For Mozambique LLIN Implementation
April 27th, 2023, April 28th, 2023
Register 5 households residing in village A in Tete. You must capture the address details, how many people are living in the household, and fill in details (age, gender, mobile number) for at least 1 member living in the household. The first member you register in the household must be the head of the household. Then you proceed to deliver bed nets:
a. Which is less than the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 2 households.
b. Which is more than the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 1 household.
c. Which is same as the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 2 households.
You realise that you made a mistake while registering one member and want to correct your mistake. Search for a household head you have registered which has individual members added. The mistake was in the mobile number- Change the mobile number you entered previously with a new mobile number.
As a distributor you are required to do the distribution in village B. Change the location from village A to village B and register 2 households. This time add only the household head and no individual members in the household. Also, skip adding the landmark in the household details page and skip adding mobile number, age, gender while registering the household head. Deliver the exact number of bed nets as suggested by the app.
Search for a household you have delivered. You entered the household head for person A. But when you visited the household again, you needed to change the household head to another person. How will you do it?
Search for a household you have delivered. Now, delete a member from a household that you have delivered. How will you do it?
For one the deliveries recorded, you realise you have entered an incorrect number of bed nets. Instead of 2, you recorded 3. How will you correct the mistake?
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
You are a registador and you forgot your password. What will you do?
You are not able to see your assigned village in the list of villages. What action would you take?
You are a registador and you realise, one of the members you registered has already been registered by your colleague and is a duplicate entry. What will you do to remove the duplicate entry from your records?
You are the supervisor for the team working in village A for Angonia district, and your team members are in the field distributing nets. As per protocol, you are expected to go and observe them work and record your observations in the registration and distribution checklist. Fill out the checklist and submit your observations for the following checklists. Mark ‘No’ as a response for atleast 2 questions in each checklist and provide the reasons.
a. Registration & distribution monitoring - Make this checklist for village A in Angonia district.
b. District Wwrehouse monitoring - Make this checklist for district Angonia.
c. Local monitors training monitoring - Make this checklist for administrative post A in district Angonia.
d. Registration & distribution training monitoring - Make the checklist for village B in Angonia district.
You are the supervisor for the team working in village A for Angonia district, and you have made 4 checklist entries so far. You are supposed to make 5 entries for the checklist "Registration & Distribution monitoring" daily. How will you check how many entries you have made so far for today and for which boundaries?
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
You are a warehouse manager for a warehouse in administrative post A and received a stock of 2 bales today in your community warehouse from a district warehouse in Angonia. Enter the receipt of this in the app.
You are a local monitor for administrative post A and received a stock of 45 bed nets back from the distribution team. Enter the receipt of this for the community warehouse you are managing in the app as a return.
You are a district warehouse manager and you distributed the following
a. 200 nets to the delivery team A.
b. 5 bales to the community warehouse A.
You are inspecting the warehouse at the end of the day as a community warehouse manager and you counted the number of nets in stock at the end of the day. How will you make an entry for this for the following cases?
a. There are 50 more nets in the warehouse that you counted than the number of nets suggested by the system.
b. There are 10 less nets in the warehouse that you counted than the number of nets suggested by the system.
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
(On 5 point scale: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree)
I think I would like to use this tool frequently.
I found the tool unnecessarily complex.
I thought the tool was easy to use.
I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this app.
I thought there was too much inconsistency in this tool.
I would imagine that most people would learn to use this tool very quickly.
I found the tool very difficult to use.
I felt very confident using the tool.
I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this tool.
I could efficiently complete my tasks using the system
On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did the UAT task represent real-world scenarios and user interactions with the system?
Was the UAT task comprehensive, covering all key functionalities and features of the system?
Did the UAT include a variety of scenarios, data inputs, and user interactions to thoroughly test the system?
Was the UAT task representative of different user roles, permissions, and use cases that are relevant to the system?
Did the UAT task adequately address any specific requirements or criteria that were defined for the UAT phase?
All UAT test cases completed: Verified that all UAT test cases, as defined in the UAT plan, have been executed and completed.
Business requirements validated: Validated that all business requirements, as defined in the requirements documentation - All features, functions, workflows, calculations, translations have been thoroughly tested and verified.
Compatibility tested: Verified that the application has been tested on the specified device which is used for the distribution (Samsung A09) and operating system (Android) and any compatibility issues have been addressed.
All feedback has been identified and documented. Agreed on the priority.
Documentation updated: Ensured that all relevant documentation, including user manuals, has been updated to reflect any changes made during UAT.
UAT summary report prepared: Prepared a UAT summary report that includes the UAT results, findings, and any outstanding issues or risks identified during UAT.
No P1 bugs found during the execution of the test scenarios.
90% of the total test cases could be executed successfully and the observed behaviour was found to match the expected results.
Warehouse manager
You are a warehouse manager for a warehouse in administrative post A, and received a stock of 2 bales today into your community warehouse from a district warehouse in Angonia. Enter the receipt of this in the app.
1. Login as a warehouse manager 2. Click on manage stock 3. Click on record stock receipt 4. Enter managed warehouse details 5. Click on next 7. Enter stock receipt details - Includes warehouse details and the mode from where the bales came 9. Click on submit button 9. Record created successfully
Warehouse manager should be able to create the stock received record.
Warehouse manager
You are a local monitor for administrative post A, and received a stock of 45 bed nets back from the distribution team. Enter the receipt of this for the community warehouse you are managing in the app as a return.
1. Login as a warehouse manager 2. Click on manage stock 3. Click on stock returned 4. Enter the details of the warehouse managed by you 5. Enter the details of stocks that have been returned - Includes the mode of transport by which the stock have been returned and the warehouse details from where they have been returned to. 6. Click on submit 7. Record successfully created
Warehouse manager should be able to record the stocks returned after entering details in the stocks returned form.
Warehouse manager
You are inspecting the warehouse at the end of the day as a community warehouse manager, and you counted the number of nets in stock at the end of the day. How will you make an entry for this for the following cases? a. There are 50 more nets in the warehouse that you counted than the number of nets suggested by the system. b. There are 10 less nets in the warehouse that you counted than the number of nets suggested by the system.
1. Login as a warehouse manager 2. Click on manage stock 3. Click on stock reconciliation in home screen 4. Check the total count of bed nets suggested for the warehouse(total inflow - total outflow = stock on hand) 5. Enter the physical count 50 more than the suggested total count. 6. Enter the reason in the comments behind entering more number of stocks in warehouse 7. Click on the submit button
Warehouse manager should be able to enter the stocks as per the manual count over the count of the stocks suggested.
1. Login as a warehouse manager 2. Click on manage stock 3. Click on stock reconciliation in home screen 4. Check the total count of bed nets suggested for the warehouse (total inflow - total outflow = stock on hand) 5. Enter the physical count 10 more than the suggested total count 6. Enter the reason in the comments behind entering less number of stocks in warehouse 7. Click on the submit button
Warehouse manager should be able to enter the stocks as per the manual count over the count of the stocks suggested.
The purpose of this document is to outline the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) process for the DIGIT-HCM platform rollout in Mozambique as part of the Group IV distribution in Tete province. This will enable NMCP users to validate that the HCM software meets the agreed upon acceptance criteria for various functionalities. It will ensure that the system satisfies the needs of the business as specified in the functional requirements (product requirement document or PRD) and provides confidence in its use. It will also help to identify defects with associated risks, and suggest enhancements (change requests), communicate all known defects/enhancements to the project team, and ensure all issues are addressed in an appropriate manner before the go-live.
During the testing process, a pre-approved list of test cases/scripts will be executed to verify the behaviour and performance of various functionalities. The observations from the testing will be noted and classified as defects or enhancements. Some of the enhancements may be doable using configuration changes while others (change requests) may have to go through a change management process. The UAT presentation deck was used for this purpose:
UAT observation classification:
Observation type
Addressing mechanism
Any observation pertaining to a feature or functionality not working as expected or agreed at the time of scope review, will be classified as an issue.
The observations classified as defects will be taken up by the eGov programme team for further validation, prioritisation and fixing. Minor issues originating due to incorrect configurations or erroneous labels, or translations will be fixed and be made available for re-testing during the next UAT cycle.
Change request (CR)
Any recommendations to enable or disable a functionality from the initial requirements or a new functionality to be added.
These will be handled via the change control process as per the SoP defined, and will be evaluated based on their impact and effort.
The UAT team will execute the test scripts. Users may also perform additional tests not detailed in the plan, but remain relevant and within the scope of the project.
Users will report feedback to the eGov team for documentation and escalation using a Google sheet. These defects will be described, prioritised, and tracked by using screen captures, verbiage, and steps necessary for the development team to reproduce the defect. For change requests, the requirements will be described, analysed, prioritised and tracked.
The various phases of UAT are shown in the diagram below:
UAT will be conducted in 2 phases with the below mentioned scope:
Test phases
HCM mobile app.
Registration and service delivery, supervision, inventory, raising complaints from the mobile app.
Retest issues/ observations from UAT 1.
Retesting observations and accepted CR/bug fixes, and sign-off.
Validate end-to-end business flow for each of the identified user flows.
All the required fields are present.
System is accepting only valid values.
User can save after form filling the mandatory fields.
Correctness of label and its translations.
For the functionalities mentioned below, separate demo and/or training sessions will be conducted for the targeted user groups.
1. Help desk for complaints and user management.
a. User management module to add/update/ activate/deactivate users and role mapping.
b. Handling complaints via inbox functionality.
Central, provincial, district dashboards, and reports.
During UAT , the team will validate the end-to-end flow and features of the application to validate:
Validate end-to-end business flow for each of the identified user flows.
All the required fields are present.
System is accepting only valid values.
User can save after form filling all the mandatory fields.
Correctness of label and its translations.
Following is the list of prerequisites for conducting the UAT:
The HCM mobile app for UAT deployed in the UAT environment.
Mobile phones setup with HCM app.
Configuration of HCM Mobile App in UAT environment with master data from Zambezia.
Readiness of handouts:
- Test case document
- Mockups
- Defect/change request reporting template
Availability of teams from NMCP, DIS, and DTIC for UA testing.
Nomination of participants for the UAT session so that test accounts can be created by eGov.
Configuration of ticket tracking tool for UAT (JIRA).
The UAT environment will be similar to the production environment in terms of specifications, and will be provided by eGov, so that accurate assumptions can be drawn regarding the application’s performance. Applicable IP addresses and URLs will be provided by the eGov team to the UAT team, and all the mobiles will be configured for access to the test environment.
Each test participant will be provided with a checklist to verify access to the applications within the defined scope of testing. The tester will then login, perform the prescribed steps, and generate the expected results for each activity. Any feature identified as missing or bug during testing from the UAT environment should be reported back to eGov.
Access to the test data is a vital component in conducting a comprehensive test of the system. All UAT participants will require usage of test accounts, and other pertinent test data, which should be provided by NMCP upon request. All user roles should fully emulate production in the UAT path. The test accounts and role mapping will be done for the users identified by eGov. Following are the sample test data for UA testing:
Sample master data
- Users data for test login creation
- Location master (AP/locality/village)
- Inventory module master (warehouse+product)
The test team is composed of members who possess a knowledge of the operations and processes on the ground.
These team members will be able to initiate test input, review the results.
Have prior experience/learnings from campaign digitisation in Mozambique.
All team members will be presented by the eGov team with an overview of the test process and what their specific role in UAT will be. The eGov team will oversee testing by assigning scripts to testers, providing general support, and serving as the primary UAT contact point throughout the test cycle.
The following sections detail milestones crucial to the completion of the UAT phase of the project. Once all dependent milestones have been completed, NMCP/DIS/DTIC will formally sign-off on the system’s functionality and distribute an email to project stakeholders.
All core UAT activities along with the deliverable dates are described in the below table:
Start date
Expected Closure date
Creation of the UAT-1 test plan, and sharing with NMCP for review.
Creation of the UAT test cases/scripts, and sharing with NMCP for review.
Nomination of UAT participants so that user accounts can be created.
Arrangement of venue and other logistics for the UAT session.
Readiness of the UAT server instance.
Installing the test version of the HCM application in test phones.
Conducting the UAT testing along with NMCP stakeholders.
Collation and triaging of UAT feedback and communication to NMCP regarding what can be incorporated in the HCM app.
Reviewing the test results and providing provisional sign-off on the first round of the UAT.
Incorporating the UAT-1 feedback in the HCM application based on the results of the triaging process.
Creation of the UAT test cases/scripts and sharing with NMCP for review.
Nomination of UAT participants so that user accounts can be created.
Arrangement of venue and other logistics for the UAT session.
Readiness of the UAT server instance.
Installing the test version of the HCM application in test phones.
Conducting the second round of UAT testing along with NMCP stakeholders.
Collation and triaging of UAT feedback and communication to NMCP.
Incorporating any minor suggestions arising out of the second round of the UAT.
Reviewing the test results and providing the final sign-off* in the second round of the UAT. Final sign-off: This would indicate that the application is fit to be used during the Group 4 distribution, and no more changes are required.
The mutually agreed defects/CR from UAT 1 will be re-tested in UAT 2.
The sign-off will be provided at the end of UAT 2 by NMCP via an email communication or official orders/memo to eGov.
Post sign-off, the application will be ready for the deployment in the production environment.
Test cases provide a high-level description of the functionality to be tested. The team will leverage relevant QA test cases for project-specific functionality. Each test case based on a new functionality will reference a specific functional requirement.
Each script contains the following: Test case number, test description, requirement number, action to be performed, test data to be utilised, expected results, error descriptions (if applicable), pass/fail results, date tested, and any additional comments from the UA tester.
The UA test scripts are contained within the UAT test case spreadsheet and can be accessed via hyperlink from each individual test case.
Defects and change requests will be entered and tracked in JIRA by the eGov team during the UAT process. Each entry will include detailed information about each defect/CR.
The test team will be provided with instructions on how to effectively execute test scripts, as well identify, capture, and report defects/observations by the eGov team at the beginning of the UAT session. The test team will present their findings during the UAT session.
Defects must be clearly captured and escalated to ensure prompt resolution by development. Each defect submitted by UAT will be assigned a priority, worked by development, resolved, and re-tested by UAT prior to closure. The following is a snapshot of the standard defect lifecycle:
eGov and NMCP together will prioritise and classify defects. Defects found in UAT can be assigned one of three (3) levels of severity:
P1, Work Halted – Testing defects that due to the complexity of the function or the scheduled dates are putting the implementation date at risk. No workaround exists.
P2, Work Slowed – Testing defects occurring in a less complex function of the application with sufficient time to resolve before the implementation date – but must be implemented as scheduled. A workaround has been identified and is listed in the defect.
P3 and lower, Work Unaffected – Testing defects occurring in a function that are simple to fix or could be excluded if not resolved by the scheduled implementation date.
Response (acknowledgement of the issue) commitments for defects
Response SLA
P1, Work Halted
Critical application outage impacting service for which the cause is unknown. No bypass or workaround available.
4 hours
P2, Work Slowed
A key component of the application is degraded, unusable, or unavailable, some users affected.
1 day
P3 and lower, Work Unaffected
A component of the application is degraded, which causes a minor inconvenience, but a workaround is available.
2 days
A CR must be clearly captured and reported for analysis to identify the effort and impact to the eGov team. Each CR submitted will be validated and categorised for acceptance and then assigned with a priority. The development team will work on it and will be made available for testing. Following is a snapshot of the standard CR lifecycle:
eGov, in consultation with NMCP, will decide the acceptance and categorisation of change requests. Change requests found in UAT can be assigned one of three (3) levels of category:
Must have – Change requests that are needed for the success of a campaign. No workaround exists.
Should have – Change requests that are required for better tracking and monitoring and will increase the ease of use of the system for users. A workaround has been identified and is listed in the CR.
Good to have – Change requests that are simply for better visualisation and reporting. It could be excluded if not resolved by the scheduled implementation date.
eGov to endeavour to cover "Must Have" changes before distribution. Lower priority changes will be taken through the eGov gating process for planning subsequent releases.
The UAT session will be conducted physically in Maputo at the MOH office. The detailed plan for the UAT session is as follows:
Approximate Duration
Day 1- 27 April 2023
15 minutes
8.00 am-8.15 am
Introduction to the UAT Ssssion plan
Walkthrough of the mobile app and test cases
Walkthrough of the defect/CR reporting templates
Distribution of the templates for capturing feedback
Distribution of the test cases and mobile devices
60 Minutes
8.15 am-9.15 am
Tea break-1
9.15 am-9.45 am
Execution of the test cases
Registration & distribution
Capture feedback in the Google form
120 Minutes
9.45 am-11.45 am
Review and collection of test results
30 minutes
11.45am-12.15 pm
Lunch break
75 minutes
12.15 pm-1.30 pm
Orientation for the next set of test cases
15 minutes
1.30 pm-1.45 pm
Execution of Ttest cases
Warehouse Manager
Capture defects/ CR in the Google form
Close the day
90 minutes
1.45 pm-3.15 pm
Tea break-2
30 minutes
3.15 pm-3.45 pm
Collation and digitisation of defects and CR by eGov & CHAI team
3.45 pm- 4.45 pm
Day 2 - 28th April 2023
Defect review: Clarifying Q&A on defects raised the day before
60 Minutes
8.15 am-9.15 am
Tea break-1
30 minutes
9.15 am-9.45 am
Execution of pending test cases if any
Capture defects/ CR in the Google form
60 minutes
9.45 am-10.45 am
Focus group discussion
UAT process feedback
Collection and review of the test results
60 minutes
11.00 am-12:00 pm
Close Day 2 testing session
30 minutes
12:00 pm-12.30 pm
Lunch break
75 minutes
12.30 pm-1.30 pm
The CR analysis may take more than the anticipated timelines. If the CR analysis exceeds more than day 2, then the analysis results, acceptance and prioritisation will be discussed in a subsequent meeting.
You are the supervisor for the team working in village A for Angonia district, and your team members are in the field distributing nets. As per protocol, you are expected to go and observe them work and record your observations in the registration and distribution checklist. Fill out the checklist and submit your observations for the following checklists. Mark ‘No’ as response for atleast 2 questions in each checklists and provide the reasons.
Registration and distribution monitoring - Make this checklist for village A in Angonia district.
1. Login credentials of a supervisor 2. Click on "My Checklists" 3. Click on the registration and distribution checklist 4. Fill in all the responses in yes or no 5. In the case of no, fill in the reason 6. Click on submit
District warehouse monitoring - Make this checklist for district Angonia.
