To learn more about the April 2023 session, click on the following link:
Idea Management Process for Digital Product Advisory Committee
This document outlines a systematic approach to manage and evaluate new ideas for product development coming from the members of the DPAC. It is meant to serve as a guide for product managers to effectively assess and decide whether to implement these ideas into the product.
The DPAC members are encouraged to use the Idea submission form to submit new ideas which will be documented in a central repository.
All submitted ideas will undergo a preliminary review to check alignment with the overall goal, outcomes, problem addressed and the product’s roadmap. Any idea that does not align with the strategic objectives of the product will be dropped after deliberation with the DPAC.
The remaining ideas that pass the preliminary review are then prioritised based on their potential to solve a specific problem and deliver impact on the ground.
The purpose of this document is to establish the Digital Product Advisory Committee (DPAC) for DIGIT HCM. The DPAC will be responsible for providing guidance, inputs, insights and recommendations to the design and development of DIGIT HCM and to the product roadmap. This charter outlines the DPAC’s objectives, responsibilities, composition and operating principles.
Digital technologies generally, and digital public goods (DPGs) in particular, provide an opportunity for governments, private sector organisations and civil society organisations to collaborate to address public health outcomes by creating a country’s digital public health infrastructure. These digital technologies manifest as digital products or solutions that are used as part of programs by governments and civil society organisations aimed at specific interventions. Public health is one such area where digital public infrastructure (DPI) using DPGs is being built across countries. Within the larger public health space, public health campaigns are one such intervention, that are aimed towards the control, prevention, and eradication of disease at the population scale by setting up digital public infrastructure.
Working with partners and supported by our donors, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Nandan Nilekani Philanthropies, and the Global Fund (Supply Chain team), eGov Foundation, is designing and developing a digital health campaign management product on the DIGIT Health platform. For the first implementation of this product, eGov Foundation has partnered with the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) under the Ministry of Health of the Government of Mozambique. The first exemplar using DIGIT HCM was done for a bednet campaign in Mozambique in August 2023 in Tété province. Following this, DIGIT HCM will be used for managing and operationalising an SMC campaign in the Nampula province of Mozambique, starting January 2024. The next country adopting DIGIT HCM for their health campaigns is Liberia, where DIGIT HCM will be used for a bednet campaign in March 2024. The same product is intended to be used for campaigns across multiple diseases and we hope to work with other partners to help us evolve the roadmap for this product.
As in many other spaces, the health campaign management space is fragmented with multiple products and solutions. Oftentimes, these products and solutions have overlapping capabilities, are not interoperable or are difficult to deploy in a changed context. This adds the burden of creating a new solution for each campaign, straining the already limited resources which can be put to better use. Designing and developing DIGIT HCM as a global DPG that forms a part of the digital public health infrastructure of a country can help mitigate many of these issues. DIGIT HCM is being designed and developed as a DPG and made freely available to all as open-source software under the MIT license. (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
There are many organisations and individuals with deep knowledge and expertise in the public health space in general, and in public health campaign management, in particular. We endeavor to leverage this collective knowledge and expertise as we evolve the product. We do this by arriving at a shared understanding of the challenges faced by various actors in delivering public health campaigns, prioritising the most pressing issues keeping an eye on what’s going to be used first, building into the product the capabilities that are needed by most and enabling interoperability with other products and solutions catering to very specific use cases.
The objectives of the Digital Product Advisory Committee then, are to:
Get strategic alignment on the most pressing problems in health campaign management across the different types of campaigns.
Provide inputs that will inform the product roadmap.
Provide domain knowledge.
Share experience on the variations in campaigns in different countries and how the product can factor in those variations.
Share best practices, learnings and failures, and the root causes of these problems.
Here’s a view of what the Digital Product Advisory Committee (DPAC) is expected to do -
Action Item
Provide inputs to the product
The DPAC will provide inputs to product initiatives to drive maximum impact at scale. This direction will feed into the product.
