Attendance Management Package
The attendance management package is a comprehensive solution for managing attendance.
To learn more about Attendance Management, click here.
Link to the Pub Package:
Attendance Pages: The package includes several pages like mark_attendance.dart, manage_attendance.dart, and session_select.dart that provides the user interface for managing attendance.
Getting Started
To use this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
Integrating with the HCM Application:
To integrate this package with the HCM application, run the main function located in
This will automatically add the necessary imports, mapper initializers, route config, setting initial data, and repository initialization to the required files.
Now make sure you are on the path
and run the command:
This adds a package route to the main
Navigate to the project bloc since we need to fetch registers and attendee data after login:
Next, navigate to the line where the project staff search is written, and add the below code in the try-catch where we check the role and fetch attendance data:
Make sure you are on the path
and run the command:
This adds a package route to the main
By following these steps, you'll successfully integrate and can use attendance module within your application.
Sequence Diagram