Users are redirected to this screen once they select the preferred language in the previous screen.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
A user can login to app by giving the User ID and Password.
The "Forgot Password" button gives a user the option to contact the administrator reset if he/she has forgotten the password.
Login Screen
Input Field :
Notification SnackBar:
Elevated Button:
After a user logs into the HCM app, the project selection screen displays all the projects assigned to the user.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
A user has to select one project.
After selecting a project, the system downloads the data for the selected project only.
After every login action, the system will automatically syncs the data with the system.
Since the user will log in only at the start of the day and before going into the field, there must be stable internet connectivity for the device to perform this process.
A “Sync in Progress” window appears on the screen and the user cannot perform any other action until the process is complete.
Project Selection Screen
Digit Project Cell:
Digit Elevated Button:
When the user opens the application, it asks them to first select the language. The selected language is highlighted in orange colour.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
A user can switch the language.
A user can click on 'Continue' to navigate to the login screen.
File Path
Language Selection Screen
Language Selection Card :
Beneficiary registration involves the registration of households and individuals using the HCM application. When field, and district supervisors navigate to the home screen, the beneficiaries button is visible to them.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
A user can register a new household only after attempting a search.
A user has to click on the "Register New Household" button to register a household.
After the user clicks on "Register New Household", the page navigates to the "Household Location" page.
The "Administrative Area" is the only mandatory field. "Address Line 1", "Address Line 2", 'Landmark' and "Postal Code" are optional fields.
Clicking on the 'Next' button will take the user to the "Household Details" page where the number of members living in the household can be registered.
Clicking the 'Next' button will take the user the "Individual details" screen.
The first individual added will be the "Head of Household" by default.
The name, ID type, and ID number fields are mandatory. Users can enter the date of birth or their age. The date birth will take precedence over age.
When the user clicks on the submit button, a popup appears asking for confirmation.
If the user clicks on ‘Submit’, the household is registered and a confirmation screen is displayed.
The user can click on the "Back to Search" button for editing the household or register new household fields.
Click on the open card to navigate to the detailed page of the household.
There is an "Edit Household" button for editing household details, which navigates the user to the household location screen. The service delivery status is present below the household’s name followed by the administrative area and the number of members.
There are cards for each member, starting from the household head. The card consists of the ‘Edit’ button for individual-level actions.
For adding new members to the household, there is the "Add Member" button below the member cards, which navigates the user to the "Individual Details" screen.
At the bottom, the "Deliver Intervention" button is present which navigates the user to the update delivery screen.
The articles in this section include the following:
Users are redirected to this screen once they click on the "Forgot Password" button in the language selection screen.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
Clicking on the forgot password option in the login page opens a popup message “Please contact your administrator if you have forgotten your password”.
Forgot Password Dialog
Digit Dialog :
This gives an overview of the number of the number of resources to be delivered. It also enables a user to decide how many resources need to be delivered to a household.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
The "Deliver Intervention" button navigates the user to the following screen:
The “Number Of Resources For Delivery” must be automatically calculated by the system based on the value entered in the number of household members registered, including the household head.
The ‘Resource Delivered’ field consists of all the possible resources that can be delivered in a particular project.
In the ‘Quantity Distributed’ field, the user can decide how many resources need to be delivered to that household against the value generated by the system. The user can increase or decrease the count through the ‘+’ or ‘-’ buttons respectively.
The user can add a delivery comment if the service is not delivered due to a specific reason or situation in the "Delivery Comment" field, which is a dropdown field with some common reasons that may take place.
After reviewing the details, the user can click on the submit button which will save the details of the household in the system. After validating the details, the confirmation screen appears.
The "My Checklist" screen allows supervisors to perform random or scheduled inspections, and record observations of the inspection activity.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
Clicking on "My Checklist," will display the checklists assigned to the user role.
Clicking on any checklist will show a popup with
- Create Checklist
- View Submitted Checklists
File Path :
The "Create Checklist" option will allow the supervisor to fill the checklist against the date and the administrative area.
The "View Submitted Checklists" will show the checklists submitted by the supervisor.
This enables a user to manage stocks, besides facilitating stock reconciliation.
On this page, the following actions can be performed:
After a successful login as a warehouse manager, a user lands on the home screen which consists of "Manage Stock", and "Stock Reconciliation".-
This screen consists of the following types of transactions that take place for the the inventory:
Stock Receipt
Stock Issued
Stock Returned
Stock Damaged
Stock Loss
When a user clicks on record stock receipt, the warehouse details screen will appear.
The latitude/longitude captures the geo-location of the warehouse which can be fetched with the help of the location icon within the field.
Clicking on the next button will navigate the user to the "Received Stock" details screen.
The "Receipt Stock Details" form has some mandatory fields: product, received from warehouse, and quantity received.
The optional fields include waybill number, quantity indicated on waybill, transport type, vehicle number, and comments.
Clicking on the submit button will take the user to the success page.
This screen captures the mandatory fields: Product, Issued to warehouse, and the quantity.
The optional fields include waybill number, quantity indicated on waybill, transport type, vehicle number and comments.
Clicking on the submit button will go to the success page.
This screen captures the mandatory fields: Product, returned to warehouse, and quantity returned.
The optional fields are waybill number, quantity indicated on waybill, transport type, vehicle number, and comments.
Clicking on the submit button will take the user to the success page.
This screen captures the mandatory fields: Product, damaged during, received from, and quantity damaged.
The optional fields include waybill number, quantity indicated on waybill, transport type, vehicle number, and comments.
Clicking on the submit button will take he user to the success page.
This screen captures the mandatory fields: Product, lost during, received from, and quantity lost.
The optional fields are wWaybill Number, quantity indicated on waybill, transport type, vehicle number, and comments.
Clicking on the submit button will take the user to the success page.
When the user clicks on the stock reconciliation button on the home screen, he/she is navigated to this screen where he/she needs to verify whether the physical count and calculated stock values are the same or not.
In the select product field, the user needs to select a product from the dropdown.
There are warehouse name and administrative area fields as well, all of which are mandatory.