must not be null", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/013 | Minimum length criteria check for project task creation API | Project Task | Create | API request to create a project task and perform check for min length for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having data less than the allowed minimum length. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that accepts values within a minimum and maximum range. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "1", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "clientReferenceId": "a36d1fdd-dcae-47d4-9cde-daf9ff8238bd", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery has been scheduled." } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "SCHEDULED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.projectId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/014 | Maximum length criteria check for project task creation API | Project Task | Create | API request to create a project task and perform check for max length for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having data more than the allowed minimum length. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that accepts values within a minimum and maximum range. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "1333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "clientReferenceId": "de36424e-4266-4c25-b7ce-9accb7fd00ca", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "COMPLETED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.projectId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/015 | Enum restriction check for project task creation API | Project Task | Create | API request to create a project task and perform check for enum values with invalid data for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a enum values with the invalid data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept the invalid data for enum values. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "clientReferenceId": "2b7d0061-0ef9-4acd-a71d-5a8345feaec8", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "NDJASWFDJFNZS,DMFCZSM", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery in progress" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "CustomException", "message": "Not authorized to access this resource", "description": "Not authorized to access this resource", "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/016 | Empty data check for project task creation API | Project Task | Create | API request to create a project task and perform check with empty string for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having an empty data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept empty data. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "clientReferenceId": "8bbe6769-d420-478e-8350-3de362958370", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": "", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery in progress" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.resources[0].productVariantId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/017 | NULL check for project task update API | Project Task | Update | API request to update a project task and perform NULL check for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a null data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept null values. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "clientReferenceId": "fda31b10-296f-40c3-8254-5e7bb10c5eaa", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": null, "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "COMPLETED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "NotNull.taskRequest.task.resources[0].productVariantId", "message": "must not be null", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/018 | Minimum length criteria check for project task update API | Project Task | Update | API request to update a project task and perform check for min length for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having data less than the allowed minimum length. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that accepts values within a minimum and maximum range. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb", "projectId": "1", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": null, "resources": [ { "id": "df73be0f-dbf5-43d7-aab4-91e014c5a647", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "taskClientReferenceId": null, "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "t", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1676280722118, "lastModifiedTime": 1676280722118 } }, { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2023-01-04-000013", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": null, "createdDate": null, "address": { "id": "da9fddf6-f524-43f5-827a-fcfae2eedace", "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 66.0, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": null, "label": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "materializedPath": null } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 2, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1676280722117, "lastModifiedTime": 1676280722117 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.projectId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/019 | Maximum length criteria check for project task update API | Project Task | Update | API request to update a project task and perform check for max length for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having data more than the allowed minimum length. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that accepts values within a minimum and maximum range. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb", "projectId": "13333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": null, "resources": [ { "id": "df73be0f-dbf5-43d7-aab4-91e014c5a647", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-02-13-000019", "taskClientReferenceId": null, "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "t", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1676280722118, "lastModifiedTime": 1676280722118 } }, { "tenantId": "default", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2023-01-04-000013", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": null, "createdDate": null, "address": { "id": "da9fddf6-f524-43f5-827a-fcfae2eedace", "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 66.0, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": null, "label": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "materializedPath": null } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 2, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "lastModifiedBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdTime": 1676280722117, "lastModifiedTime": 1676280722117 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.projectId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/020 | Enum restriction check for project task update API | Project Task | Update | API request to update a project task and perform check for enum values with invalid data for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a enum values with the invalid data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept the invalid data for enum values. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-20-003057", "tenantId": "dhgdeub", "clientReferenceId": "77e87697-7e32-4aae-b7c0-42c658703e4f", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": null, "resources": [ { "id": "a982abb3-6a8b-448e-91e1-1cb629fc1f47", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-03-20-003057", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679311365761, "lastModifiedTime": 1679311365761 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "ecceaed3-6f39-4ba8-8cc6-ecb37ca4b30f", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 1, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679311365760, "lastModifiedTime": 1679311365760 }, "status": "COMPLETED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "CustomException", "message": "Not authorized to access this resource", "description": "Not authorized to access this resource", "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/021 | Enum restriction check for project task update API | Project Task | Update | API request to update a project task and perform check for enum values with empty string for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a enum values with the empty data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept the empty data for enum values. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-20-003057", "tenantId": "", "clientReferenceId": "77e87697-7e32-4aae-b7c0-42c658703e4f", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": null, "resources": [ { "id": "a982abb3-6a8b-448e-91e1-1cb629fc1f47", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-03-20-003057", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679311365761, "lastModifiedTime": 1679311365761 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "ecceaed3-6f39-4ba8-8cc6-ecb37ca4b30f", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 2, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679311365760, "lastModifiedTime": 1679311365760 }, "status": "COMPLETED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "CustomException", "message": "Not authorized to access this resource", "description": "Not authorized to access this resource", "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/022 | Empty data check for project task update API | Project Task | Update | API request to update a project task and perform check with empty string for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having an empty data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept empty data. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-20-003057", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": null, "resources": [ { "id": "a982abb3-6a8b-448e-91e1-1cb629fc1f47", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "taskId": "PT-2023-03-20-003057", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679311365761, "lastModifiedTime": 1679311365761 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "ecceaed3-6f39-4ba8-8cc6-ecb37ca4b30f", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": null, "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 2, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679311365760, "lastModifiedTime": 1679311365760 }, "status": "COMPLETED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.clientReferenceId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/023 | NULL check for project task delete API | Project Task | Delete | API request to delete a project task and perform NULL check for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to delete a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a null data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept null values. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-21-003073", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "851c93d4-306a-4763-9ded-ff36d2580c35", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "resources": [ { "id": "35d26455-57a5-40a4-94df-7a678221ec4c", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "a67d2f74-7ca1-41c5-a3a6-ba790b6ccc49", "taskId": "PT-2023-03-21-003073", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery has been scheduled.", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679383065159, "lastModifiedTime": 1679383065159 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "b6f2dd51-2e3f-4b1a-aaf4-30588918738e", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "a67d2f74-7ca1-41c5-a3a6-ba790b6ccc49", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 1, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679383065159, "lastModifiedTime": 1679383065159 }, "status": "SCHEDULED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "NotNull.taskRequest.task.address.type", "message": "must not be null", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/024 | Minimum length criteria check for project task delete API | Project Task | Delete | API request to delete a project task and perform check for min length for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to delete a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having data less than the allowed minimum length. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that accepts values within a minimum and maximum range. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-21-003074", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "eaeda8fb-8461-4443-b785-1d1a66b64326", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "resources": [ { "id": "17f4cb58-0261-41f8-84eb-f9056c4ff6d0", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "2759656e-e647-41a9-be28-3b10c6d45ffe", "taskId": "PT-2023-03-21-003074", "productVariantId": "P", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery in progress", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679383417410, "lastModifiedTime": 1679383417410 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "cb461f7e-6410-4576-8dde-046219e09d0f", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "2759656e-e647-41a9-be28-3b10c6d45ffe", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 1, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679383417410, "lastModifiedTime": 1679383417410 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.resources[0].productVariantId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/025 | Maximum length criteria check for project task delete API | Project Task | Delete | API request to delete a project task and perform check for max length for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to delete a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having data more than the allowed minimum length. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that accepts values within a minimum and maximum range. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-21-003074", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "eaeda8fb-8461-4443-b785-1d1a66b64326", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "resources": [ { "id": "17f4cb58-0261-41f8-84eb-f9056c4ff6d0", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "2759656e-e647-41a9-be28-3b10c6d45ffe", "taskId": "PT-2023-03-21-003074", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011VAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery in progress", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679383417410, "lastModifiedTime": 1679383417410 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "cb461f7e-6410-4576-8dde-046219e09d0f", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "2759656e-e647-41a9-be28-3b10c6d45ffe", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 1, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679383417410, "lastModifiedTime": 1679383417410 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.resources[0].productVariantId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/026 | Enum restriction check for project task delete API | Project Task | Delete | API request to delete a project task and perform check for enum values with invalid data for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to delete a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a enum values with the invalid data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept the invalid data for enum values. | NA | |||||
HLM/688/API/027 | Enum restriction check for project task delete API | Project Task | Delete | API request to delete a project task and perform check for enum values with empty string for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to delete a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a enum values with the empty data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept the empty data for enum values. | NA | |||||
HLM/688/API/028 | Empty data check for project task delete API | Project Task | Delete | API request to delete a project task and perform check with empty string for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to delete a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having an empty data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept empty data. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-21-003075", "tenantId": "", "clientReferenceId": "11caee44-23ba-48ca-897e-63d6b89de0e3", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "resources": [ { "id": "0994f07d-b0ff-41c8-bf42-e1144d3c0cd4", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "d83d237d-1282-42fb-b30c-26ed59002ccf", "taskId": "PT-2023-03-21-003075", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery has been scheduled.", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679384030480, "lastModifiedTime": 1679384030480 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "cb71f896-95fa-4670-a0e4-f35404fa5cd1", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "d83d237d-1282-42fb-b30c-26ed59002ccf", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 1, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679384030480, "lastModifiedTime": 1679384030480 }, "status": "SCHEDULED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "CustomException", "message": "Not authorized to access this resource", "description": "Not authorized to access this resource", "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/029 | NULL check for project task search API | Project Task | Search | API request to search a project task and perform NULL check for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to search a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a null data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept null values. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": [ "PT-2023-02-13-000019" ], "clientReferenceId": [ "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb" ], "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "localityCode": "test_218f32cdca88", "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "CustomException", "message": "Not authorized to access this resource", "description": "Not authorized to access this resource", "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/030 | Minimum length criteria check for project task search API | Project Task | Search | API request to search a project task and perform check for min length for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to search a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having data less than the allowed minimum length. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that accepts values within a minimum and maximum range. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": [ "PT-2023-02-13-000019" ], "clientReferenceId": [ "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb" ], "projectId": "1", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "localityCode": "test_218f32cdca88", "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskSearchRequest.task.projectId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/031 | Maximum length criteria check for project task search API | Project Task | Search | API request to search a project task and perform check for max length for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to search a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having data more than the allowed minimum length. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that accepts values within a minimum and maximum range. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": [ "PT-2023-02-13-000019" ], "clientReferenceId": [ "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb" ], "projectId": "1333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "localityCode": "test_218f32cdca88", "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskSearchRequest.task.projectId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/032 | Enum restriction check for project task search API | Project Task | Search | API request to search a project task and perform check for enum values with invalid data for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to search a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a enum values with the invalid data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept the invalid data for enum values. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": [ "PT-2023-02-13-000019" ], "clientReferenceId": [ "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb" ], "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "localityCode": "test_218f32cdca88", "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "CustomException", "message": "Not authorized to access this resource", "description": "Not authorized to access this resource", "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/033 | Enum restriction check for project task search API | Project Task | Search | API request to search a project task and perform check for enum values with empty string for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to search a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having a enum values with the empty data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept the empty data for enum values. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": [ "PT-2023-02-13-000019" ], "clientReferenceId": [ "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb" ], "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "localityCode": "test_218f32cdca88", "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "CustomException", "message": "Not authorized to access this resource", "description": "Not authorized to access this resource", "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/034 | Empty data check for project task search API | Project Task | Search | API request to update a project task and perform check with empty string for a JSON token. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to search a project task with the auth token of a distributor. The request must have one of the JSON tokens to be having an empty data. | We should be getting an error message that points to the relevant JSON token that does not accept empty data. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": [ "PT-2023-02-13-000019" ], "clientReferenceId": [ "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb" ], "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-000071", "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "localityCode": "test_218f32cdca88", "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "CustomException", "message": "Not authorized to access this resource", "description": "Not authorized to access this resource", "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/035 | Invalid household / individual as a beneficiary | Project Task | Create | Create a project task for a household based project with a the beneficiaryId which has not been identified as the current project's beneficiary | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request for creating a project task such that the beneficiaryId being used has not been identified as the current project's beneficiary. | We should get relevant error message. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": [ "PT-2023-02-13-000019" ], "clientReferenceId": [ "8070dbd8-d127-4d90-a6d9-51a35b57c9cb" ], "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": "PTB-2023-02-10-1111", "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "localityCode": "test_218f32cdca88", "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": { "apiId": null, "ver": null, "ts": 1679313602157, "resMsgId": null, "msgId": null, "status": "successful" }, "Tasks": [] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/037 | Invalid household / individual as a beneficiary | Project Task | Update | Update a project task for a household based project with a the beneficiaryId which has not been identified as the current project's beneficiary | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request for updating a project task such that the beneficiaryId being used has not been identified as the current project's beneficiary. | We should get relevant error message. | NA | |||||
HLM/688/API/039 | Project beneficiary does not belong to same project | Project Task | Create | Create a project task for a projectA with beneficiary who has been identified with projectB. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task such that the projectId is that of projectA and beneficiaryId is that of projectB. | We should get relevant error message. | NA | |||||
HLM/688/API/040 | Project beneficiary does not belong to same project | Project Task | Update | Update a project task for a projectA with beneficiary who has been identified with projectB. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task such that the projectId is that of projectA and beneficiaryId is that of projectB. | We should get relevant error message. | NA | |||||
HLM/688/API/041 | Sending multiple duplicate productVariantId | Project Task | Create | Create a project task with multiple duplicate productVariantId data. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create project task with multiple duplicate productVariantId data. | We should get relevant error message. | NA | |||||
HLM/688/API/042 | Sending multiple duplicate productVariantId | Project Task | Update | Update a project task with multiple duplicate productVariantId data. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update project task with multiple duplicate productVariantId data. | We should get relevant error message. | NA | |||||
HLM/688/API/043 | Invalid productVariantId | Project Task | Create | Create a project task with an invalid productVariantId | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with an invalid productVariantId | We should get relevant error message. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "clientReferenceId": "c698501f-e4de-4fa4-8898-9d5aed1e7200", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "c46dd40d-031c-462f-b16a-a1dd3adb62e5", "taskClientReferenceId": "c46dd40d-031c-462f-b16a-a1dd3adb62e5", "productVariantId": "P", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery in progress" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "clientReferenceId": "c46dd40d-031c-462f-b16a-a1dd3adb62e5", "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.resources[0].productVariantId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/044 | Invalid productVariantId | Project Task | Update | Update a project task with an invalid productVariantId | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with an invalid productVariantId | We should get relevant error message. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-21-003070", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "efea655a-158a-4d77-ba6a-0c0f6f5dafd8", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "resources": [ { "id": "b2f8fe8b-1d3c-4abb-8359-aa2dc18ffda9", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "3d37364e-7e3c-469f-a130-98a115645feb", "taskId": "PT-2023-03-21-003070", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011AR-2022-12-26-00001AR-2022-12-26-00001AR-2022-12-26-00001AR-2022-12-26-00001AR-2022-12-26-00001AR-2022-12-26-00001AR-2022-12-26-00001AR-2022-12-26-00001AR-2022-12-26-00001AR-2022-12-26-00001AR-2022-12-26-00001", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery in progress", "isDeleted": false, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679380316027, "lastModifiedTime": 1679380316027 } } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "4afb8b7a-b823-420e-899c-6b3624d57c0e", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "3d37364e-7e3c-469f-a130-98a115645feb", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 3, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679380316026, "lastModifiedTime": 1679380316026 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.resources[0].productVariantId", "message": "size must be between 2 and 64", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/045 | Without sending resources | Project Task | Create | Create a project task without sending the resources array. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task without sending the resources array. | We should get relevant error message. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "clientReferenceId": "546b8cf0-3c37-4cb2-acfd-7b8b3d15e88e", "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "clientReferenceId": "f03a8f65-eb6a-436e-9e5c-e99ae34a21ad", "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "COMPLETED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.resources", "message": "size must be between 1 and 2147483647", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/046 | Without sending resources | Project Task | Update | Update a project task without sending the resources array. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task without sending the resources array. | We should get relevant error message. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "id": "PT-2023-03-21-003070", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "efea655a-158a-4d77-ba6a-0c0f6f5dafd8", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryId": null, "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "id": "4afb8b7a-b823-420e-899c-6b3624d57c0e", "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "3d37364e-7e3c-469f-a130-98a115645feb", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "boundaryType": null, "boundary": null, "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "isDeleted": false, "rowVersion": 3, "auditDetails": { "createdBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "lastModifiedBy": "6af8acab-cb2f-472b-8def-aab27864ad16", "createdTime": 1679380316026, "lastModifiedTime": 1679380316026 }, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "id": null, "parentId": null, "code": "Size.taskRequest.task.resources", "message": "size must be between 1 and 2147483647", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/047 | Multiple valid resources | Project Task | Create | Create a project task with multiple valid elements in the resources array. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with multiple valid elements in the resources array. | The project task should be created. | NA | |||||
HLM/688/API/048 | Multiple valid resources | Project Task | Update | Update a project task with multiple valid elements in the resources array. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task with multiple valid elements in the resources array. | The project task should be updated. | NA | |||||
HLM/688/API/049 | One valid and one invalid productVariantId | Project Task | Create | Create a project task with 1 valid and 1 invalid element in the resources array. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to create a project task with 1 valid and 1 invalid element in the resources array. | The project task should not be created. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "clientReferenceId": "06b43d02-878d-4c05-b1aa-49ea350a5cfa", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "a37f1a6f-e592-40a5-864b-9549480e9961", "taskClientReferenceId": "a37f1a6f-e592-40a5-864b-9549480e9961", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "PVAR-2022-12-26-000000", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery has been scheduled." } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "clientReferenceId": "a37f1a6f-e592-40a5-864b-9549480e9961", "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "SCHEDULED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "JsonParseException", "message": "Bad request", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
HLM/688/API/050 | One valid and one invalid productVariantId | Project Task | Update | Update a project task with 1 valid and 1 invalid element in the resources array. | Auth token of a distributor | Send a postman request to update a project task with 1 valid and 1 invalid element in the resources array. | The project task should not be created. | curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "RequestInfo": { "authToken": "150ff512-3737-4066-861b-d4edebd24323" }, "Task": { "tenantId": "default", "projectId": "13", "projectBeneficiaryClientReferenceId": "efafa82e-7c1c-412a-b69a-691f9acf53bb", "clientReferenceId": "444a590d-1d03-4111-85ca-f8869db06a1a", "resources": [ { "tenantId": "default", "clientReferenceId": "827e8589-76af-43b5-ac34-6f563fa83a8f", "taskClientReferenceId": "827e8589-76af-43b5-ac34-6f563fa83a8f", "productVariantId": "PVAR-2022-12-26-000011", "PVAR-2022-12-26-000000", "quantity": 2, "isDelivered": true, "deliveryComment": "Service delivery is completed" } ], "plannedStartDate": 1675582245, "plannedEndDate": 1707723045, "actualStartDate": 1707550245, "actualEndDate": 1707590245, "createdBy": "56b5c31b-b843-426c-b8d5-64a4c80286aa", "createdDate": 1707550245, "address": { "clientReferenceId": "827e8589-76af-43b5-ac34-6f563fa83a8f", "tenantId": "default", "doorNo": "test_4b2c5ad43e11", "latitude": 86.78, "longitude": 77.12, "locationAccuracy": 65.67, "type": "PERMANENT", "addressLine1": "test_2512bdc41cb2", "addressLine2": "test_afa1eadcb4f0", "landmark": "test_d7ee474cb6da", "city": "test_932d23b00265", "pincode": "test_637fa8890171", "buildingName": "test_90f36fdaf51d", "street": "test_105ae34b63c6", "locality": { "code": "test_218f32cdca88", "name": "test_66187cb44cb7", "label": "test_fd101b472626", "latitude": "test_1b1c8cbc83c3", "longitude": "test_f42b04a12d34", "materializedPath": "test_e5388dd34db2" } }, "additionalFields": { "schema": "test_5266efb5bcd9", "version": 24, "fields": [ { "key": "test_b9aa6f50056e", "value": "test_dcfafb1be02f" } ] }, "rowVersion": 1, "status": "COMPLETED" } }' | { "ResponseInfo": null, "Errors": [ { "code": "JsonParseException", "message": "Bad request", "description": null, "params": null } ] } | PASS | |||
Open issues
Regression status: Completed.
Last updated