

The National Malaria Programme in Mozambique used the DIGIT HCM app, which they called Salama, to manage the bednets distribution campaign, covering a population of 3,117,551 in Tete province, and 1,586,866 in Gaza province.

Tete province: Located at the center of the country with an area of 98,417 square km, the campaign covered 14 districts out of 15, between August 28, 2023, to September 2, 2023, leaving out the capital, Tete City.

Gaza province: Located in the south of the country, it was the last province to conduct the campaign, with an area of area of 75,709 square km, the campaign covered 13 districts out of 14, leaving out the capital of the province, Xai-Xai city. The campaign was implemented as one block from November 21 to 26, 2023.

Key Features Introduced During Each Campaign

Block 1 of the Tete campaign was conducted using Salama, which was developed in collaboration with Nucleo Duro, and validated in two user acceptance testing (UAT) sessions. After this, there were improvements implemented in the product based on the challenges faced and also the feedback received from the NMCP during and after each campaign implementation. In the table below is the list of features and improvements released in each version.



Improvements/ Feature


Tete - Block 1

  • Web portal for user management

  • Configuration based role-access management in the web portal

  • Register beneficiaries

  • Update existing beneficiary details

  • Auto-calculation of bednets for delivery

  • Supervision checklists

  • Manage and view complaints

  • Dashboards to monitor campaign operations

  • Stock Management

  • Auto-reconciliation of stocks


Tete - Block 2

  • LM to delivery team stock movement changes

  • Single-click delivery fixes

  • Conditional checklists for national supervisor

  • App version in login screen footer

  • Have warehouse names instead of codes

  • Showing facility names without IDs in the drop-downs

  • Fix for bednets count issue in search beneficiary screen

  • Negative stock alert feature (restriction)

  • Different roles for local monitor and warehouse manager

  • Showing Username in the sidebar

  • The complaints screen made mobile numbers editable for self-raised complaints

  • Keeping bed net count to 0 instead of 1 in the delivery screen

  • Loading master data only on login and logout



  • Bednet scanner during last-mile delivery

  • Client audit details

  • UI/Label changes

Capacity-Building Activities Undertaken

During the implementation of Salama, several capacity-building activities, to provide NMCP with the competencies to manage and implement the activities without the support of the eGov team, were undertaken.

Before the Tete campaign, a Master Training, with the topics indicated in the table below, was conducted:




3rd July-23 to 5th July-23

  • Overview of HCM platform and its different users

  • Registration and delivery

  • Supervision flow

  • Warehouse management

  • User Management

  • Complaints module


Individual trainings were provided DIS, DTIC, and M&E experts on the Complaints module, HRMS, and dashboard after the Master ToT.

After the Master Training, people who received the training went on to do the cascade training for people from the central level, who trained people at the province level, who trained people at the district level, and they finally trained the frontline workers.

Along with this a Technical Training was conducted to the NMCP focal points on the following topics:




26th July and 27th July

  • DIGIT HCM (SALAMA) master data templates and data loading

  • Deployment architecture including setup and maintenance

  • Extracting reports from the database using the Data Mart reports


During the Tete Campaign, several on-the-job refresher training to the NMCP focal points were provided as indicated in the table below:




21st of Aug 23

  • Dashboard overview


24th of Aug 23

  • Session to explain the custom reports


29th of Aug 23

  • Data Query using Postman

  • User Management refresher


Before the Gaza campaign, eGov conducted training and shared several guides to enable the team to improve the operation and use of the application. The topics are indicated in the table below:




14th Sept 23

  • How to use Vysor (projecting a phone during the training)


14th Sept 23

  • Troubleshooting guide


3rd Nov 23

  • Micro plan manual validation steps


9th Nov 23

  • Device Preparation checklist

(Document Shared)


13rd Nov 23

  • Refresher on User Management (Document was shared with the team providing an option to have a refresher training, if necessary)


22nd Nov 23

  • Usage of QR Code guideline


Moving from block 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3 in the Tete campaign and then to Gaza campaign, we noticed that NMCP focal points have gained more knowledge and experience with DIGIT HCM (Salama). They were able to solve most of the problems in the field and have conducted the training sessions effectively, requiring less support from our team.

Given below is a summary of different activities that were performed by eGov in-person during Tete and Gaza campaigns


List of activities

Tete Block 1

Tete Block 2

Tete Block 3


Preparation of devices that will be used during the training and distribution;

eGov provided support for two days

eGov provided support for one day

Not applicable

eGov didn´t provide support

Participation on the testing and refresher training at provincial level;

Full support

Partial support

No support

No support

Observing and monitoring the training for Local Monitor, Warehouse Managers and Registrators

eGov provided support for 5 districts

eGov provided support for 3 districts

Not applicable

eGov participated for one district

Supporting the first login in DIGIT HCM (SALAMA) of trainees during the training;

eGov provided support for 5 districts

eGov provided support for 3 districts

Not Applicable

No support provided

Collecting the feedback of the usage of DIGIT HCM (SALAMA) from the end-users

eGov provided support for 5 districts

eGov provided support for 3 districts

No support

eGov provided support for one district

Identifying possible issues during the training that can affect the distribution and recommend mitigations

eGov provided support for 5 districts

eGov provided support for 3 districts

No support

eGov provided support for one district

Supporting Help Desk solving issues for example, phones with old version of DIGIT HCM (SALAMA) app

eGov provided support for 5 districts

eGov provided support for 3 districts

No support

eGov provided support for one district


Real-time data from the HCM dashboard was used daily to make decisions, and course correct. The HCM helpdesk was used to track and resolve technical issues during the campaign.

Tete province - The details around the total household, population, and bednet coverage for Tete can be found in the table below:

For Tete, the campaign was divided into 3 blocks:

  • Block 1 - Covered 7 districts between August 29 to September 2, 2023.

  • Block 2 - Covered 5 districts between September 22 to 26, 2023.

  • Block 3 - Covered 2 districts between September 30 to October 4, 2023.

Gaza province - The details around the total household, population, and bednet coverage for Gaza can be found in the table below: