Here are the articles in this section:
This enables a user to manage stocks, besides facilitating stock reconciliation.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
After a successful login as a warehouse manager, a user lands on the home screen which consists of "Manage Stock", and "Stock Reconciliation".-
This screen consists of the following types of transactions that take place for the the inventory:
Stock Receipt
Stock Issued
Stock Returned
Stock Damaged
Stock Loss
When a user clicks on record stock receipt, the warehouse details screen will appear.
The latitude/longitude captures the geo-location of the warehouse which can be fetched with the help of the location icon within the field.
Clicking on the next button will navigate the user to the "Received Stock" details screen.
The "Receipt Stock Details" form has some mandatory fields: product, received from warehouse, and quantity received.
The optional fields include waybill number, quantity indicated on waybill, transport type, vehicle number, and comments.
Clicking on the submit button will take the user to the success page.
This screen captures the mandatory fields: Product, Issued to warehouse, and the quantity.
The optional fields include waybill number, quantity indicated on waybill, transport type, vehicle number and comments.
Clicking on the submit button will go to the success page.
This screen captures the mandatory fields: Product, returned to warehouse, and quantity returned.
The optional fields are waybill number, quantity indicated on waybill, transport type, vehicle number, and comments.
Clicking on the submit button will take the user to the success page.
This screen captures the mandatory fields: Product, damaged during, received from, and quantity damaged.
The optional fields include waybill number, quantity indicated on waybill, transport type, vehicle number, and comments.
Clicking on the submit button will take he user to the success page.
This screen captures the mandatory fields: Product, lost during, received from, and quantity lost.
The optional fields are wWaybill Number, quantity indicated on waybill, transport type, vehicle number, and comments.
Clicking on the submit button will take the user to the success page.
When the user clicks on the stock reconciliation button on the home screen, he/she is navigated to this screen where he/she needs to verify whether the physical count and calculated stock values are the same or not.
In the select product field, the user needs to select a product from the dropdown.
There are warehouse name and administrative area fields as well, all of which are mandatory.
After a user logs into the HCM app, the project selection screen displays all the projects assigned to the user.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
A user has to select one project.
After selecting a project, the system downloads the data for the selected project only.
After every login action, the system will automatically syncs the data with the system.
Since the user will log in only at the start of the day and before going into the field, there must be stable internet connectivity for the device to perform this process.
A “Sync in Progress” window appears on the screen and the user cannot perform any other action until the process is complete.
Project Selection Screen
Digit Project Cell:
Digit Elevated Button:
When the user opens the application, it asks them to first select the language. The selected language is highlighted in orange colour.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
A user can switch the language.
A user can click on 'Continue' to navigate to the login screen.
File Path
Language Selection Screen
Users are redirected to this screen once they select the preferred language in the previous screen.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
A user can log in to the app by giving the User ID and Password.
The "Forgot Password" button gives a user the option to contact the administrator to reset if he/she has forgotten the password.
Login Screen
Users are redirected to this screen once they click on the "Forgot Password" button in the language selection screen.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
Clicking on the forgot password option in the login page opens a popup message “Please contact your administrator if you have forgotten your password”.
Forgot Password Dialog
Digit Dialog :
Below is the diagram of the components that are there in the HCM App and attendance package, and how the interaction happens:
Add attendance package dependency in pubspec.
Create a bloc that extends the attendance listener class and creates the override methods.
Create model classes that import attendance models and add companion class.
Create repositories local and remote as per project requirements and structure.
Add typedef for repositories in untils/typedef.
Initialise repo in network manager, and create oplog.
Create SQL tables in case of offline.
Add navigation to manage the attendance page from the HCM app, and pass the required fields.
Language Selection Card :
Input Field :
Notification SnackBar:
Elevated Button:
This module helps in marking the attendance of the field users (referred to as attendees), who are supposed to work on the campaign till the campaign is live.
This module has 3 associated screens:
Manage Attendance
Date and Session Selection
Mark Attendance
Once the supervisor clicks on the “Manage Attendance” button, the supervisor is taken to the attendance registers mapped to them. The attendance registers are to be created manually, by taking a combination of the project, and the supervisor or staff member is mapped to it.
Campaign name
Name of the campaign.
Event type
Type of event where attendance is done, that is training or distribution.
Start date
Start date of the campaign.
End date
End date of the campaign.
If the end date is passed, the status will be inactive, or if the register status is inactive, the status will be inactive, else, the status will be active.
Staff count
Number of attendees in the register.
Attendance completion
Shows the number of days for which attendance has been submitted submitted to the server.
Fetch all attendance logs for the register.
Based on the sessions configured for the register, check for the logs where the entry time and the exit time are equal to the start and the end time of the session.
For individuals who do not have logs that are the same as the start and the end time will be by default marked as absent if any of the individuals' logs is present for the register.
//generateDateList will return the map of completed attendance Dates.
list = generateDateList(
registerCompletedLogs ?? [],
e.attendanceRegister.additionalDetails?["sessions"] != 2,
var completedDaysCount =
e.attendanceRegister.additionalDetails?["sessions"] == 2
? list.length ~/ 2 //for registers with 2 sessions
: list.length; ////for registers with single session
The date selection range commences from the start date of the attendance register and extends to the end date of the register or today's date if today falls before the end date of the register.
If the attendance for a past day is already submitted, then the CTA must change to view attendance from mark attendance.
Upon selecting the attendance register, a list of completed dates is generated. We iterate over the dates from the start date to the current date, checking for any missing dates in the list to identify missed attendance dates.
The trainees or supervisors should be able to mark the attendance daily twice (one for entry and exit) against each register (default configuration for sessions).
Supervisors can mark half-day, full-day, and absent - Definitions of the statuses are as follows:
Not marked: Default status in the register. This must be the status when the user has not taken any action on the line item.
Present: Tapping once must change the "Not Marked" status to 'Present' (Not Marked —> Present).
Absent: Tapping twice must change the 'Present' status to 'Absent' (Not Marked —> Present—->Absent).
Half-day (Only if config requires attendance once a day): Tapping thrice must change the absent status to half-day (Not Marked —> Present—->Absent—-> Half Day).
Save and Mark Later: If the user marks attendance for 10 out of 50 people, and clicks on save and mark later, the supervisor should be able to reopen the given attendance register while it is active and see the status of the attendance marked as per the last time they updated the screen.
Submit: If the user marks attendance for 10 out of 50 people, and clicks on submit, an error message is shown to mark attendance for all staff. After marking attendance for all staff, and clicking on submit, the supervisor navigates to the attendance recorded acknowledgement screen.
For the registers, for which attendance is submitted, we have a flag upload_to_server for each log. If this is true, then the attendance for the register is submitted.
As we cannot send absent logs to the server, we filter the present and half-day logs, and create the oplog for those.
For each marking, two log objects are created for sending to the server: ENTRY and EXIT as shown below:
"registerId": registerId,
"individualId": attendeeList.individualId,
"time": entryTime,
"type": "ENTRY",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"tenantId": tenantId,
"documentIds": []
"registerId": registerId,
"individualId": attendeeList.individualId,
"time": exitTime,
"type": "EXIT",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"tenantId": tenantId,
"documentIds": []