Setup Kibana Dashboard

This document outlines the steps required to create and configure health campaign dashboards in a different space within Kibana.


  • Knowledge of creating dashboards in Kibana. - Dashboard and visualizations

  • Transformer and indexer services are up and running to enrich data for KPI creation and push data to elastic search.

Steps to Retrieve and decode the Kibana credentials:

  1. Retrieve the Kibana Credentials Secret:

kubectl get secret elasticsearch-master-credentials -n es-cluster -o yaml

  1. Decode the credentials:

To decode the username and password, include the following steps:

  • Copy the base64 encoded values for username and password from the command output.

  • Paste the encoded values into the input box on the website.

  • Click on the "Decode" button to get the plain text username and password.

Steps to Create and Configure Health Dashboards in Kibana

1. Access to Kibana:

  • URL: {{HOST NAME}}/kibana

  • Replace the {{HOST NAME}} with your domain URL.

2. Verify installation and services setup:

  • Check the Kibana version through UI in the ‘Help’ section.

3. Create or select a space

  • By default, users will have access to the default space.

  • To create a new space or edit, open the main menu, then click Stack Management → Spaces for an overview of your spaces. This view provides actions to create, edit, and delete spaces.

  • Switch to or create a new space where the dashboards will be configured.

4. Visualisation of data views and dashboards

  • We have existing data views and dashboards from the product environment that you can import and use. To import existing data views, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to the “Stack Management” in the sidebar.

  • Click on “Saved Objects” under Kibana.

  • Import the data views file here. Data views contain the queries and charts needed to fetch data from the indexes. The file to be imported is given below:

  • If you need to create your own data views, follow this guide: Creating Data Views in Kibana.

  • All dashboards and data views will be imported here and can be viewed under “Saved Objects”.

Last updated