Architect Sign-Off
Health Dashboard
Release version: 1.0
Date: 27th April 2023
Modules Released:
Bar charts with percentage and number toggle.
Brush component for bar charts to zoom in and out for an enhanced view.
Heat maps with zoom-in/out, toggle, and drill-downs to show coverages.
Date range selection through the calendar date picker and toggle buttons to select ‘Today’ and ‘Cumulative’ date ranges.
A new component to display the list of cards based on the chart data, and includes a collection of numeric data and a circular progress bar.
Predictive line graphs to show planned versus actual campaign progression.
Multi-campaign card layout to view campaigns of multiple types happening simultaneously.
Progress bar to show the campaign duration.
Tabular charts with drill-down, search, toggle, and sort functionalities.
Pie charts with the aggregation are shown at the centre.
Stacked bar charts.
Hover definitions and sub-headings to show more details about a specific card.
Download all charts and pages in PDF and JPG formats.
Share all charts and pages in PDF and JPG formats across WhatsApp and email.
Drill-downs for bar charts.
Supervision module.
About, FAQ, and Calculation pages.
Heat/Lat-long maps re-centre button.
Bar chart with target line on the Registration & Delivery page.
All Known Issues
HLM-2824 - Able to fill the checklist & sync, but the data is not reflecting in Kibana.
Last updated
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