

Complaint Management is a system that enables employees to raise complaints related to health campaigns. An employee can track the complaint, upload image related to the complaint, and re-open the complaint if he/she is not satisfied and rate the service. This document contains the details about how to set up the complaints module (pgr-service), and describes the functionalities it provides.


Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met:

  • Java 8.

  • Kafka server is up and running.

  • egov-persister service is running and has pgr-services persister config path added in it.

  • PSQL server is running and database is created to store complaint data.

  • (Optional) Indexer config for pgr-services is added in egov-indexer yaml paths to index. the generated data. The index are required for data visualisation in Kibana or in DSS.

  • (Optional) Report config for pgr-services is added in Report service config paths. Required if reports are to be provided to the user.

  • Following services should be up and running:

    • egov-user

    • egov-workflow-v2

    • egov-perister

    • egov-localization

    • egov-notification-sms

    • egov-mdms

    • egov-idgen

    • egov-url-shortening

    • egov-hrms

Key Functionalities

  • Citizen/employee can file, track and rate the complaint.

  • Citizen/employee can add image and comments related to the complaint.

  • Citizen/employee can re-open the complaint in certain given period of time after resolution.

  • Campaign supervisors can setup the complaint workflow according to their requirements and staff capacity.

  • Can track the SLA for resolving each complaint and can use it as a metric to streamline the process for resolving complaints.

  • Department-wise assignment of the complaint to the LME.

Setup Details

The source code for Complaints (pgr-service) is present in the health-campaign-services Git repo. The spring boot application needs the Lombok* extension added to the IDE to load it. Once the application is up and running, the API requests can be posted to the URL and the IDs can be generated.

*In the case of IntelliJ, the plugin can be installed directly. For eclipse, the Lombok jar location has to be added in the eclipse.ini file in this format: javaagent:lombok.jar.

API Details

Refer to the Swagger API for YAML file details: Complaints.yaml file information:

Kafka topics for eGov persister


Configuration Details

  1. Add the master data in MDMS service with module name as RAINMAKER-PGR. Following is a sample master data for the service:

  "tenantId": "default",
  "moduleName": "RAINMAKER-PGR",
  "ServiceDefs": [
      "serviceCode": "SyncNotWorking",
      "name": "Sync Not Working",
      "keywords": "sync, not, working",
      "department": "TECH",
      "slaHours": 336,
      "menuPath": "Sync",
      "active": true,
      "order": 1
      "serviceCode": "NotEnoughStock",
      "name": "Not Enough Stock",
      "keywords": "not, enough, stock",
      "department": "WAREHOUSE",
      "slaHours": 336,
      "menuPath": "Sync",
      "active": true,
      "order": 1
      "serviceCode": "Other",
      "name": "Other",
      "keywords": "other",
      "department": "ADM",
      "slaHours": 336,
      "menuPath": "Sync",
      "active": true,
      "order": 1
  1. Create businessService (workflow configuration) using the /businessservice/_create. Following is the product configuration for PGR:

  "RequestInfo": {
    "apiId": "Rainmaker",
    "action": "",
    "did": 1,
    "key": "",
    "msgId": "20170310130900|en_IN",
    "requesterId": "",
    "ts": 1513579888683,
    "ver": ".01",
    "authToken": "{{devAuth}}",
    "userInfo": {
      "id": 73,
      "userName": null,
      "name": null,
      "type": "EMPLOYEE",
      "mobileNumber": null,
      "emailId": null,
      "roles": [
          "id": 2,
          "name": "Customer Support Representative",
          "code": null,
          "tenantId": null
      "tenantId": null,
      "uuid": "uuid"
  "BusinessServices": [
    "tenantId": "default",
    "businessService": "PGR",
    "business": "pgr-services",
    "businessServiceSla": 432000000,
    "states": [
        "sla": null,
        "state": null,
        "applicationStatus": null,
        "docUploadRequired": false,
        "isStartState": true,
        "isTerminateState": false,
        "isStateUpdatable": true,
        "actions": [
            "action": "CREATE",
            "nextState": "PENDING_ASSIGNMENT",
            "roles": [
        "sla": null,
        "state": "PENDING_ASSIGNMENT",
        "applicationStatus": "PENDING_ASSIGNMENT",
        "docUploadRequired": false,
        "isStartState": false,
        "isTerminateState": false,
        "isStateUpdatable": false,
        "actions": [
            "action": "RESOLVE",
            "nextState": "RESOLVED",
            "roles": [
            "action": "ASSIGN",
            "nextState": "PENDING_ASSIGNMENT",
            "roles": [
            "action": "REJECT",
            "nextState": "REJECTED",
            "roles": [
        "sla": null,
        "state": "RESOLVED",
        "applicationStatus": "RESOLVED",
        "isStateUpdatable": false,
        "docUploadRequired": false,
        "isStartState": false,
        "isTerminateState": true
        "sla": null,
        "state": "REJECTED",
        "applicationStatus": "REJECTED",
        "isStateUpdatable": false,
        "docUploadRequired": false,
        "isStartState": false,
        "isTerminateState": true

Configuration Details

Action test: URL actions adding


      "id": {{ID_PLACEHOLDER}},
      "name": "Create PGR Request",
      "url": "/pgr-services/v2/request/_create",
      "parentModule": "",
      "displayName": "Create PGR Request",
      "orderNumber": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "serviceCode": "pgr-services",
      "code": "null",
      "path": ""
      "id": {{ID_PLACEHOLDER}},
      "name": "Update PGR Request",
      "url": "/pgr-services/v2/request/_update",
      "parentModule": "",
      "displayName": "Update PGR Request",
      "orderNumber": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "serviceCode": "pgr-services",
      "code": "null",
      "path": ""
      "id": {{ID_PLACEHOLDER}},
      "name": "Search PGR Request",
      "url": "/pgr-services/v2/request/_search",
      "parentModule": "",
      "displayName": "Search PGR Request",
      "orderNumber": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "serviceCode": "pgr-services",
      "code": "null",
      "path": ""
      "id": {{ID_PLACEHOLDER}},
      "name": "Search PGR Request",
      "url": "/pgr-services/v2/request/_count",
      "parentModule": "",
      "displayName": "Count PGR Request",
      "orderNumber": 0,
      "enabled": false,
      "serviceCode": "pgr-services",
      "code": "null",
      "path": ""

Persister Configuration

Complaints Persister Config

Indexer Configuration

Complaints Indexer Config

Postman Collection

Click here

Note: Complaints module is digits pgr-services. Refer to this doc for more information

Last updated

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