2D Voucher Scanning

An illustrative guide to using the Voucher Scanning Module

Supports voucher scanning use cases for Beneficiary Registration, Service Delivery and Bed Net verification use cases.

Key Features

  • Enables actors to execute the registration and delivery process efficiently through the use of scanners.

  • Code scanning capability provides better user experience by auto populating the data, thus reducing the time and effort.

  • Allows manual entry of codes to ensure maximum data collection, with defined validations.

  • Prevents duplication of records and monitor resources by linking beneficiaries to their respective codes and reusing it while registering a new beneficiary or distributing resources. One can also monitor the quantity of stock distributed by scanning the code available on the stock.

  • Allows multiple scanning of resource at once.

User Roles

User RoleScope of ActionRole Description


  • Scan and link vouchers to households during registration

  • Enter the voucher code manually

  • Scan and retrieve household details to deliver intervention

  • Scan the resource code during delivery

Provide direct healthcare services, communicate SBCC information, and support to communities. Usually operate in teams and within a specified boundary.

Warehouse Managers

  • Scan the stock resource cards while receiving (Can be used for other transactions but is not preferred)

  • Scan multiple resources at once.

  • Enter the code manually

A warehouse manager is responsible to manage the stock and record all the transactions that take place within the assigned warehouse/facility.

Using 2D Voucher Scanning

HCM Home Screen

After logging into the application, the user lands on this screen which displays the daily performance (number of households registered). The progress bar must reset daily at 00:00 hours and start from 0 registrations. The action buttons related to the beneficiary include:

  • Beneficiaries

  • View Reports

  • Sync Data

  • Call Supervisor

  • File Complaint

At the bottom, there is a card that shows how many records are unsynced for the user’s convenience to sync data. If all the records are synced, then the card must say: “All records are synced”.

The help button is on every screen of the application. By clicking on it, a user can get a walkthrough of the elements on that screen.

On the top right, the administrative area assigned to the user is displayed which is based on the level of hierarchy. The hamburger button on the top left corner covers some other actions mentioned further.

Search Beneficiary Screen

On this screen, a user can search for a registered beneficiary or register a new one. There are multiple options included to search for a beneficiary: search by name, proximity, and scan a code. The metrics card shows the data for beneficiaries registered and the number of resources delivered, depending on the type of campaign.

Scan Code (Search Beneficiary)

Clicking on the scan button on the search household screen opens a scanner that allows a user to scan the voucher code provided to the beneficiary during registration. The user can also enter the code manually by clicking on the “Enter Beneficiary Code” button, if the device is unable to scan.

Based on the campaign type, the beneficiary card is opened with a set of actions for the scanned beneficiary. The user can close the scanner if needed by clicking on the close button.

Scan Code (Linking Beneficiary)

While creating a beneficiary, the user can link the beneficiary to the voucher card provided during registration by clicking on the “Link Voucher to Individual” button. If the scanner is not able to scan the code, the user can also enter the details manually. Screens for the scanner are same as that for search beneficiary.

On successful scanning, the toast message appears over the individual details screen and the voucher code is displayed. In case the scanned code does not match with the one mentioned in the voucher, the user can click on the edit button and rescan or re-enter the code. The previously scanned value must be overwritten by the latest one (No multiple scanning to be done).

Scan Code (Track Delivery Resource)

While delivering any resource to the beneficiary, the user must scan the code provided on the packaging of the resource. The scanner must be able to identify duplicate scans and must not scan the same voucher multiple times. The user can perform multiple scans at a time, but the number must not exceed the value provided by the user in the “Quantity Distributed” field.

The scanner screen has an expandable card that provides the list of resources scanned. The card displays the count of resources scanned along with the identification number for each scanned resource. If one is unable to scan, the user can enter the codes manually, but after every code, he/she must click on the enter beneficiary code again and repeat the process. The user can remove any resource by the help of the delete button provided against each resource. Once scanned, the user must click on the submit button which brings him back to the deliver intervention screen. The toast message for successful scan is displayed on the screen.

Last updated
