Link to the Pub Package:
digit_dss is a Flutter package designed to facilitate the seamless integration of dynamic dashboards into your mobile application. This package allows developers to configure and render various types of charts directly from a dashboard configuration, enabling a flexible and customizable approach to data visualization.
Dynamic charts configuration
Support for Metric Charts
Support for Table Charts
Getting Started
To use this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
digit_dss: ^latest
Integrating with the HCM Application
To integrate this package with the HCM Application, run the main function located in health-campaign-field-worker-app/tools/digit_dss_imports.dart.
This will automatically add the necessary imports, mapper initialisers, and repository initialisations to the required files.
Run the build runner command to add routes at your main app level:
flutter packages run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
This adds a package route to the main router.gr.dart
Install the application and you should have digit_dss
integrated into your base app.
By following these steps, you'll successfully integrate and navigate to the digit_dss dashboard module within your application.
Sequence Diagram
Last updated
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