HCM v1.4 Release Notes

Release Summary

HCM v1.4 is a tech release with only server upgrade to DIGIT 2.9 LTS with some additional cleanup.


  • Digit core LTS integration

    • MDMS v2 integration

    • Boundary V2 integration

  • HCM Admin Console

  • DIGIT HCM app modules as package extractions

Functional Changes

  • Missing unique validation on client reference ID added in all offline supported services.

  • Project types have been moved to project additional details from MDMS.

Non-Functional Changes

  • UI modules extracted as packages

    • Registration and delivery

    • Referral reconciliation

    • Inventory management

    • Attendance management

    • DIGIT scanner

    • DIGIT showcase

  • All core services have been upgraded to core 2.9 LTS barring the services modified for offline use cases.

  • All data models have been restructured with an "is a relationship" from base eGov model and the base eGov search model.

  • All data models have been moved to the health common library and duplicates removed.

  • Removed reflection until code in the health common library that is Incompatible with Java 9 and above.

Breaking Changes

  • All the master data for the DIGIT HCM app are separated by functionality from one single master.

  • Flyway version upgrade to 9.22.3 for LTS upgrade.

  • Boundary v2 Integration

Last updated