Share knowledge & experience
Members of the DPAC will share their knowledge and experience that will help the product team building the product to make more informed decisions. They can share their understanding through reviews of research papers and reports, recommendations, best practices and what they have seen work in different contexts, etc. that will provide thoughtful recommendations to the product roadmap.
Arrive at a shared narrative and advocate DIGIT HCM
The DPAC will play a critical role to craft a narrative that will help with adoption of the DIGIT HCM product within the ecosystem.
Provide feedback during product design and after product releases
The DPAC will take an active role in providing feedback during the product design and development phase to ensure the final product provides maximum value to the users.
The following are a few of the things the Digital Product Advisory Committee will not do:
As the name suggests, the Digital Product Advisory Committee is an advisory body and as such, it is not a decision-making body. Its role is to share relevant experience from different geographies, share learnings from other campaigns and countries, help understand the problems in campaigns and challenges faced by different actors, etc. It will provide inputs and strategic direction that can be taken up for consideration on the roadmap but is not responsible for the roadmap itself.
Key Expertise
Marcy Erskine
Malaria Advisor
Alliance for Malaria Prevention
Robert Opoku
Project Management
Alliance for Malaria Prevention
Elijah Egwu
Digital Health Advisor
Catholic Relief Services
Lakshmi Balachandran
Digital Health Specialist
Clinton Health Access Initiative
Abhishek Suresh
Product Management
eGov Foundation
Jojo Mehra
Product Management
eGov Foundation
Nita Tyagi
Partnerships & Growth
eGov Foundation
Varun Basu
Partnerships & Growth
eGov Foundation
Satish Choudhury
Digital Health Specialist
Gates Foundation
Sidharth Rupani
Supply Chain Design
Global Fund
Liberty Bunce
Digital Health Specialist
Malaria Consortium
Tom Heslop
Malaria Programme Operations
Malaria Consortium
Ravi Shankar
GIS Expert
WHO - GIS Center for Health
The advisory committee will meet once a quarter.
(References: https://digitalprinciples.org/; eGov’s product approach to building products and DPIs)
Understand the problem and reimagine futures with the ecosystem:
Understand the problems of different actors, and their problems.
Refer to existing research, consult experts, involve stakeholders, and engage with end-users to develop an understanding of the problem space.
Develop and articulate a point of view.
Validate and refine this understanding through dialogue and discussion.
Reimagine futures.
Prioritise solving pivotal problems:
Keep the focus on pivotal problems, enabling services and not pointing solutions
Prioritise design and development of what will be used:
Design and development effort is scarce and hence should be prioritised towards capabilities that will be used, that is, in a specific implementation.
Co-create with actors:
Design and co-create along with users and ecosystem actors
Design and plan for scale from the beginning:
Build in flexibility, modularity, and simplicity from the start.
Identify and design for scale levers.
Follow a holistic design approach:
Holistic design incorporates functional, visual, process, tech, and business models. and policy considerations.
Design for people and the needs of different types of people.
Think in terms of affordances (UI/UX, channels, language, etc.) and not just the technical capabilities of the system.
Design for change.
Reuse and evolve:
Leverage the work done by others and evolve that.
Everything does not need to be reinvented.
Follow an ecosystem-first approach:
What can be done by the ecosystem, should be done by the ecosystem.
Plan for enabling and co-creating with the ecosystem.
Put out artefacts that will enable others to reuse and evolve what’s already been done.
Define success from the beneficiary’s perspective
Define what success looks like from the perspective of those who we are solving for.
Solve for beneficiaries, with citizens being the first among them.
Plan to track, measure, and iterate from the beginning.
For more details, click on the following links:
Digital Product Advisory Committee
Here are the articles in this section:
To learn more about the April 2023 session, click on the following link:
August 13, 2024
To present the Health Campaign Management product roadmap and identify the pain points currently associated with conducting health campaigns in Africa.