1. Login credentials of a supervisor 2. Click on "My Checklists" 3. Click on the warehouse checklist 4. Fill in all the responses in yes or no 5. In the case of no, fill in the reason 6. Click on submit
Local monitors training monitoring - Make this checklist for administrative post A in district Angonia
1. Login credentials of a supervisor 2. Click on "My Checklists" 3. Click on the warehouse checklist 4. Fill in all the responses in yes or no 5. In the case of no, fill in the reason 6. Click on submit
Registration and distribution training monitoring - Make the checklist for village B in Angonia district
1. Login credentials of a supervisor 2. Click on "My Checklists" 3. Click on the registration and distribution checklist 4. Fill in all the responses in yes or no 5. In the case of no, fill in the reason 6. Click on submit
Plan for UAT 1 & 2
Identify UAT Team
Team will include participants from eGov, CHAI and NMCP, as per the profiles suggested in section 4.1.
UAT Plan
SOP for UAT test plan and share it with CHAI/NMCP for review.
UAT Plan Team Review
Session with CHAI and NMCP to review the plan and provide feedback and sign-off.
UA Test Case Preparation
A document that details each specific test case that will be performed during the UAT process and user manual.
Test Data Acquisition
Receipt of accounts and test environment data from QA required to execute test scripts.
UAT Environment Setup
Validation of connectivity and expected results in the test environment for each end user participating in testing.
Availability of Mobile devices with App installed
Availability of mobile devices with app installed for testing.
UAT Testing
Completion of all test scripts execution by test team.
Defect Analysis and Approval / Prioritisation
Analysis of defects/ observations identified for approval and prioritisation.
UA Test Case Preparation
A document that details each specific test case that will be performed during the UAT process and user manual.
Test Data Acquisition
Receipt of accounts and test environment data from QA required to execute test scripts.
UAT Environment Setup
Validation of connectivity and expected results in the test environment for each end user participating in testing.
Availability of Mobile devices with App installed
Availability of mobile devices with app installed for testing.
UAT Testing
Completion of all test scripts execution by the test team.
Defect Analysis and Approval / Prioritisation
Analysis of defects/ observations identified for approval and prioritisation.
UA Test Case Preparation
A document that details each specific test case that will be performed during the UAT process, and user manual.
Test Data Acquisition
Receipt of accounts and test environment data from QA required to execute test scripts.
UAT Environment Setup
Validation of connectivity and expected results in the test environment for each end user participating in testing.
Availability of Mobile devices with App installed
Availability of mobile devices with app installed for testing.
UAT Testing
Completion of all test scripts execution by the test team.
Defect Analysis and Approval / Prioritisation
Analysis of defects/ observations identified for approval and prioritisation.
UAT Sign-Off
Formal sign-off indicating the system satisfies the needs of the business as specified in the functional requirements and provides confidence in its use.
For Salama
16th June 2023
MISAU, Maputo
Register 5 households residing in a village in Zambezia. Capture how many numbers are living in the household, and fill in details (age, gender, mobile number) for the head of the household. Then you proceed to deliver bed nets:
a. Which is less than the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 2 households
b. Which is more than the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 1 household
c. Which is same as the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 2 households
As a distributor, you are required to do the distribution in another village than the one you did prior. Change the village and register 2 households. This time, skip adding the landmark in the household details page. Deliver the exact number of bed nets as suggested by the app.
You realise that you made a mistake while registering one member and want to correct your mistake. Search for a household head you have registered which has individual members added. First, correct the household head details by changing the age. Next, change the mobile number you entered previously with a new mobile number.
You are a registador and you forgot your password. What will you do?
You are not able to see your assigned village in the list of villages. What action will you take?
You are a registador and you realise that one of the members you registered has already been registered by your colleague and is a duplicate entry. What will you do to remove the duplicate entry from your records?
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
You are the supervisor for the team working in village A in Zambezia, and your team members are in the field distributing nets. As per protocol, you are expected to go and observe them work and record your observations in the Registration and Distribution checklist. Fill out the checklist and submit your observations for the following checklists. Mark ‘No’ as a response for at least 2 questions in each checklist and provide the reasons.
a. Registration & distribution monitoring
b. District warehouse monitoring
c. Satellite warehouse monitoring
d. Local monitors training monitoring
e. Registration & distribution training monitoring
You are the supervisor for the team working in a village in Zambezia, and you have made four checklist entries so far. You are supposed to make five entries for the checklist "Registration & Distribution Monitoring" daily. How will you check how many entries you have made so far for today and for which boundaries?
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
You are a warehouse manager for a warehouse in an administrative post in Zambezia and received a stock of 2 bales today into your satellite warehouse from a district warehouse. Enter the receipt of this in the app.
You are a local monitor for an administrative post and received a stock of 45 bed nets back from the distribution team. Enter the receipt of this for the satellite warehouse you are managing in the app as a return.
You are a district warehouse manager and you distributed the following:
a. 200 nets to the delivery team
b. 5 bales to a community warehouse
c. Make entries for these distributions
You are inspecting the warehouse at the end of the day as a community warehouse manager and you counted the number of nets in stock at the end of the day. How will you make an entry for this for the following cases?
a. There are 50 more nets in the warehouse that you counted than the number of nets suggested by the system.
b. There are 10 less nets in the warehouse that you counted than the number of nets suggested by the system.
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
The purpose of the User Acceptance Test (UAT) is to verify that the system meets the business needs as defined in the functional requirements (product requirement document or PRD) and instills confidence in its usage. Additionally, the UAT helps to identify any defects with associated risks, suggest potential enhancements (via change requests), communicate any known defects or enhancements to the project team, and ensure that all issues are resolved before go-live in an appropriate manner.
The UAT process included testing the following user flows:
Registration & Delivery
Inventory Management
The participants validated the end-to-end flow and features of the application to:
Verify the end-to-end business flow for each of the identified user flows.
Ensure that all required fields were present.
Confirm that the system accepts only valid values.
Test that the user could save after filling all mandatory fields in the form.
Check the correctness of labels and their translations.
Separate demo and/or training sessions will be conducted for the following functionalities, as they were not included in the scope of UAT:
Helpdesk for complaints and user management
a. User management module for adding/updating/activating/deactivating users and role mapping.
b. Handling complaints via inbox functionality.
Central, provincial, and district dashboards, and reports
These targeted sessions will ensure that the relevant user groups are trained on the proper use and functionality of these features.
Ines Juleca, Catarina, Bernardo Espinosa, Aderito Joaquim Suaze, Marta Chande, Joao Dombo, Custodio Mondlane, Guidion Mathe, Luis Ismael, Gerito Augusto, Silva Pedro, Gercio Machva, Aurelio Carlos Marindze, Mariana da silva, Figuereido Mussambala, Carla Bambo, Sergio Tsabete.
The selection of participants for the UAT was decided by NMCP, and specifically targeted members of the "Nucelo Duro" group. A total of 17 participants took part in the UAT and were supported by a three-member team from eGov and CHAI.
Moderators: Abhishek Suresh, Mrunal Surve, Frank Cumaio
The UAT planning was comprehensively documented in the following documents.
Before commencing testing, the participants were provided with a brief overview of the health mission and the benefits of DIGIT's platform approach. Each user flow was demonstrated to the participants by the moderator, and they were then tasked with executing each testing scenario under the three user flows.
A pre-approved list of test cases/scripts was executed to verify the behavior and performance of various functionalities. All observations from each participant during testing were captured and compiled. These observations will be subsequently classified as either defects or enhancements based on internal discussions within eGov. While some of the enhancements may be implemented using configuration changes, others (change requests) may require going through a formal change management process.
Observation type
Addressing mechanism
Any observation pertaining to a feature or functionality not working as expected or agreed at the time of scope review, will be classified as an issue.
The observations classified as defects will be taken up by the eGov programme team for further validation, prioritisation and fixing. Minor issues originating due to incorrect configurations or erroneous labels, or translations will be fixed and made available for re-testing during the next UAT cycle.
Change requests (CR)
Any recommendation to enable or disable a functionality from the initial requirements or a new functionality to be added.
These will be handled via the change control process as per the SoP defined, and will be evaluated based on their impact and effort.
eGov and NMCP together will prioritise and classify defects. Defects found in the UAT can be assigned one of three (3) levels of severity:
P1, Work halted – Testing defects that due to the complexity of the function or the scheduled dates are putting the implementation date at risk. No workaround exists.
P2, Work slowed – Testing defects occurring in a less complex function of the application with sufficient time to resolve before the implementation date – but must be implemented as scheduled. A workaround has been identified and is listed in the defect.
P3 and lower, Work uUnaffected – Testing defects occurring in a function that are simple to fix or could be excluded if not resolved by the scheduled implementation date.
CRs will be clearly captured and reported for analysis to identify effort and impact to the eGov team. Each CR submitted will be validated and categorised for acceptance or rejection and then assigned with a priority. The development team will work on it and will be made available for testing. Following is a snapshot of the standard CR lifecycle.
eGov, in consultation with NMCP, will decide acceptance and categorisation of change requests. Change requests found in UAT can be assigned one of three (3) levels of category:
Must have – Change requests that are needed for the success of a campaign. No workaround exists.
