PM Audit
Not showing the brush component in the downloads/sharing of charts? Not Done. Enhancement.
The dashboard view at 100% of screen size is not enough to show 1 graph without scrolling and also the tabular chart names (Day toggle) are not aligned at 100%. At 80% the dashboard view looks good. Possible to make the 80% view as default? Not Done. Enhancement.
At 100%
At 80%
Page is getting refreshed automatically in between and landing on overview page Not Done. Bug.
Changing the hand symbol to mouse arrow pointer wherever there is only hover and no clickHand hover. Not Done. Enhancement. Can be picked.
Edit profile page
a. Localisation missing in the fields Not Done Bug
b. After clicking on ‘Edit Profile’ the page is stuck after clicking on Save. Not Done Bug.
Windows issue for share – to add Enhancement
Comment: In windows system, the share option is like this.
National Dashboard
Localisation label missing Not Done Bug
Swathi Comment: Abhishek Suresh Can you explain this?
Neelakantan S can we do this at UI level.
Rename breadcrumb of National dashboard as per Figma Not Done Bug
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug: UI . Need to fix.
The title of the Page is not as per Figma - ‘’LLIN Campaign National Dashboard’’. Also the title should be configurable. Ie. it should be the same as the link which the user clicked on the landing page. Not Done. Bug. So the title should be → ‘’Name of the link on the card layout that the user selects” + Campaign National Dashboard. It should be “LLIN Campaign National Dashboard”
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug: UI . Need to fix.
For the households, population covered, Bed nets distributed Not Done Bug
a. Font size of number is not matching as per figma
b. Text is not as per figma (bold, size)
c. Insights (= no change from yesterday) → There should be no ‘=’ sign before
d. Missing → (Cumulative) under Total households/population/bednets
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug: UI. Need to fix it.
For household coverage & population coverage heat maps, even if there is no data for a boundary, the boundary name needs to be shown upon hovering In Progress Not Mentioned
Swathi Comment: Type of bug: Functional and UI. This was not mentioned Earlier.
For households coverage and population coverage heat maps, the insights should be shown on boundary and not KPI In Progress Bug
Swathi Comment: Type of bug Functionality &UI. Need to fix this.
There should be a restriction on the heat map to limit the extent of scrolling outside the map area. Currently the user can scroll too far outside the map area into the white space and it is difficult to get back on the map area by scrolling back in Not Done Bug
Swathi Comment: This has already brought points to Neelakantan S point of view . But he said it’s difficult to fix.
On the heat maps, if there is no change wr.t previous day, then only the message ‘’same as yesterday’’ should be displayed and not 0% . This should be applicable for all insights where delta = 0 In Progress
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug UI. Need to fix it.
The different stroke color upon hover over boundary is not being shown after drill down for lower level boundaries Invalid.
The font of the numbers on the heat maps needs to match with figma. Currently its not readable. Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug: UI. Need to discuss with Neelakantan S. Can we change it to Bold?
In the coverage by province - Not Done
a. Localisation missing on the no results
b. The kebab menu is not of the same shade as per figma
c. The search bar should show ‘Search province’ and not ‘Search’ as mentioned in Figma.
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug: UI. Need to discuss with Neelakantan S. Need to fix it.
When downloading/ sharing the coverage by province card, the text is getting misaligned - Not Done Enhancement
Please change the subheading to “Click on ‘View Dashboard ’ next to each province name to view the province level dashboard ” Not Done Enhancement Can be picked
Swathi Comment: This is done as per Figma Abhishek Suresh. So making it as an Enhancement
‘Total households visited today’- Not Done Bug
a. Rename Total Households Visited → Total Households Visited Cumulative
Swathi Comment: This is done as per Figma Abhishek Suresh . So making it as Enhancement. Type of bug: UI. Need to fix it.
Today Households Visited should be present all time. Even we don’t have any data. It need to show 0.. Need to fix it
Overview Page
The breadcrumb is not correct as per Figma. Not Done. Bug.
Swathi Comments: Type of bug UI: Need to fix it.