Key Expertise
Marcy Erskine
Malaria Advisor
Alliance for Malaria Prevention
Robert Opoku
Project Management
Alliance for Malaria Prevention
Elijah Egwu
Digital Health Advisor
Catholic Relief Services
Lakshmi Balachandran
Digital Health Specialist
Clinton Health Access Initiative
Abhishek Suresh
Product Management
eGov Foundation
Jojo Mehra
Product Management
eGov Foundation
Krishna Srinivasan
Product Management
eGov Foundation
Nita Tyagi
Partnerships & Growth
eGov Foundation
Varun Basu
Partnerships & Growth
eGov Foundation
Satish Choudhury
Digital Health Specialist
Gates Foundation
Sidharth Rupani
Supply Chain Design
Global Fund
Liberty Bunce
Digital Health Specialist
Malaria Consortium
Tom Heslop
Malaria Programme Operations
Malaria Consortium
Ravi Shankar
GIS Expert
WHO - GIS Center for Health
SL No.
Attendance management
Additional method to prove the identity of the person giving attendance using QR code/IDs
Liberty, Elijah, Jojo, Abhishek, Satish
Attendance management
Easier and quicker user creation and access management
Elijah, Jojo, Abhishek
Attendance management
Attendance management on field for quicker response to changes in teams
Elijah, Jojo, Abhishek
Login credentials
Possibility of scanning QR codes instead of usernames for access
Elijah, Jojo, Abhishek
Bale scanning
Bale scanning operational issues in Liberia
Marcy, Nita, Jojo, Sid
Voucher scanning
Voucher scanning issues in Liberia
Marcy, Jojo
Voucher scanning
Tracking all vouchers procured for campaign in the system
Elijah, Marcy,Jojo
Improve GIS accuracy
Ravi, Jojo, Abhishek
Introduction and context setting by Jojo
a. Proposal to conduct this meeting once a quarter, with the next one hopefully in person.
b. SMC and Bednet Campaigns have been conducted so far, with IRS, LF, and Polio campaigns to be conducted in the coming months.
Product Roadmap Walkthrough by Abhishek
a. Discussion of existing HCM capabilities as well as planned capabilities to be added over the following months.
Attendance Management, presented by Abhishek
a. Liberty outlined the importance of preventing fraud, and stressed the need for an additional method to prove the identity of the person giving attendance, In addition to a simple yes/no, perhaps IDs could be involved in attendance taking as well.
b. Elijah brought up the need for a user creation and access management feature.
Jojo responded that this feature is coming up in the admin console.
c. Elijah suggested scanning a QR code as proof of ID for taking attendance. This would help in fraud prevention.
Jojo responded that this could be done for attendance at a solution level.
d. Elijah also suggested using QR codes as a form of identification, instead of usernames and passwords. The printed QR code would provide login credentials. This would solve the need for teams to converge at a central location at the end of the day for attendance-taking.
Jojo agreed that this is something we need to understand further.
e. Elijah also brought up the need to be able to edit and add records of campaign participants. Currently, the central team has to add the records of the replacements for participants who drop out. Names are misspelled as well.
Abhishek stated that this is possible and would reach out to Elijah
f. Satish wanted a follow-up meeting on attendance capabilities.
Code Scanning, presented by Abhishek
a. Sid stated that a lot of the input is going to be upstream or downstream of the technical system and that it would be useful to understand both sides of it.
Jojo suggested a follow-up call with Sid to understand this further.
b. Marcy stated that there have been operational issues involved in bale scanning in Liberia, starting with training. A further deep dive is needed to discuss this.
c. Bale scanning conversation to be orchestrated by Nita.