Should have – Change requests that are required for better tracking and monitoring and will increase the ease of use of the system for users. A workaround has been identified and is listed in the CR.
Good to have – Change requests that are simply for better visualisation and reporting. It could be excluded if not resolved by the scheduled implementation date.
eGov to endeavour to cover "Must Have" changes before distribution. Lower priority changes will be taken through the eGov Gating process for planning subsequent releases.
The participants provided highly positive feedback, which was gathered through feedback forms accessed via QR codes presented during the session. To enable this, QR code scanners were installed on MISAU mobile devices using the scale fusion software. The feedback forms included:
System Usability Scale (SUS) feedback form: This form aimed to measure the overall usability of the system as perceived by the participants.
Overall UAT process feedback form: This form was designed to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the UAT session, with the goal of incorporating feedback into future sessions.
The average SUS score for all participants was 81.25, which exceeded the standard acceptable range:
0-59: Very Poor
60-69: Poor
70-79: OK
80-89: Good
90-100: Excellent
“Show features like dashboards”
“I think I would need to see the dashboard for decision making”
“For me everything is fine“
“Include transport management to better support planning“
“Place visualisation panels and interoperability with other platforms“
“Extend to the dashboard to be more complete“
“Reports should appear in graphics for better monitoring“
“We should have more time and not happen between campaigns“
“Submit the application to practice before the start of the UAT“
“The language issue makes interaction with the team a little difficult“
“Must be included another forms suggested to be more a creaky“
Moving forward, the following needs to be checked for UAT or any other event:
Availability of a dedicated translator.
All documents and presentations to be made available in Portuguese.
A terms of reference (TOR) to be shared before the event
The eGov team will categorise the noted observations as either defects or change requests, and subsequently develop a plan to address them within an agreed-upon timeline. Following the resolution of identified bugs and change requests from UAT-1, which have been mutually agreed to by both eGov and NMCP, a second round of UAT is scheduled for June 2023.
Here are the documents in this section:
The purpose of this document is to outline the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) process for the final round of testing of the Salama (DIGIT-HCM) platform rollout in Mozambique as part of the Group 4 distribution in Tete province. The first round of testing was conducted between April 27th and 28th, 2023, and the platform was found to be satisfying most of the requirements for the campaign. Key learnings and the feedback from the first round of testing have been incorporated in the platform and the app is now being presented for the final round of testing.
During the testing process, a pre-approved list of test cases/scripts will be executed to verify the behaviour and performance of various functionalities with special focus on the feedback that was gathered from the last round of testing. The observations from the testing will be noted and classified as defects or enhancements. The suggested enhancements, if any, will be taken up for inclusion in the platform, if found necessary.
The UAT team will execute all the test scripts. Users may also perform additional tests not detailed in the plan but remain relevant and within the scope of the project.
Users will report feedback to the eGov team for documentation and escalation using a Google sheet. These defects will be described, prioritised, and tracked by using screen captures, verbiage, and steps necessary for the development team to reproduce the defect. For change requests, the requirements will be described, analysed, prioritised and tracked. Information on defects and CR processing can be found later.
The various phases of UAT are shown in the below diagram:
UAT will be conducted in two phases with the below-mentioned scope. This document deals with the UAT-2 scope as UAT-1 has already been completed.
For the below-mentioned functionalities, separate demos and/or training sessions will be conducted for the targeted user groups.
Help desk for complaints and user management.
a. User management module to add/update/ activate/deactivate users and role mapping.
b. Handling complaints via inbox functionality.
Central, provincial, district dashboards, and reports.
During UAT, the team will validate the end-to-end flow and features of the application to validate:
End-to-end business flow for each of the identified user flows.
All the required fields are present.
System is accepting only valid values.
User can save after form filling all the mandatory fields.
Correctness of the label and its translations.
Following is the list of prerequisites for conducting the UAT:
The HCM mobile app for UAT deployed in the UAT environment.
Mobile phones setup with HCM app.
Configuration of the HCM mobile app in the UAT environment with master data from Zambezia.
Readiness of handouts:
- Test case document
- Mockups
- Defect/change request reporting template
Availability of teams from NMCP, DIS and DTIC for UA testing.
Nomination of the participants for the UAT session so that test accounts can be created by eGov.
Configuration of ticket tracking tool for UAT (JIRA).
The UAT environment will be similar to the production environment in terms of specifications, and will be provided by eGov, so that accurate assumptions can be drawn regarding the application’s performance.
Applicable IP addresses and URLs will be provided by eGov team to the UAT team, and all the mobiles will be configured for access to the test environment.
Each test participant will be provided with a checklist to verify access to the applications within the defined scope of testing. The tester will then login, perform the prescribed steps, and generate the expected results for each activity. Any feature identified as missing or bug during testing from the UAT environment should be reported back to eGov.
Access to the test data is a vital component in conducting a comprehensive test of the system. All UAT participants will require the usage of test accounts and other pertinent test data which should be provided by NMCP upon request. All user roles should fully emulate production in the UAT path. The test accounts and role-mapping will be done for the users identified by eGov. Following are the sample test data for UA testing:
Sample master data
- Users data for test login creation
- Location master (AP/locality/village)
- Inventory module master (warehouse+product)
The test team is composed of members who possess a knowledge of the operations and processes on the ground.
These team members will be able to initiate test input, review the results,
Have prior experience/learnings from the campaign digitisation in Mozambique
All team members will be presented by the eGov team with an overview of the test process and what their specific role in UAT will be. The eGov team will oversee testing by assigning scripts to testers, providing general support, and serving as the primary UAT contact point throughout the test cycle.
Note: The above table needs to be filled by NMCP/DIS/DTIC with the details of the nominated participants of the UAT session.
The following sections detail milestones crucial to the completion of the UAT phase of the project. Once all dependent milestones have been completed, NMCP/DIS/DTIC will formally sign-off on the system’s functionality and distribute an email to all project stakeholders.
All core UAT activities along with the deliverable dates are described in the below table:
The UAT session will be conducted physically in Maputo. The agenda for the UAT session is mentioned below. This may undergo change based on the scope for UAT-2.
The mutually agreed defects/CR from UAT 1 will be re-tested in UAT 2.
Post the second round of testing as part of UAT-2 , the application will be deemed ready for the deployment in the production environment.
Any minor feedback arising out of the UAT-2 testing that requires minimal changes in the Salama (DIGIT HCM) platform will be incorporated before the campaign goes live.
Defects must be clearly captured and escalated to ensure prompt resolution by development. Each defect submitted by UAT will be assigned a priority, worked by development, resolved, and re-tested by UAT prior to closure. The following is a snapshot of the standard defect lifecycle:
eGov and NMCP together will prioritise and classify defects. Defects found in UAT can be assigned one of three levels of severity:
Critical defects: These are the defects found during the testing that render the application useless and prevent it from being used during the campaign. These will be resolved on priority.
Major defects: These defects make a part of the application functionality unavailable to the user but the user should still be able to use the application with limited functionality or a workaround exists. These will be taken up and fixed before the campaign starts.
Minor: These are the defects that reflect a deviation from the agreed scope but do not hamper the use of the application in any way. These will be considered for fixing only if the time permits.
Change requests (CRs) must be clearly captured and reported for analysis to identify effort and Impact to the eGov team. Each CR submitted will be validated and categorised for acceptance and then assigned with a priority. The development team will work on it and will be made available for testing. Following is a snapshot of the standard CR lifecycle:
eGov in consultation with NMCP will decide acceptance and categorisation of change requests. Change requests found in UAT can be assigned one of three levels of category:
Must have – Change requests that are needed for the success of a campaign. No workaround exists.
Should have – Change requests that are required for better tracking and monitoring and will increase the ease of use of the system for users. A workaround has been identified and is listed in the CR.
Good to have – Change requests that are simply for better visualisation and reporting. It could be excluded if not resolved by the scheduled implementation date.
eGov will endeavour to cover the "Must Have" changes before distribution. Lower priority changes will be taken through the eGov gating process for planning subsequent releases.
No critical defects found during the execution of the test scenarios.
90% of the total test cases could be executed successfully and the observed behaviour was found to match the expected results.
1. SUS Questionnaire : (For the application)
(On 5 point scale: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree):
I think I would like to use this tool frequently
I found the tool unnecessarily complex
I thought the tool was easy to use
I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this app
I thought there was too much inconsistency in this tool
I would imagine that most people would learn to use this tool very quickly
I found the tool very difficult to use
I felt very confident using the tool
I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this tool
I could efficiently complete my tasks using the system
2. Feedback on the UAT process
On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did the UAT task represent real-world scenarios and user interactions with the system?
Was the UAT task comprehensive, covering all key functionalities and features of the system?
Did the UAT include a variety of scenarios, data inputs, and user interactions to thoroughly test the system?
Was the UAT task representative of different user roles, permissions, and use cases that are relevant to the system?
Did the UAT task adequately address any specific requirements or criteria that were defined for the UAT phase?
3. Sign-Off Checklist
All UAT test cases completed: Verified that all UAT test cases, as defined in the UAT plan, have been executed and completed.
Business requirements validated: Validated that all business requirements, as defined in the requirements documentation - all features, functions, workflows, calculations, translations have been thoroughly tested and verified.
Compatibility tested: Verified that the application has been tested on the specified device, which is used for the distribution (Samsung A09) and the operating system (Android), and any compatibility issues have been addressed.
All feedback have been identified and documented. Agreed on the priority.
Documentation updated: Ensured that all relevant documentation, including user manuals, has been updated to reflect any changes made during UAT.
UAT summary report prepared: Prepared a UAT summary report that includes the UAT results, findings, and any outstanding issues or risks identified during UAT.
The following are reference documents which have been leveraged for project specific information in the design of the UAT plan:
SUS Questionnaire
Location: MISAU, Maputo
Day: 16th June, 2023
Register 5 households residing in a village in Zambezia. Capture how many numbers are living in the household, and fill in details (age, gender, mobile number) for the head of the household. Then, proceed to deliver bed nets:
a. Which is less than the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 2 households
b. Which is more than the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 1 household
c. Which is same as the number of bed nets suggested by the app for 2 households
As a distributor, you are required to do the distribution in another village than the one you did prior. Change the village and register two households. This time, skip adding the landmark in the household details page. Deliver the exact number of bed nets as suggested by the app.
You realise that you made a mistake while registering one member and want to correct your mistake. Search for a household head you have registered which has individual members added. First, correct the household head details by changing the age. Next, change the mobile number you entered previously with a new mobile number.
You are a registador and you forgot your password. What will you do?
You are not able to see your assigned village in the list of villages. What action will you take?
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
You are a registador and you realise that one of the members you registered has already been registered by your colleague, and is a duplicate entry. What will you do to remove the duplicate entry from your records?
You are the supervisor for the team working in village A in Zambezia, and your team members are in the field distributing nets. As per protocol, you are expected to go and observe them work and record your observations in the Registration and Distribution checklist. Fill out the checklist and submit your observations for the following checklists. Mark ‘No’ as response for at least 2 questions in each checklist and provide the reasons.
a. Registration & distribution monitoring
b. District warehouse monitoring
c. Satellite warehouse monitoring
d. Local monitors training monitoring
e. Registration & distribution training monitoring
You are the supervisor for the team working in a village in Zambezia, and you have made four checklist entries so far. You are supposed to make five entries for the checklist "Registration & Distribution Monitoring" daily. How will you check how many entries you have made so far for today and for which boundaries?
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
You are a warehouse manager for a warehouse in an administrative post in Zambezia and received a stock of 2 bales today into your satellite warehouse from a district warehouse. Enter the receipt of this in the app.
You are a local monitor for an administrative post and received a stock of 45 bed nets back from the distribution team. Enter the receipt of this for the satellite warehouse you are managing in the app as a return.
You are a district warehouse manager and you distributed the following:
a. 200 nets to the delivery team
b. 5 bales to a community warehouse
c. Make entries for these distributions
You are inspecting the warehouse at the end of the day as a community warehouse manager and you counted the number of nets in stock at the end of the day. How will you make an entry for this for the following cases?
a. There are 50 more nets in the warehouse that you counted than the number of nets suggested by the system.
b. There are 10 less nets in the warehouse that you counted than the number of nets suggested by the system.
Sync all the records pending to be synced in the application.
Here are the articles in this section:
Registro & Distribuição
Registrador (Registro e Distribuição)
Registrar uma família
1. Faça login no aplicativo por meio das credenciais fornecidas. 2.Clique em ver beneficiário 3.Pesquise o beneficiário 4.Clique no botão cadastrar 5.Digite os dados cadastrais solicitados na tela 6.Clique no botão salvar. Repita os mesmos passos para cadastrar mais quatro domicílios
O registrador deve ser capaz de registrar um novo domicílio
Aprovado - pedidos de alteração adicionadas à caixa "comentários"
1. Nome do agregado familiar 1.1. Nao deve aceitar 1 unico nome, deve ser mandatorio ter os nomes completos. 1.2. Nao permitir abreviaturas 1.3. Automatizar as iniciais do primeiro e segundo nome (ou apelido)
1- Ponto de referencia - make no mandatory; 2. Detalhes de membros do agregado familiar - replace (+; -) by Numbers, creat validation for 1 to 20 members per household;
1. household name 1.1. do not accept a single name, it must be mandatory to have the full names. 1.2. do not allow abbreviations 1.3 Automate the initials of the first and second name (or last name)
1- Nome do individuo - consider name and surname, because now allows to fil only one name but we need to see the surname; 2 Data de nascimento - translate the calendar to portuguese
2.Number of households 2.1.Must have a lock number, a limit number from 1 to 20 2.2.replace the addition of the number of household members by a numeric keypad 2.3. change the calendar language from english to portuguese 2.4. the age or date of birth field should be mandatory 2.5. The gender field should be mandatory The menu after filling in the household data has a red alert that draws attention and alerts to the fact that the delivery process is still missing. Suggestions: 1. Red - if the household has already received a mosquito net "Do not provide additional nets". 2. Green - if the family has not yet received the mosquito net "Proceed with the delivery of the mosquito net"
Registrador (Registro e Distribuição)
Adicione membros a cada família cadastrada.
1.Faça login no aplicativo 2. Pesquise a família 2.Clique no botão abrir à direita do nome da família 3..Clique no botão Adicionar membro 4. Insira os detalhes solicitados na tela 5. Clique no botão enviar
O registrador deve ser capaz de adicionar membros a cada família criada
Aprovado - pedidos de alteração adicionadas à caixa "comentários"
2.Numero de agregados familiares 2.1.Deve ter um numero de trancagem, um numero limite de 1 a 20 2.2. Substituir a adicao do numero de mebros do agregado familiar por um teclado numerico 2.3. Trocar o idioma do calendario, de ingles para portugues 2.4. O campo de idade ou data de nascimento deve ser obrigatorio 2.5. O preenchimento do campo de genero deve ser obrigatorio O menu apos preenchimento dos dados do agregado familiar tem um alerta vermelho que chama atencao e alerta ao facto de faltar ainda o processo de entrega. Sugestoes: 1. Vermelho - se a familia ja recebeu rede mosquiteira "Nao fornecer redes adicionais" 2. Verde - se a familia ainda nao recebeu rede mosquiteira "Proceder com a entrega da rede mosquiteira"
3. Number of mosquito nets 3.1. Use the option of numbers in icons (1 2 3) to be selected during net delivery as quantity.
1.Numero de redes distribuidas - change (+;-) by numbers; 2- comentario de envio - change by Comentarios and include validation rule to display only when numero de redes distribuidas is different from the Numero de redes para entrega
Registrador (Registro e Distribuição)
Em dois domicílios, entregar mosquiteiros a menos do que o pedido menciona para entregar
1. Clique nos beneficiários 2. Procure o beneficiário 3. Clique em abrir (à direita do nome do agregado familiar) no agregado familiar onde os mosquiteiros serão entregues 4. Clique no botão "Entregar intervenção". 5. Digite o número de mosquiteiros a serem distribuídos menor que o número mencionado 5. Selecione os comentários de entrega 6. Selecione o motivo "Recurso insuficiente" 7. Clique em Enviar.
O registrador deve ser capaz de inserir o número de mosquiteiros entregues menor que o sugerido.
Aprovado - pedidos de alteração adicionadas à caixa "comentários"
3. Numero de redes mosquiteiras 3.1. Usar a opcao de numeros em icons (1 2 3) para serem seleccionadas durante a entrega da rede, como quantidade.
3. Number of mosquito nets 3.1. Use the option of numbers in icons (1 2 3) to be selected during net delivery as quantity.
Registrador (Registro e Distribuição)
Em uma casa, entregar mosquiteiros mais do que o pedido menciona para entregar
1. Clique nos beneficiários 2. Procure o beneficiário 3. Clique em abrir (à direita do nome do agregado familiar) no agregado familiar onde os mosquiteiros serão entregues 4. Clique no botão "Entregar intervenção". 5. Digite o número de mosquiteiros a serem distribuídos mais do que o número mencionado 5. Selecione os comentários de entrega 6. Selecione o motivo <> 7. Clique em Enviar.
O registrador deve ser capaz de inserir o número de mosquiteiros entregues além do sugerido.
"7. Corrections after submission 7.1. disable "autocorrect 7.2. do not allow changing the number of household members 7.3.1. you do not have to allow deletion of already submitted household
Registrador (Registro e Distribuição)
Em dois domicílios, entregue mosquiteiros iguais aos mencionados no aplicativo para entregar
1. Clique nos beneficiários 2. Procure o beneficiário 3. Clique em abrir (à direita do nome do agregado familiar) no agregado familiar onde os mosquiteiros serão entregues 4. Clique no botão "Entregar intervenção". 5. Digite o número de mosquiteiros a serem distribuídos igual ao número mencionado 5. Selecione os comentários da entrega 6. Selecione o motivo "Entrega bem-sucedida" 7. Clique em Enviar.
registrador deve ser capaz de inserir o número de mosquiteiros entregues conforme sugerido.
Personally I think that the already synchronized forms should not have the option to edit later; should only work for non-synchronized forms..
Registrador (Registro e Distribuição)
Como distribuidor, você é obrigado a fazer a distribuição na vila B. Mude o local da vila A para a vila B e cadastre 2 domicílios. Desta vez, adicione apenas o chefe da família e nenhum membro individual da família. Além disso, pule a adição do ponto de referência na página de detalhes da família e pule a adição de número de celular, idade e sexo ao registrar o chefe da família. Entregue o número exato de mosquiteiros sugeridos pelo aplicativo.