The title LLIN Campaign Dashboard should be configurable based on the selection from the Landing Page Not Done Enhancement
Swathi Comments:
Abhishek Suresh Can you Please explain this.
Neelakantan S The title of the overview page should be user selection from the card layout.
The name of the selected province should appear in the page title along with LLIN Not Done Bug
Eg: Tete, Zambezia
The title should be configurable. i.e. it should be the same as the link which the user clicked on the landing page. So the title should be → ‘’Name of the link on the card layout that the user selects” + Campaign Dashboard + (Name of the province that the user selects). For eg: LLIN Campaign Dashboard (Tete)
Swathi Comment: Type of bug: UI. Need to fix it. The name of the province & district should also been shown as per Figma.
In the Custom Date range selection, Not Done. Bug.
Not able to select the first 2 days of the Start date of the campaign (30th,31st). The number of days in the campaign as per progress bar is 7 days. The cumulative selection shows the campaign start date as 30th, which means the campaign end date should be 5th April. But in the calendar, April 6th is also highlighted.
Swathi Comment: Not able to select the first 2 days of the Start date of the campaign(30th,31st)-->
Abhishek Suresh For this need you need to change the month in the date picker.
The no.of days in the campaign as per progress bar is 7 days. The cumulative selection shows the campaign start date as 30th, which means the campaign end date should be 5th April. But in the calendar, April 6th is also highlighted.--->
For this we need to discuss with Neelakantan S.
When downloading the entire page as PDF, the last portion and the graphs in that is not being displayed.
Also when sharing the page as pdf/image across email/Whatsapp same issue. Not Done. Enhancement.
Swathi Comments: Type of bug:Functionality. Need to fix it. This is happening for the PDF download at 100% screen.
The labels are not matching as per Figma Not Done For households, Population, Bed nets distributed KPI cards
a. Cumulative missing in the brackets
b. For selected date range missing in brackets
Swathi Comments: Type of bug:UI. We had used the KPI sheet labels.
So, Abhishek Suresh can you please confirm which we need to follow. Earlier it was told that I need to follow the KPI sheet.
7. The insights are missing for Total households visited till Today for Households, Population, Bed nets distributed KPI cards Not Done Bug
Swathi Comment: Type of bug: Functionality. Need to fix it.
8. Tool tips are getting cropped
a. Total bed nets distributed till today
b. Bed nets coverage till today
Swathi Comment: Type of bug UI Need to fix it.And this depends on screen resolution.
9. Rename tooltip to → “ The total number of households where no delivery has taken place for the selected date range” Enhancement Not Done Can be picked
10. Rename tooltip to → “ Total number of complaints by status for the selected date range” Enhancement Not Done Can be picked
11. Households coverage ranking chart Enhancement Not Done Can be picked
a. Show % next to the numbers on the Y-axis (eg: 20%)
b. Rename legend from Households Percentage → Households coverage. Same should be applied on the labels that appear when you hover on each bar
12. On the brush component , the name of the boundary (Angonia) is coming up Bug Not Done (Same across all graphs)
Swathi Comment: Type of bug: UI. Need to remove the names on the brush component. Need to fix it
13. By default - the custom date range is selected for the page. It should be ‘Today’ Bug. Not Done.
Swathi Comment: Need to fix it.
14. Sub heading missing as per Figma. Make the sub heading same as the tool tip - Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of bug UI Need to fix it.
15. While downloading/sharing the graphs, the sub headings are getting distorted - Bug. Not Done (Please check this for all graphs with sub headings). Same for complaints by type pie chart).
Inventory Page
Sub headings missing for following charts Not Done Bug
a. For Number of days chart.. The sub heading should be → “No.of days the inventory can last as of today”.
b. For stock in hand chart - subheading to be same as figma
Swathi Comment: Type of bug: UI. Need to fix.
Default date for the page is not set for Today. Instead it is for Custom. Not Done. Bug.
Swathi Comment: Need to fix it.
Rename the tooltip District → District Name
Swathi:Comment: This was not mentioned anywhere Abhishek Suresh in the KPI sheet also. So I considered it an Enhancement. Need to fix it
This is not done yet. The summary report has drill-down Invalid Part of V1.1
Swathi:Comment: This was done as part of the V1.1. Not in V1.0.
Summary Report Not Done Bug
a. Localisation missing for district names
b. The default is not set to a→z alphabetically for district names
Swathi Comment: Type of bug: UI.
a. Localisation missing for district names yeah this is not done still. Till Start fixing this.
b. Need to fix it
Nets returned missing in the summary report Not Done Enhancement
Swathi:Comment: The Dev team has mentioned that they are not considering a few columns even if it is present In KPI sheet. So, I need to clarify whether it needs to be considered or not.
The page share and download buttons are not working Not Done Bug
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug: Functionality. Need to fix it. No Options are shown to download or Share.
Registration & Delivery Page
The page download and share buttons are not working Not Done Bug
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug: Functionality. Need to fix it. No Options are shown to download or Share.
Households visited bar chart
a. On Y axis, add % next to the numbers –eg: 20%, 10% etc for % toggle Not Done Enhancement
b. For %: Edit legend to → % of Households visited against target Not Done Enhancement
c. For #, edit legend to → Number of households visited Not Done Enhancement
d. The font of the text upon hovering over graph- No distinction btw boundary name and status: Make the boundary name in bold Bug Not Done
3. Population covered graph
a. Add % next to the numbers on the Y-axis for % toggle Not Done Enhancement
b. For % toggle: Rename legend to → % of Population covered against target Not Done Enhancement
c. The font of the text upon hovering over graph- No distinction btw boundary name and status: Make the boundary name in bold Bug Not Done
4. Bed Nets distributed graph
a. Add % next to the numbers on the Y-axis for % toggle Not Done Enhancement
b. For % toggle: Rename legend to → % of bednets distributed against target Not Done Enhancement
c. The font of the text upon hovering over graph- No distinction btw boundary name and status: Make the boundary name in bold Enhancement Not Done
5. Households not delivered
a. The tooltip is getting cropped Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: This happens when we use 100% screen. It is working correctly on 80% of the screen. Type of bug:UI. Need to fix it.
b. Rename tooltip to → “ The total number of households where no delivery has taken place for the selected date range” Enhancement Not Done
c. The legend and upon hovering over the bar should only read ‘’Households not delivered’’.. Currently it has district attached. Remove this Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of UI.
d. The font of the text upon hovering over graph- No distinction btw boundary name and status: Make the boundary name in bold Bug Not Done
6. Target achievement map
a. The font on the map (% and the name) are not readable. Its different to that of Figma. Please align this as of Figma Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of bug:UI. Need to fix it.
b. The boundary thickness is much higher. Pls reduce this Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of bug:UI. Need to fix it.
c. Spell-check : Achievement → Achievement Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of bug:UI. Need to fix it.
d. he tooltip upon hovering should be done over the boundary and not the text Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of bug:Functional & UI. Need to fix it.
e. The subtext is not as per Figma → Target achievement across boundaries. (Click on the boundary to drill-down) Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of bug:UI. Need to fix it.
f. Spacing between the toggle and kebab menu is too low. Please maintain it as per figma Not Done Bug
Swathi Comment: Type of bug: UI. Need to fix it.
g. There should be a restriction on the heat map to limit the extent of scrolling outside the map area. Currently the user can scroll too far outside the map area into the white space and it is difficult to get back on the map area by scrolling back in Not Done Bug.
Swathi Comment:This has already brought points to Neelakantan S point of view . But he said it’s difficult to fix. This has already brought point to Neelakantan S. But he said it’s difficult to fix.
h. For the insights case ‘Same as yesterday’ , 0% should not be shown. Only ‘Same as yesterday’ is required. Not Done Enhancement
i. The sub heading is getting distorted while downloading/sharing the map
7. Planned versus Actual Campaign Progression
a. Toggle and charts missing for Population, Nets Invalid Part of V1.1
b. ‘’Number of Households” legend missing on the Y-axis Not Done Bug
Swathi Comment: b. Type of bug: UI. Need to fix this
c. Rename legends Not Done Bug
- Target → Planned
- Distributions → Actual
- Prediction_Distributions → Prediction (Localisation Missing)
Swathi Comment: Type of bug: UI & Functionality. Need to fix this.
d. The X-intercept for Planned and Actual plots is not shown. The X-intercept should read as per how its in Figma (Planned target date & Expected Target Date) Not Done. Bug.