Voucher Scanning, presented by Abhishek
a. Marcy stated that control of the vouchers had been lost in Liberia. Vouchers were unused in the field because no one knew who they were meant for. There was little visibility on what had been sent to districts, issued to supervisors, issued to households, and remained to be collected and returned. This needs to be addressed going forward in Liberia and in Burundi.
b. Nita added that sometimes people did not have voucher details and hence were denied bednets.
c. In response to Marcy, Elijah stated that it was an implementation issue in Liberia. There is scope to improve voucher management, for example, tracking all vouchers in the system. This way, vouchers could be shipped and tracked to their respective points of issuance .
d. Elijah brought out the need for guidance on the use of each functionality. The outcome of not following the prescribed SOP needs to be stated at each stage of the product.
e. Jojo mentioned that the SOPs need to be adhered to. For instance, when vouchers are issued, the SOP to collect the vouchers after handing over the bednets needs to be followed, or else there is a likelihood of bednets being delivered against the same voucher more than once.
Location Accuracy and GIS Dashboard, presented by Abhishek
a. Jojo called for participants' opinions on what distance they felt constituted a good level of accuracy. Currently, 94% of geo-coordinates are accurate within 20 meters, and almost 80% are within 5-10 meters.
b. Ravi stated that 5-10 meters constituted a great level of accuracy and that there are constraints on the level of accuracy that can be obtained due to structures, trees, etc. Coordinates could be aggregated together on a grid and displayed in dashboards. The value of the programme comes from both spatial and non-spatial data. Furthermore, only clustered data is released since countries have shown resistance to releasing individual-level data.
c. Ravi also spoke of the need to have baseline data like imagery, building footprints, etc., and stated that this should be the future focus. This data would help in time analysis to answer questions such as which areas have a shortage of bednets or what is the optimal coverage for delivery centers.
d. Ravi put forth the need to build a culture with the enumerators on the accuracy of data capture. Accuracy would be better with towers and is often limited to 10-20 meters because there are no towers nearby to triangulate coordinates. Another problem is that when people get into a house and start the survey, the walls obscure the signal.
f. Ravi brought out the value of GIS data both when taking micro-level decisions regarding operations and at a higher level among decision-makers. The value provided would be diminished if the GIS data could not be obtained in a timely manner.
The event was hosted at the Kofisi coworking space in Nairobi and began with Jojo (Chief Product Officer) welcoming all the partners followed by Abhishek (Product Manager) providing a recap of the previous DPAC event held in Quarter 2. The session then transitioned to a detailed walkthrough of the HCM roadmap, highlighting its evolution over the past few months and offering a preview of planned developments for the next two quarters. Updates on key discussion points from the previous session were also shared, reflecting feedback from the DPAC committees, which had been incorporated into the updated roadmap. The presentation deck used during the session is below:
Abhishek Suresh Product Manager - eGov Foundation “The partner feedback from each DPAC session is continuously enriching the HCM roadmap ”
Afterward, each partner shared a presentation in the prescribed format highlighting the key issues they believe need attention in the health campaigns.
Elijah Egwu, Senior Technical Advisor for Digital Health at CRS, focused on the challenges of suboptimal data use, making it difficult for users to know the next steps intuitively. He also brought up the issue of inconsistencies in user records during payments, which sparked a lot of discussion. You can find the full presentation deck is below:
Elijah Egwu Senior Technical Advisor - Digital Health, Catholic Relief Services “Authentication of users is most critical for payments to campaign workers”
Robert from AMP highlighted the importance of digitizing microplanning, pointing out how the lack of it leads to significant challenges, such as lost manpower days and wasted resources due to incorrect allocations. He also emphasized the need for better payment integration, as delays in processing payments negatively impact team morale and contribute to attrition. You can access the full presentation below.