1. Faça login como registrador no aplicativo 2. Selecione o local nas listas suspensas mencionadas na tela do seletor de local 3. Clique no local selecionado no canto superior direito da tela inicial. 4.Altere o nome da aldeia na tela do seletor de localização 5.Clique em enviar 6. Clique em ver beneficiário 7. Pesquise o beneficiário 8 Clique em registrar e próximo 9. Adicione o número de membros 10.Clique em enviar sem adicionar detalhes no tela individual 11.Clique em Abrir ao lado do nome do beneficiário 13.Clique em Entregar Intervenção 14. Digite o número de mosquiteiros distribuídos conforme sugerido 15. Selecione comentários de entrega como Entrega bem-sucedida 16. Clique no botão enviar.
O registrador deve ser capaz de mudar a aldeia. O registrador deve ser capaz de registrar a família sem adicionar nenhum membro individual e detalhes da família. O Registrar deve ser capaz de entregar e registrar o número de mosquiteiros sugeridos.
Registrador (Registro e Distribuição)
Você percebe que cometeu um erro ao registrar um membro e quer corrigir seu erro. Pesquise um chefe de família que você registrou e que tenha membros individuais adicionados. O erro estava no número do celular - altere o número do celular digitado anteriormente por um novo número de celular.
1.Inicie o aplicativo 2.Insira as credenciais 3.Clique no botão Login 4.Pesquise a família registrada usando o nome do chefe da família 5.Clique no botão editar ao lado do membro cujos números de celular devem ser alterados 6.Insira os detalhes do atualização 7.Clique no botão atualizar
A Resgiatra deve poder alterar o número do telemóvel de qualquer membro do agregado familiar. A alteração do número do celular deve refletir.
Aprovado - pedidos de alteração adicionadas à caixa "comentários"
7. Correccoes apos submissao 7.1. Desactivar o "autocorrect" 7.2. Nao permitir a alteracao do numero de membros do agregado familiar 7.3.1. Nao tem que permitir apagar o agregado familiar ja submetido
"7. Corrections after submission 7.1. disable "autocorrect 7.2. do not allow changing the number of household members 7.3.1. you do not have to allow deletion of already submitted household
Registrador (Registro e Distribuição)
Procure uma casa que você entregou. Você inseriu o chefe da família para a pessoa A. Mas quando você visitou a família novamente, precisou mudar o chefe da família para outra pessoa.
Inicie o aplicativo 2. Insira as credenciais 3. Clique no botão Login 4. Pesquise a família registrada usando o nome do chefe da família e abra o cartão. 5. Toque em editar para os detalhes do chefe de família. 6. Adicione membros à família. 7. Para o membro recém-adicionado, toque em editar e atribua o indivíduo recém-criado como chefe da família. 8. Realize novamente uma pesquisa com base no nome do indivíduo recém-adicionado
O registrador deve ser capaz de mudar o chefe da família.
Registrador (Registro e Distribuição)
Procure uma casa que você entregou. Agora, exclua um membro de uma família que você entregou
1.Inicie o aplicativo 2.Insira as credenciais 3.Toque no botão Login 4.Pesquise o beneficiário registrado 5.Toque no botão editar família 6.Toque no botão excluir 7. Na mensagem de confirmação, toque em ""Excluir"" . 8. Na tela "Motivo para exclusão", selecione uma opção e toque em "Excluir".
O registrador deve ser capaz de excluir a família.
Nao se aplica
Registrador (Registro e Distribuição)
Para um dos partos registrados, você percebe que inseriu um número incorreto de mosquiteiros. Em vez de 2, você gravou 3
1.Inicie o aplicativo 2.Insira as credenciais 3.Toque no botão Login 4.Pesquise o beneficiário registrado 5.Toque em atualizar detalhes de entrega 6.Altere o número no número de mosquiteiro distribuído. 7. Clique em Enviar
O registrador deve ser capaz de atualizar os detalhes da entrega.
Test Phases
HCM mobile app.
Registration and Service Delivery, Supervision, Inventory, raising complaints from the mobile app.
Retest issues/ observations from UAT 1.
Retesting observations and accepted CR/bug fixes and sign-off.
Name of the participant
Project role/designation
Phone extension
Start date
Expected closure date
Incorporating the UAT-1 feedback in the HCM application based on the results of triaging process
Creation of the UAT test cases/scripts, and sharing with NMCP for review
Nomination of UAT participants so that user accounts can be created
Arrangement of venue and other logistics for UAT session
Readiness of the UAT server instance
Installing test version of the HCM application in test phones
Conducting the second round of UAT testing along with NMCP stakeholders
Collation and triaging of UAT feedback and communication to NMCP
Incorporating any minor suggestions arising out of second round of UAT
Fit for go-live
The test results would be reviewed and the application will be declared fit for use during the Group 4 distribution
Approximate duration
Day 1(16th June-23)
Introduction to the UAT-2 session
15 minutes
8.00 am -8.15 am
Walkthrough of the mobile app
Walkthrough of the feedback from the previous (UAT-1) session
Walkthrough of the test scenarios to be executed
Walkthrough of the defect/CR reporting templates
Distribution of printed templates for capturing defects/CR
Distribution of test cases and mobile devices
60 Minutes
8.15 am-9.15 am
Testing of the Salama (DIGIT HCM app)-Session 1
45 minutes
9.15 am-10.00 am
Tea Break-1
30 minutes
10.00 am-10.15 am
Testing of the Salama (DIGIT HCM app)-Session 2
150 Minutes
10.15 am-12.45 am
Review of the testing performed
15 minutes
12.45 am-1.00 pm
Lunch Break
60 minutes
1.00 pm-2.00 pm
Testing of the Salama (DIGIT HCM app)-Session 3
2.00 pm-3.00 pm
Tea Break-2
15 minutes
3.00 pm-3.15 pm
Defect review: Clarifying Q&A on defects raised (if any)
45 Minutes
3.00 pm-3.45 pm
Session closure
15 minutes
3.45 pm-4.00 pm
Gestor de armazém
É gestor de um armazém no posto administrativo A e recebeu hoje no seu armazém comunitário um stock de 2 fardos provenientes de um armazém distrital em Angónia. Registe a recepção desta mercadoria na aplicação.
1. iniciar sessão como gestor de armazém 2. Clique em gerir stock 3. Clique em registar a entrada em armazém 4. Introduzir os dados do armazém gerido 5. Clicar em seguinte 7. Introduzir os dados da entrada em armazém - inclui os dados do armazém e o modo de proveniência dos fardos. 9. Clique no botão Submeter 9. Registo criado com êxito
O gestor de armazém deve ser capaz de criar o registo de entrada de existências.
Aprovado com comentarios
Apagar campo de aldeia na pagina inicial Todos os Campos obrigatorios na primeira pagina (Pagina OU) Registar guia de remessa = Registo de entradas PPM, Provincia, outro Distrito, CPN - Trocar registo de entradas Campo de data deve permetir editar Trocar area administrativa por Unidade organizacional(label) No armazem deve fazer Dropdown para aparecer a lista do armazem Trocar armazem fornecedor por proviniencia (PPM, Provincia, outro Distrito, CPN devem ser opcoes do Dropdown) Trocar as posicoes( armazem fornrcdor, numero da guia da remessa, tipo de transporte, matricula de veiculo, numero de redes na guia de remessa, numero de redes mosquiteiras recebidas)` Tipo de trasnporte - retirar Estivador e barco e rever a nomeclatura da viatura (Cabine dupla) Devemos ter um campo de "Esta em conformidade?" (fazer lista de Dropdwn com Sim ou Nao, e se Nao deve abrir um campo para comentar) Sempre que ter uma diferenca entre redes recebidas e redes na guia de remessa, deve abrir um campo de comentarios para escrever o que esta acontecer (nomeado Comentario)
Mudar em TODAS as fichas label de Data de Recepcao para Data de Movimento Saidas -Mudar Detalhe das Accoes Emitidas por Detalhe do Movimento -Mudar label de Armazem por "Destino" -Trocar as posicoes(Destino, numero da guia da remessa, tipo de transporte, matricula de veiculo, numero de redes na guia de remessa) -apagar campo de numero de redes mosquiteiras enviadas e campo de comentario -Tipo de transporte - remover apenas opcao de Estivador -Opcoes para destino (em ordem): Armazens satelite, monitor local, Outro armazem distrital, Armazem Provincial, Outra Provincia, CPN -armazem datelite or monitor local, abrir campo com opcoes de todos os AS ou MLs nesse distrito -Campo de matriculas de veiculos deve aceitar letras mayusculas
Delete village field on the start page All required fields on the first page (Page OR) Register delivery note = Register entries PPM, Province, other District, CPN - Change Entry Register Date field must allow edit Change administrative area to Organizational Unit(label) In the warehouse you must Dropdown to display the warehouse list Change supplier warehouse by province (PPM, Province, other District, CPN should be Dropdown options) Change positions (supplying warehouse, delivery note number, transport type, vehicle registration, number of nets on delivery note, number of received nets) Type of transport - remove Stevedore and boat and revise the name of the vehicle (Double Cab) We must have a field of Is this in conformity?" (make Dropdown list with Yes or No, and if No you must open a field to comment) Whenever you have a difference between received nets and nets on the delivery tab, you must open a comment field to write what is happening (named Comment)
"Change on ALL tabs label from Date of Receipt to Date of Movement Exits -Change Actions Issued Detail for Movement Detail -Change label of Warehouse by "Destination -Change positions (Destination, delivery note number, transport type, vehicle license plate, net number on delivery note) -delete the field of the number of mosquito nets sent and the comment field -Type of transport - remove only Stevedore option -Options for destination (in order): Satellite warehouse, local monitor, Other district warehouse, Provincial warehouse, Other province, CPN -Satellite warehouse or local monitor, open field with options of all AS or MLs in that district -Field for vehicle license plates must accept capital letters".