Swathi Comment: Neelakantan S will answer this .
e. The title of the graph should not have (Households) in brackets Invalid
Swathi Comment: This is kept because present we had only done only for Household.
8. Summary Report
a. Localisation missing for boundary names Not Done Bug
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
b. Rename HH → Households
Swathi Comment: This is same as KPI sheet
Rename the tooltip District → District Name Not Done Enhancement
c. The tool tip for Target Achievement % Population is not correct in both Boundary and Day toggle. Please change it to as per KPI sheet Not Done Bug
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
d. Rename tooltip for Rejected, Relocated, Closed for both Boundary & Day toggle to → “ The total number of households where no delivery has taken place for the selected date range” Enhancement Not Done.
Complaints Page
Complaints by Boundary
a. The name of boundary is appearing on the brush component Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Abhishek Suresh can you plz explain this.
b. Not enough spacing between the sub heading and the graph Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
c. Sub heading getting distorted while downloading/sharing the graph Bug In Progress
d. The font of the text upon hovering over graph- No distinction btw boundary name and status: Make the boundary name in bold. Ref to Figma Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
2. Complaints by Type
a. The pie chart is not covering the whole of the space and there is too much white space. Pls refer to Figma Bug Not Done
Swathi Comments: Neelakantan S needs to confirm this.
b. The tooltip definition for the title is missing. Ref to KPI sheet Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
3. Complaints by Status
a. Remove ‘by District’ from all legends and tooltips on hover Bug Not Done
b. Boundary name appearing on brush component Bug Not Done
c. The spacing between title and the graph is low. Ref to Figma Bug Not Done
d. The font of the text upon hovering over graph- No distinction btw boundary name and status: Make the boundary name in bold. Ref to Figma Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: From a to d. Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
4. Complaints by Type & Boundary
a. Boundary name appearing on brush component Bug Not Done
b. The spacing between title and the graph is low. Ref to Figma Bug Not Done
c. The font of the text upon hovering over graph- No distinction btw boundary name and status: Make the boundary name in bold. Ref to Figma Bug Not Done
d. The tooltip definition for the title is missing. Ref to KPI sheet Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: From a to d. Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
5. Boundary wise share of complaints
a. Boundary name appearing on brush component Bug Not Done
b. The spacing between title and the graph is low. Ref to Figma Bug Not Done
c. The font of the text upon hovering over graph- No distinction btw boundary name and status: Make the boundary name in bold. Ref to Figma Bug Not Done
d. The tooltip definition for the title is missing. Ref to KPI sheet Bug Not Done
e. Add % to the numbers on the Y-axis (50%, 60% etc..) Enhancement Not Done
f. Rename the legend from ‘’Complaints by District’’ → ‘’% of Total Complaints by District’’
Swathi Comment: From a to d. Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
a. Boundary name appearing on brush component Bug Not Done
b. The spacing between title and the graph is low. Ref to Figma Bug Not Done
c. The tool tip definition is wrong. Bug Not Done
d. The font of the text upon hovering over graph- No distinction btw boundary name and status: Make the boundary name in bold. Ref to Figma Bug Not Done
e. Title getting distorted while sharing/downloading Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment: From a to d. Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
7. Summary Report (Total Complaints)
a. Localisations missing for boundary names Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment:Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
b. The Dates column sorting is not proper Bug Not Done
Swathi Comment:Type of Bug UI. Need to fix.
Swathi Comment: Type of Bug Functional . Need to fix.
8. Summary Report (Open Complaints)
a. Change the calculation to include the case = Enhancement Not Done
- Open since < 6 hrs
- Open since >= 6 hrs & <12 hrs
- Open since >=12 hrs & < 24 hrs
- Open since >= 24 hrs & <48 hrs
- Open since > = 48 hrs
- Localisations missing for boundary names Bug Not Done
9. Share/Download buttons for the page not working
Last updated
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