Robert Opoku Senior Project Officer - IFRC “Campaign coverage decreases due to inaccurate targeting and misallocation of resources increases logistical cost”
Brad Didier, Associate Director for Malaria & NTD at CHAI, highlighted the need for increased customization options in the dashboard UI. The eGov team was excited to announce that this will be possible with the upcoming release of HCM version 1.6, which will allow programs to create custom dashboards alongside the standard out-of-the-box options. He also emphasized the importance of configuring and tailoring the HCM to meet region-specific needs—a feature planned for inclusion in the HCM console next quarter. Brad covered several other critical topics, including payments, attendance tracking, multiple registries, and issues with beneficiary ID duplication. You can find his full presentation attached below:
Brad Didier Associate Director for Malaria & NTD - CHAI "Having configurability in the HCM console and training in-country technical teams will reduce dependency and boost ministry confidence for sustained product adoption across campaigns"
Idil Hussein, Digital Finance Officer at the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Africa, provided valuable insights into how the WHO Afro Digital Finance Team manages payments for health campaigns using the CommCare tool developed by Dimagi. She walked through the end-to-end payment process, highlighting the challenges faced and the solutions implemented, focusing on the integration with mobile money operators. Idil also shared key strategies and lessons learned from their experiences. The full presentation is available below:
Idil Hussein Digital Finance Officer - WHO Regional Office for Africa “Clear communication on payment timelines, amounts, and composition can help set vaccinators' expectations and enhance their payment experience”
Jon Carver, Senior Advisor at the WHO GIS Centre for Health, emphasized the underutilization of geospatial data and tools in health campaigns and highlighted the critical need for accurate population data in campaign planning. He underscored the importance of GIS-enabled microplanning to improve efficiency and resource allocation. You can access the full presentation below:
Jon Carver Senior Advisor, WHO GIS Centre for Health "Without precise population estimates and clear health boundaries, we risk inefficiently distributing resources and missing the very communities we aim to serve."
Liberty Bunce, Senior Digital Health Specialist at Malaria Consortium, highlighted challenges related to verifying and authenticating user identities during payments, as well as the lack of data visibility for field supervisors. The team was pleased to announce that these issues are being addressed with the mobile dashboards introduced in HCM version 1.5, enabling team leads to monitor on-ground field performance more effectively. The full presentation can be accessed below:
Liberty Bunce Senior Digital Health Specialist, Malaria Consortium “Payment delays, though not uncommon, can harm implementers’ morale and willingness to participate, leading to potential dropout and the need for mid-campaign replacements”
The team gathered and consolidated all the key points raised during the discussions and presentations. These insights were organized using post-it notes, which were then grouped into key categories for better clarity and analysis. Through this collaborative exercise, four major themes emerged as the primary focus areas across all the presentations.
The afternoon session was a fun and interactive session led by Jojo, that got everyone to take a ‘’stand’’ on a diverse range of topics that are quite debatable. For eg: Where does everyone stand (literally) for a topic such as campaigns needing more money or more innovation. It was fascinating to see opposing views on most topics and hear everyone’s unique perspectives—it really got the room buzzing!
An image from the exercise captures the team expressing a range of perspectives on a topic, with Marcy from AMP boldly taking a stance at one extreme, standing apart from the rest. Her reasoning persuaded several team members to reconsider their positions.
This image shows the room's opinion on a specific issue split almost 50:50. Marcy from AMP can be seen right in the center of the room, offering a balanced perspective.
Later in the session, the participants were divided into smaller groups and assigned to different tables for focused discussions. Each group tackled one of the key themes that had emerged earlier, delving into the specific questions and challenges associated with their topic. The teams engaged in lively brainstorming sessions to propose possible solutions and share their insights. The day concluded with thoughtful closing remarks from Chandar Muthukrishnan (CEO, Equidhi), summarizing the key takeaways and setting the stage for the next steps.
An image of the group discussions on the presentations by the participants
An image of the group discussions on the presentations by the participants
Chandar Muthukrishnan - Chief Executive Officer, Equidhi delivering closing statement
The participants shared several valuable ideas and suggestions during the discussions, including:
SMS Reminders:
- Provide an option for the population to opt out of receiving reminders.
- Assess the practicality of using one phone per family for communication.
- Population should have the ability to opt out of these reminders
Data Protection:
- Ensure strict adherence to local data protection laws to safeguard privacy and compliance.