min is localidade and not until village Change name ---reg guida de remesse - Registo de Entradas Subtext - Registo De Entradas no Armazem Change Texto de pesquisa de facilidas--> Nome do Armazem Explore possibility of w/h selection similar to boundary selection tree OR link waybill code with w/h names and populate only those w/hs name associated with that waybill no. comments when you receive mandatory comments when you send --> optional remove estivadores, barco.. rename cabina-->cabine date for all 3 forms should be editable, but only past dates,,not future
Subtext in Saidas - Registar aviamentos feitos pelo armazem Subtext in devolucoes - Registar devolucoes feitas ao armazem
Gestor de armazém
É gestor de armazém do posto administrativo A e recebeu um stock de 45 mosquiteiros da equipa de distribuição. Registe na aplicação a recepção desta encomenda no armazém comunitário que gere como uma devolução.
1. iniciar sessão como gestor de armazém 2. Clique em gerir stock 3. Clicar em stock devolvido 4. Introduza os dados do armazém gerido por si. 5. Introduza os dados das existências que foram devolvidas - inclui o modo de transporte pelo qual as existências foram devolvidas e os dados do armazém de onde foram devolvidas. 6. Clique em Submeter 7. Registo criado com sucesso
O gestor de armazém deve poder registar as existências devolvidas depois de introduzir os dados no formulário "Existências devolvidas".
Aprovado com comentarios
Data de recepcao para Data de Movimento -Opcoes para origem: Monitor Local e Armazem Satelite (garantir que NA nao seja opcao) -Se escolher monitor / armazem, abrir u campo novo que contenha todos os monitores / todos os armazens satelites existentes nesse distrito -Trocar as posicoes (origem, numero da guia da remessa, tipo de transporte, matricula de veiculo, numero de redes na guia de remessa, quantidade de redes mosquiteiras devolvidas) -Devemos ter um campo de "Esta em conformidade?" (fazer lista de Dropdwn com Sim ou Nao, e se Nao deve abrir um campo para comentar) -Sempre que ter uma diferenca entre redes recebidas e redes na guia de remessa, deve abrir um campo de comentarios para escrever o que esta acontecer (nomeado Comentario)
Date of Receipt for Date of Movement -Options for source: Local Monitor and Satellite Warehouse (make sure NA is not an option) -If you choose monitor / warehouse, open a new field that contains all monitors / satellite warehouses in that district -Change positions (origin, delivery note number, type of transport, vehicle license plate, number of nets on delivery note, quantity of mosquito nets returned) -We must have a field for "Is this in conformity?" (make Dropdwn list with Yes or No, and if No you must open a field to comment) -Every time you have a difference between nets received and nets on the delivery note, you must open a comment field to write what is happening (named Comment)
Conformity to consider fo Gp5. for gp4 focus on training
Gestor de armazém
"Está a inspeccionar o armazém no final do dia como gestor de um armazém satélite e contou o número de redes em stock no final do dia. Como é que vai fazer um registo para os seguintes casos? Há mais 50 redes no armazém que o utilizador contou do que o número de redes sugerido pelo sistema Há menos 10 redes no armazém que foram contadas do que o número de redes sugerido pelo sistema".
"1. iniciar sessão como gestor de armazém 2. Clicar em gerir stocks 3. clicar em reconciliação de existências no ecrã inicial 4. Verificar o número total de mosquiteiros sugerido para o armazém (total de entradas - total de saídas = stock disponível) 5. Introduzir a contagem física 50 superior à contagem total sugerida. 6. Introduzir a razão, nos comentários, para a introdução de um maior número de existências no armazém 7. clicar no botão "Submeter" "
O gestor de armazém deve poder registar as existências de acordo com a contagem manual em vez da contagem das existências sugerida.
aprovado com comentarios
Existencias = Entradas + Devolucoes - Saidas -Se o numero de inventario manual ser diferente as existencias de acordo com a formula, deve abrir o campo de comentario que seja obrigatorio -Se os numeros sao iguais, campo de "Estao em conformidade?" com dropdown Sim ou Nao, e se for Nao, abrir campo para comentar obrigatoriamente. -e possivel ter discrepancia e nao estar em conformidade ao mesmo tempo
"Existences = Entries + Returns - Exits -If the manual inventory number is different from the inventories according to the formula, you must open the comment field that is mandatory -If the numbers are equal, the field "Are they in conformity?" with dropdown "Yes" or "No", and if it is "No", open the comment field. - "It is possible to have discrepancy and not be in conformity at the same time".
Gestor de armazém
É gestor de um armazém distrital e distribuiu o seguinte. 200 redes à equipa de entregas A 5 fardos para o armazém satélite A. Efectue entradas para estas distribuições.
"1. iniciar sessão como gestor de armazém 2. Clicar em gerir stocks 3. clicar em reconciliação de existências no ecrã inicial 4. Verificar o número total de mosquiteiros sugerido para o armazém (total de entradas - total de saídas = stock disponível) 5. Introduzir a contagem física mais 10 do que a contagem total sugerida. 6. Introduzir a razão, nos comentários, para a introdução de um número inferior de existências no armazém 7. clicar no botão "Submeter"
O gestor de armazém deve poder registar as existências de acordo com a contagem manual em vez da contagem das existências sugerida.
Change in ALL the tabs label from Date of Receipt to Date of Movement Exits -Change Actions Issued Detail for Movement Detail -Change label of Warehouse by "Destination -Change positions (Destination, delivery note number, transport type, vehicle license plate, net number on delivery note) -delete the field of the number of mosquito nets sent and the comment field -Type of transport - remove only Stevedore option -Options for destination (in order): Satellite warehouse, local monitor, Other district warehouse, Provincial warehouse, Other province, CPN -Satellite warehouse or local monitor, open field with options of all AS or MLs in that district -Field for vehicle license plates must accept capital letters.
Gestor de armazém
Sincronizar todos os registos pendentes de serem sincronizados na aplicação.
Clique no botão de sincronização no ecrã inicial
Todos os registos pendentes são sincronizados.
Approximate duration
Day 1-12th June 2023
Introduction to the UAT plan and the session plan.
15 minutes
8.00 am-8.15 am
Walkthrough of mobile app and test cases.
Walkthrough of defect/CR reporting templates.
Distribution of the printed templates for capturing defects/CR.
Distribution of the test cases and the mobile devices.
60 minutes
8.15 am-9.15 am
Tea break-1
30 minutes
9.15 am-9.45 am
Testing of the changes made from UAT 1.
Capturing the defects/CR in the printed sheet.
120 Minutes
9.45 am-11.45 am
Close day 1 of the testing session
30 minutes
11.45 am-12.15 pm
Lunch break
75 minutes
12.15 pm-1.30 pm
Collation and digitisation of defects and CR by eGov & the CHAI team.
120 minutes
1.30 pm-3.30 pm
Day 2-13th June 2023
Defect review: Clarifying Q&A on defects raised the day before.
60 minutes
8.00 am-9.00 am
UAT sign-off .
90 minutes
9.00 am-10.30 am
Tea break
30 minutes
10.30 am-11.00 am
Close day 1 of the testing session.
15 minutes
11.00 am-11.30 am
Click here to access the form.
Sim. Não
Captura de tela/imagem
Descrição do Problema / Observado
resultado esperado
Mudar a instrucao de "retornar a pequisa:" para "retornar a pagina de beneficiarios"
Change the instruction from "return to search:" to "return to the beneficiaries page
Trancar os dados apos sincronizacao
Locking the data after synchronisation
"Você é o supervisor da equipa que trabalha na Aldeia A do Distrito de Angónia e os membros da sua equipa estão no terreno a distribuir mosquiteiros. De acordo com o protocolo, deve ir observá-los a trabalhar e registar as suas observações na lista de verificação de Registo e Distribuição. Preencha a lista de controlo e apresente as suas observações para as seguintes listas de controlo. Marque "Não" como resposta a pelo menos 2 perguntas de cada lista de controlo e indique os motivos. Monitorização do Registo e Distribuição - Faça esta lista de verificação para a Aldeia A no Distrito de Angónia Monitorização do Armazém Distrital - Faça esta lista de verificação para o Distrito de Angónia Monitorização do Armazém Satélite - Fazer esta lista de verificação para o armazém no posto administrativo A no Distrito de Angónia Monitorização da formação de monitores locais - Faça esta lista de verificação para o Posto Administrativo A no Distrito de Angónia Monitorização da formação em Registo e Distribuição - Fazer a lista de verificação para a Aldeia B no Distrito de Angónia".
