UAT 1 Test Scenarios
For Mozambique LLIN Implementation
April 27th, 2023, April 28th, 2023
Register 5 households residing in village A in Tete. You must capture the address details, how many people are living in the household, and fill in details (age, gender, mobile number) for at least 1 member living in the household. The first member you register in the household must be the head of the household. Then you proceed to deliver bed nets:
a. Which is less than the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 2 households.
b. Which is more than the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 1 household.
c. Which is same as the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 2 households.
You realise that you made a mistake while registering one member and want to correct your mistake. Search for a household head you have registered which has individual members added. The mistake was in the mobile number- Change the mobile number you entered previously with a new mobile number.
As a distributor you are required to do the distribution in village B. Change the location from village A to village B and register 2 households. This time add only the household head and no individual members in the household. Also, skip adding the landmark in the household details page and skip adding mobile number, age, gender while registering the household head. Deliver the exact number of bed nets as suggested by the app.
Search for a household you have delivered. You entered the household head for person A. But when you visited the household again, you needed to change the household head to another person. How will you do it?
Search for a household you have delivered. Now, delete a member from a household that you have delivered. How will you do it?
For one the deliveries recorded, you realise you have entered an incorrect number of bed nets. Instead of 2, you recorded 3. How will you correct the mistake?
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
You are a registador and you forgot your password. What will you do?
You are not able to see your assigned village in the list of villages. What action would you take?
You are a registador and you realise, one of the members you registered has already been registered by your colleague and is a duplicate entry. What will you do to remove the duplicate entry from your records?
You are the supervisor for the team working in village A for Angonia district, and your team members are in the field distributing nets. As per protocol, you are expected to go and observe them work and record your observations in the registration and distribution checklist. Fill out the checklist and submit your observations for the following checklists. Mark ‘No’ as a response for atleast 2 questions in each checklist and provide the reasons.
a. Registration & distribution monitoring - Make this checklist for village A in Angonia district.
b. District Wwrehouse monitoring - Make this checklist for district Angonia.
c. Local monitors training monitoring - Make this checklist for administrative post A in district Angonia.
d. Registration & distribution training monitoring - Make the checklist for village B in Angonia district.
You are the supervisor for the team working in village A for Angonia district, and you have made 4 checklist entries so far. You are supposed to make 5 entries for the checklist "Registration & Distribution monitoring" daily. How will you check how many entries you have made so far for today and for which boundaries?
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
Warehouse Manager:
You are a warehouse manager for a warehouse in administrative post A and received a stock of 2 bales today in your community warehouse from a district warehouse in Angonia. Enter the receipt of this in the app.
You are a local monitor for administrative post A and received a stock of 45 bed nets back from the distribution team. Enter the receipt of this for the community warehouse you are managing in the app as a return.
You are a district warehouse manager and you distributed the following
a. 200 nets to the delivery team A.
b. 5 bales to the community warehouse A.
You are inspecting the warehouse at the end of the day as a community warehouse manager and you counted the number of nets in stock at the end of the day. How will you make an entry for this for the following cases?
a. There are 50 more nets in the warehouse that you counted than the number of nets suggested by the system.
b. There are 10 less nets in the warehouse that you counted than the number of nets suggested by the system.
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
Post Test Activities
SUS Questionnaire : (For the application)
(On 5 point scale: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree)
I think I would like to use this tool frequently.
I found the tool unnecessarily complex.
I thought the tool was easy to use.
I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this app.
I thought there was too much inconsistency in this tool.
I would imagine that most people would learn to use this tool very quickly.
I found the tool very difficult to use.
I felt very confident using the tool.
I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this tool.
I could efficiently complete my tasks using the system
Single ease question: (About the UAT process)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did the UAT task represent real-world scenarios and user interactions with the system?
Was the UAT task comprehensive, covering all key functionalities and features of the system?
Did the UAT include a variety of scenarios, data inputs, and user interactions to thoroughly test the system?
Was the UAT task representative of different user roles, permissions, and use cases that are relevant to the system?
Did the UAT task adequately address any specific requirements or criteria that were defined for the UAT phase?
Sign-Off Checklist
All UAT test cases completed: Verified that all UAT test cases, as defined in the UAT plan, have been executed and completed.
Business requirements validated: Validated that all business requirements, as defined in the requirements documentation - All features, functions, workflows, calculations, translations have been thoroughly tested and verified.
Compatibility tested: Verified that the application has been tested on the specified device which is used for the distribution (Samsung A09) and operating system (Android) and any compatibility issues have been addressed.
All feedback has been identified and documented. Agreed on the priority.
Documentation updated: Ensured that all relevant documentation, including user manuals, has been updated to reflect any changes made during UAT.
UAT summary report prepared: Prepared a UAT summary report that includes the UAT results, findings, and any outstanding issues or risks identified during UAT.
Success Criterion
No P1 bugs found during the execution of the test scenarios.
90% of the total test cases could be executed successfully and the observed behaviour was found to match the expected results.
Last updated
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