Setup Seed Data

This step involves the execution of the Postman collection for the minimum setup data required to run a campaign.


All file examples in this document refer to the default branches in the health campaign DevOps and config repositories for example purposes. If you have replaced these repositories with your fork or clone, refer to the same here.

Repository details

Create an environment variable file and add the below variables in Postman

  • Click on New and then Environment, then add the following variables

  • URL

  • tenantId - mz

  • apiUserName and apiPassword - newly created superuser credentials

  • startDate and endDate in epoch format - epoch converter

  • boundaryCode - use the default value (VFTw0jbRf1y) if Master data is unchanged

  • Import the seed data script

    • HCM Setup Script - This collection includes all the scripts to create users, Projects, staff and product variants

    • Import the HCM setup script in Postman - import guide

  • Once Env is selected then click on the imported HCM setup collection click run

  • Once the Script is executed completely, update the following values from the postman environment variable to the project-types.json (health-campaign-mdms/blob/DEMO/data/mz/health/project-types.json) master data file - example link

  • Pick the values by clicking on the eye icon

  • Pick the value of a postman env variable named ProductVariantIdBednet1 and replace all occurrences of the text "PVAR-2024-03-21-000026" with the copied value in the project-types.json.

  • Pick the value of a postman env variable named ProductVariantIdSP and replace all occurrences of the text "PVAR-2024-03-21-000022" with the copied value in the project-types.json.

  • Pick the value of a postman env variable named ProductVariantIdAQ and replace all the occurrences of the text "PVAR-2024-03-21-000024" with the copied value in the project-types.json.

Localisation scripts are here; During local execution, the script fails because of the rate limit exception, but it will execute as expected on the server.

  • Replace the URL variable in the Postman Environment with your domain URL

  • While executing the localisation collection, execute only five folders at a time by unchecking the box in the run screen to avoid inbuilt rate limiter errors.

  • Else, create a port forward to the localisation pod by executing the below command:

kubectl port-forward svc/egov-localization -n egov 8080:8080
  • Replace the URL variable in the Postman Environment to http://localhost:8080.

  • Run the collection.