1. Credenciais de início de sessão de um supervisor 2. Clique em As minhas listas de verificação 3. Clique no nome de cada lista de verificação 4. Preencher todas as respostas em sim ou não 5. Em caso de não, preencha o motivo 6. Clique em Submeter
Lista de controlo apresentada e guardada com êxito
District supervisor does not supervise formacao dos ML National supervisor does not supervise da fase de R&D. On the OU homepage, fields for district, posto, localidade must be mandatory, aldeia must not be but should be kept The aldeia field should have an option that is "N/A" for supervisions that dont occur at aldeia level When clicking on a supervision type, change the label from "criar lista de verificacao" to "Criar evento" and "Ver as listas de verificacao submetidas" to "Ver eventos" Unidade organizacional should not display codes, but names and display lowest applicable OU. Within the checklist, the title of the supervision checklist should be on a biggger font and bolded, the title of "Lista de Verificacao" should instead be smaller (swap the formats) for all Supervision Checklists Title should be preceded by "Supervisao da formacao das..." Separate each of the covid matters into its own separate question (use of masks, use of disinfectant, hand washing, etc) Ensure that the new changes to supervision lists are communicated to eGov and applied to the app for all supervision checklists - this will include adding NA options to some questions When a supervision question = No, the comment field that pops up should be mandatory. When filling a form, if the user clicks "Retornar" there should be a prompt that asks if the user Really wants to exit so that information is not lost in case of an accident. In the homepage with the supervision lists, display District Warehouse supervision before Satelite Warehouse supervision. For satelite warehouse supervision: Change title from "accao para a supervisao do armazem satelite" to "Supervisao do armazem satelite", same for district warehouse. Quyestion of "ha registo de inventario... 15 em 15 dias" needs to be removed Question of "se houve movimento de RTIs (fora de entrada..." edit text to "Se houve movimento de RTIs (fora da entrada inicial) para outros armazens, a Guia de Remessa foi preenchida?" - apply to district warehouse checklist as well. Ver as lista de supervisao: Change "Aberto" in the button for "Abrir"
"Você é o supervisor da equipa que trabalha na Aldeia A do Distrito de Angónia e, até agora, fez 4 entradas na lista de verificação. É suposto fazer 5 entradas na lista de verificação 'Monitorização do registo e distribuição' diariamente. Verifica quantos registos fizeste até hoje e para que limites?".
1. Credenciais de início de sessão de um supervisor 2. Clique em As minhas listas de verificação 3. Clique em Lista de verificação de registo e distribuição 4. Preencher todas as respostas com sim ou não 5. Em caso de resposta negativa, preencher o motivo 6. Clique em Submeter
Lista de controlo apresentada e guardada com êxito.
"Go back" button currently has text that says "Retornar" - change to "Voltar".
Monitorização do armazém distrital - Elaborar esta lista de controlo para o distrito de Angónia.
1. Credenciais de início de sessão de um supervisor 2. Clique em As minhas listas de verificação 3. Clicar em Lista de controlo do armazém 4. Preencher todas as respostas em sim ou não 5. Em caso de não, preencher o motivo 6. Clique em Submeter
Lista de controlo apresentada e guardada com êxito.
Click here to access the form.
Registration & Distribution
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
Register one household
1. Login into the application through given credentials. 2. Click on view beneficiary 3. Search for the beneficiary 4. Click on register button 5. Enter registration details asked in the screen 6. Click on save button. Repeat the same steps to register four more households
Registrar should be able to register a new household
1. Ponto de referencia - make no mandatory; 2. Detalhes de membros do agregado familiar - replace (+; -) by Numbers, creat validation for 1 to 20 members per household;
1. Reference point - do not make mandatory; 2. Details of household members - replace (+; -) with Numbers, create validation for 1 to 20 members per household;
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
Add members to each households registered.
1. Login into the application 2. Search the household 3. Click on open button right to the household name 3. Click on the add member button 4. Enter the details asked in the screen 5. Click on the submit button
Registrar should be able to add members to each household that has been created
1. Name is mandatory field. It is suggested to add all the details in the form. But if the other details are not available then the member can be added only by name. Fill the rest of the details for atleast one member in each household. For example, if there are 3 members in a household, as part of UAT, please fill in all the details in atleast one member, you can skip filling the other details other than names for the rest. 2. It is not mandatory to add details or add members to each household. The number of members in a household is enough for the bed nets to be distributed. As part of UAT, we ask you to add members to each household.
1. Nome do individuo - consider name and surname, because now allows to fil only one name but we need to see the surname; 2 Data de nascimento - translate the calendar to portuguese
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
In two households, deliver bed nets less than the application mentions to deliver
1. Click on beneficiaries 2. Search for beneficiary 3. Click on open (right to the household name) on the household where the bed nets are to be delivered 4. Click on "Deliver intervention" button. 5. Enter the number of bed nets to be distributed less than the number mentioned 5. Select delivery comments 6. Select the reason "Insufficuient resource" 7. Click on submit.
Registrar should be able to enter the number of bed nets delivered less than what is suggested
Repeat the steps for two households.
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
In one household, deliver bed nets more than the application mentions to deliver
1. Click on beneficiaries 2. Search for beneficiary 3. Click on open (right to the household name) on the household where the bed nets are to be delivered 4. Click on the "Deliver intervention" button. 5. Enter the number of bed nets to be distributed more as the number mentioned 5. Select delivery comments 6. Select the reason <> 7. Click on submit.
Registrar should be able to enter the number of bed nets delivered more than what suggested
1. Numero de redes distribuidas - change (+;-) by numbers; 2- comentario de envio - change by Comentarios and include validation rule to display only when numero de redes distribuidas is different from the Numero de redes para entrega
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
In two households, deliver bed nets same as the application mentions to deliver
1. Click on beneficiaries 2. Search for a beneficiary 3. Click on open (right to the household name) on the household where the bed nets are to be delivered 4. Click on the "Deliver intervention" button. 5. Enter the number of bed nets to be distributed same as the number mentioned 5. Select delivery comments 6. Select the reason "Successfull Delivery" 7. Click on submit.
Registrar should be able to enter the number of bed nets delivered same as suggested
Same as above
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
As a distributor you are required to do the distribution in village B. Change the location from village A to village B and register 2 households. This time add only the household head and no individual members in the household. Also, skip adding the landmark in the household details page and skip adding mobile number, age, gender while registering the household head. Deliver the exact number of bed nets as suggested by the app.
1. Login as registrar into the application 2. Select the location from the dropdowns mentioned in the location picker screen 3. Click on the selected location on the top right of the home screen. 4. Change the village name in the location picker screen 5. Click on submit 6. Click on view beneficiary 7. Search for the beneficiary 8. Click on register and next 9. Add the number of members 10. Click submit without adding any details in the individual screen 11. Click on open next to the beneficiary name 13. Click on deliver intervention 14. Enter the number of bed nets distributed as suggested 15. Select delivery comments as successful delivery 16. Click on the submit button
Registrar should be able to change the village. Registrar should be able to register the household without adding any indivdual members and household details. Registrar should be able to deliver and records the number of bed nets suggested
Repeat the steps from 7 to 15 twice.
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
You realise that you made a mistake while registering one member and want to correct it. Search for a household head you have registered which has individual members added. The mistake was in the mobile number- Change the mobile number you entered previously with a new mobile number.
1. Launch the application 2. Enter credentials 3. Click on the login button 4. Search for the registered household using the household head's name 5. Click on the edit button next to the member whose mobile number has to be changed 6. Enter details for the updation 7. Click on the update button
Registrar should be able to change the mobile number of any member of the household, and the change mobile number should reflect
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
Search for a household you have delivered. You entered the household head for person A. But when you visited the household again, you needed to change the household head to another person.
1. Launch the application 2. Enter credentials 3. Click on the login button 4. Search for the registered household using the household head's name and open the card. 5. Tap on edit for the household head details 6. Add members to the household. 7. For the newly-added member, tap on edit and assign the newly-created individual as the head of household. 8. Perform a search based on the newly-added individual's name
Registrar should be able to change the household head of the household
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
Search for a household you have delivered. Now, delete a member from a household that you have delivered.
1. Launch the application 2. Enter credentials 3. Tap on Login button 4. Search for the registered beneficiary 5. Tap on edit household button 6. Tap on the delete button 7. On the confirmation message, tap on 'Delete' 8. On the "Reason For Deletion" screen, select an option and tap on 'Delete'
Registrar should be able to delete the household
Registrar (Registration & Distribution)
For one the deliveries recorded, you realise you entered an incorrect number of bed nets. Instead of 2, you recorded 3.
1. Launch the application 2. Enter credentials 3. Tap on Login button 4. Search for the registered beneficiary 5. Tap on update delivery details 6. Change the number in the number of bed nets distributed. 7. Click on Submit
Registrar should be able to update the delivery detail
Personally I think that the already synchronised forms should not have the option to edit later; should only work for non-synchronised forms.
Observation type
Addressing mechanism
Any observation pertaining to a feature or functionality not working as expected or agreed at the time of scope review, will be classified as issue.
The observations classified as defects will be taken up by the eGov programme team for further validation, prioritisation and fixing. Minor issues originating due to incorrect configurations or erroneous labels, or translations, will be fixed and be made available for re-testing during the next UAT cycle.
Change request (CR)
Any recommendations to enable or disable a functionality from the initial requirements or a new functionality to be added.
These will be handled via the change control process as per the SoP defined, and will be evaluated based on their impact and effort.