CHW Engagement:
Utilise Community Health Workers (CHWs) across multiple campaigns through a unified user registry, promoting job continuity and consistency.
Government Ownership:
- Advocate for government management of base datasets to ensure standardized and consistent data across campaigns.
Beneficiary IDs:
- Begin implementing IDs for campaign workers first as a pilot before scaling the system to include beneficiaries.
KOFISI 9, Nairobi | 03rd December, 2024
Event Detail
09:00am - 09:05am
5 mins
Speaker - Jojo
09:05am - 09:20am
15 mins
DPAC Recap
Session by Abhishek
09:20am - 11:40am
2 hours 20 mins
Partner Presentations
Partners present the top 3 (max 5) challenges that they are facing in campaigns and/or digitalisation of campaigns. Each partner org gets 15 mins to present (5 mins presentation + 10 mins Q&A)
11:40am - 12:00pm
20 mins
Tea/Coffee Break
12:00pm - 01:00pm
1 hour
Breakout Sessions
Break out and collate a shared understanding of the most important issues
01:00pm - 02:00pm
1 hour
02:00pm - 03:00pm
1 hour
Fun Session
Fun session by Jojo
03:00pm - 04:00pm
1 hour
Priority Alignment for HCM
Align on the priorities in HCM for the next 12 months
04:00pm - 04:15pm
15 mins
Tea/Coffee Break
04:15pm - 04:45pm
30 mins
5 Thread
Session by Jojo
04:45pm - 05:15pm
30 mins
Support & Capacity Build
What support/capacity building do you expect from eGov?
05:15pm - 05:20pm
5 mins
Brad Didier
CHAI - Clinton Health Access Initiative
With over 15 years working in global public health, primarily in Africa, he serves as the Associate Director for Malaria & NTD Data to Action at the Clinton Health Access Initiative and is based in Nairobi. He helps lead CHAI’s portfolio of support to Ministries of Health in improving data use for improved malaria programming, including support to building sustainable, integrated, end-to-end campaign digitization systems that improve the coverage, quality, and efficiency of health campaigns.
Sonia Maria Enosse
MC - Malaria Consortium
A Ph.D. in Molecular Epidemiology from the University of Copenhagen, she joined Mozambique’s National Institute of Health in 1999, contributing to malaria epidemiology, drug resistance, and HIV research. From 2001–2006, she worked at the Manhiça Health Research Center (CISM) on malaria drug resistance and vaccine trials. As Malaria Consortium’s Country Technical Coordinator since 2022, she leads projects in Mozambique on seasonal malaria chemoprevention, digital health platforms, and strengthening surveillance, data quality, and community health initiatives.
Abdul Razak Mussa
MC - Malaria Consortium
A Mozambican digital health specialist with 10+ years of experience in data management, M&E, and digital health systems, he works with Malaria Consortium in Maputo, leading digital health platforms for community health workers and supporting the National Malaria Control Program. Formerly with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and ICAP, he implemented electronic health systems for pediatric HIV treatment. Pursuing an MPH at Eduardo Mondlane University, he is dedicated to advancing scalable digital health solutions in Mozambique.
Liberty Bunce
MC - Malaria Consortium
As a Senior Digital Health Specialist at Malaria Consortium, she leads the global digital health strategy, focusing on campaign digitalisation, community-based healthcare, and malaria surveillance across Africa and Asia. Based in the UK, she provides technical support for designing and implementing digital health programmes. With 12 years of experience in project design, programme management, and business development in digital health and international development, Liberty holds an MPhil in Modern South Asian Studies from the University of Cambridge.
Louise Cook
MC - Malaria Consortium
With a Master's in International Development, she has worked at Malaria Consortium for five years, transitioning from girls' education in India to health-focused programme management. As East and Southern Africa Risk and Regional Programmes Manager, she supports Mozambique, Uganda, South Sudan, and Ethiopia in ensuring programme compliance, performance, and impact. She also collaborates on country strategies and business development, driving efforts to achieve sustainable growth and positive outcomes in the region.
