Release Notes

Release Summary

The release offers new platform features and functions, the details of which are provided below.

Functional Changes

  • Added proximity-based search on household and individual.

  • Multi-round campaign enabled in the mobile app.

    - Ability to configure cycles and deliveries.

    - Formula to calculate the dosage based on criteria added in MDMS.

  • Referral management and side-effects.

  • Total count added in the household search.

  • Adding voucher tag (QR code) during beneficiary registration.

  • Last-mile delivery with QR code (only BE - exchange of inventory between any users using user uuid scanned from logged in user profile code).

  • Down sync API (v1.0).

Non-Functional Changes


New ‌Feature Additions




Capture side-effects arising form medicine administration.

Referral management

Refer said beneficiary to a health facility/worker in case of a side-effect.

Down sync API

Download previous campaign registry from server for a new campaign or future cycles of same campaign.

Known Issues

  • Down sync does not support incremental download (that is, downloading only new data created in the server since the last download).

Last updated