Dr Marcy Erskine
AMP - Alliance for Malaria Prevention
She leads Malaria Programs at the IFRC and the Alliance for Malaria Prevention (AMP), focusing on expanding access to insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) through campaigns and continuous distribution. She has supported national malaria programs across sub-Saharan Africa to ensure high-quality, efficient ITN distribution. Marcy oversees a team of experts working in strategy, logistics, supply chain management, social behavior change, monitoring and evaluation, and digitalization, advancing impactful and sustainable malaria prevention efforts globally.
Robert Opoku
AMP - Alliance for Malaria Prevention
A public health expert with over 10 years of experience in malaria control, digital health, and project management. At AMP/IFRC, he develops tools and guidance for health campaign digitalization, supports national malaria programs, and coordinates the annual multi-stakeholder campaign digitalization meeting. He holds an MPH, an MSc in Development Management, and a PMP certification. Robert is passionate about leveraging technology and data to improve the efficiency and impact of health interventions.
Samuel Omara
WHO GISC - World Health Organization Geographic Information Systems Centre for Health
With 13+ years of experience in humanitarian emergencies across Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, he is now a GIS and Information Management specialist. Having worked with WHO, UNOCHA, IMMAP, and Danish Refugee Council, he integrates GIS and innovative technologies into public health systems during emergencies, including climate crises, refugee responses, and disease outbreaks. Currently with WHO GISC, he leads climate and health in emergencies, focusing on geospatial products and data visualization to address climate impacts on health.
Jon Carver
WHO GISC - World Health Organization Geographic Information Systems Centre for Health
In his total 30 years of experience, 24 years he has worked in humanitarian and development organizations. He specializes in conceptualizing and implementing response operations, recovery programs, and readiness projects in complex environments. Jon has worked with organizations like the UN, WFP, WHO, and IFRC in countries including Thailand, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Africa. Currently, he serves as Senior Advisor at the WHO GIS Centre for Health, developing teams, partnerships, and scaling resources in emergency and development settings.
Elijah Egwu
CRS - Catholic Relief Services
A Senior Technical Advisor for Digital Health at CRS, leading efforts to integrate digital public goods (DPGs) into health projects across Africa and the Middle East. He has pioneered digital health campaigns in over 15 countries, enabling the distribution of over 50 million malaria commodities. Elijah helps CRS transition to DPGs, partners with organizations like the eGovernment Foundation, and co-leads the development of digital health products. He also oversees ICT4D initiatives, digital health pilots, and capacity-building efforts.
Satish Choudhury
BMGF - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
With over 15 years of experience in digital health and supply chain management, he focuses on using technology to improve health outcomes in underserved communities. As a Malaria Program Officer at BMGF, he builds coalitions to scale solutions beyond pilots, strengthens local capacity, and promotes data-driven decision-making. Satish aims to shift global malaria efforts toward a data-driven, country-led approach, integrating cross-disease strategies to maximize health impact and build evidence for sustainable outcomes.
Idil Hussein
WHO AFRO - World Health Organization, African Region
Being a Digital Finance Officer with the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Africa, she works in support of Ministries of Health and WHO country offices in the African Region to establish and strengthen digital payment systems, ensuring that frontline health workers are paid rapidly and reliably during polio outbreak responses. Prior to joining WHO, Idil held various finance roles with the Royal Bank of Canada and The Bank of Nova Scotia based in Toronto, Canada.
Srikant Mohan
CHAI - Clinton Health Access Initiative
He is a Senior Technical Advisor, Digital Health and Health System Strengthening with Clinton Health Access Initiative. He is leading Public Finance Management at CHAI. His work has spanned different verticals such as global public health, technology for development, reproductive maternal and child health and outbreak disease modelling, and has managed significant partnerships with national governments, global funders and presented at conferences globally.